I think the beautiful Oksana has been left in peace for far too long, so here's a heap of pics.
She's making lots of films too, a thriller called "Antalya" is due for release this year, and two in 2009, "Ya" and "Probka" A search for "Оксана Акиньшина" turns up lots of stuff.
and finally one I call "Get your finger out of there" with Sergej Shnurov playing the part of "The Finger"
Not a great fan of drawing all over the body, but don't mind the odd small tat on an ankle or back. But one that looks like Elton John's earring is a bit much.
AND...It must be so annoying to search for pics on Russian sites all the time, so many of them seem to be infected with malware and viruses. My virus checker went into overdrive.