Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Discuss Lukas Moodysson's first feature film Fucking Åmål (Show me Love).

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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:51 pm

Elin is in their apartment alone. It´s so quiet. Not even a ticking clock. It feels she´s the last person in the world or something like that. She has a panic attack. She takes her wallet and mp3-player (it´s 2010) and grabs her jacket and walks away without goal. Her keys and phone are still at home. She leaves the apartment unlocked. She has no idea how she ended up at the railway station in Skövde. An express train from south (Gothenburg) stops at the platform. Suddenly, without knowing why, she gets on the train to Stockholm.

Agnes is driving home from her work. Suddenly she realizes that she has to pick up Theo from his school. Theo is waiting for her. He is soaking wet and in a bad mood. He tells Agnes that he´s bullied at school because he has "two mums"
His life at home also a pain for him. He wants to move away with his mum (Elin) He thinks thats a great idea. And the reason for that is simple according to him. "You and mum don't love each other anymore". Agnes dosent know what to reply.

I will continue.... :D
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:12 am

Elin is on the train. She looks at the nature and villages through the window, and her reflection. She thinks of her childhood and the dreams she had of being an adult and the life she actually has.
Become a mother at 15, dropped of school at the same time, unemployed and lives with a girlfriend who hates her. Maybe it wasn't meant to be like this? Maybe she should get a handsome guy instead?
Perhaps it would be better than an identity crisis girlfriend who hates her? A guy a few seats away looks at her. He smiles and Elin smiles back....
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:04 pm

(OK... I will finish it now) :)

Agnes opens the door to their apartment (It´s unlocked.(I dont know where Theo is)) To her surprise, she notices that no one is there :shock: :shock: But Elin´s keys and phone is on a table or something.
Elin is.......... GONE :shock: :( :shock: :( Agnes wonders what is going on. No note at all or SMS. In her head all kinds of horrible scenarios takes place. "Elin has been kidnapped" "She has been murdered" " She has she met a guy from the neighboring town" "She has committed suicide" etc etc.. :( Agnes sits down on a chair. Will it end like this? A new life without Elin? What is she soppose to do with their apartment? her job? and Theo???
She has so many questions in her head. She feels abandoned, dumped, sad and very worried. "Soon they will call me from the hospital, or the police" In short terms: She is miserable :( :( :( :( :( :(
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:27 am

Elin walks around at Stockholm train station. Lots of stressed people comes and goes. Elin is not impressed and she is mad at herself. "Why can´t I be satisfied?" "A trip to Stockholm completely spontaneously, must be my dumbest idea ever"
"FFS I don't even know anyone in Stockholm" She feels alone. She starts thinking about Agnes. Hmm.... I must call her. She may be wondering or even worried. But Elin´s phone is in Skövde. She keeps walking around and there it is.
An old phonebox :o :o . Elin was a little surprised, because she thought they had been removed a long time ago. She managed to get it work. She dials Agnes... She thinks.."OK Elin, now it´s time to be honest, no lies now" "Agnes! Please answer!"
Elin is very nervous by now.

Agnes´s phone rings. She hesitates to answer, but she thinks "OK, this is it, bring on the bad news"

Agnes: Hello! It´s Agnes..
Elin: Hi....ehh it´s me, I´m in Stockholm.

After weeks, maybe months, they actually starts to talk to each other. Elin explains that she had a breakdown. Agnes was completely understanding. They both admit that they feel bad and their relation is a mess. When did it happen? and why?
They used to be so happy, only a couple years ago. And now, they both admits, what they are most annoyed about is each other. And now they are hundreds of kilometers apart and they are lonely and miserable. At the same time they said it..
I miss you!! *:)* *:)* *:)*

The last word in this short story is Elin´s. She explains that their relation is better now. Agnes and her wont give up. Relationship is a struggle and a fight. Stuff like that *:)* *:)* *:)*
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Sun Apr 14, 2024 1:20 am

20240413_220017.jpg (65.28 KiB) Viewed 502 times
Here is the picture of "Elin" I mentioned earlier. :D :D I´m not sure, but it can be Alex pretending to be Elin in 2010 :D
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Santi » Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:21 pm

Bjorn wrote:He tried to rob a jewelry store in Karlstad (it´s always Karlstad :lol: :lol: ) He failed and was sent to prison.

JOHAN wanted to ask Elin to marry him with a very expensive ring but he didn't have the money.

Bjorn wrote:After some years Johan gets released from prison and is now doing an OK job as a dad at every other weekend. He starts to work and becomes a decent citizen.

In prison he learned many things and when he got out he decided to become a jeweler to get Elin back.
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Santi » Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:27 pm

This story, I don't know who wrote it but it is full of inconsistencies. It doesn't hold up anywhere.

Bjorn wrote: Theo is waiting for her. He is soaking wet and in a bad mood. He tells Agnes that he´s bullied at school because he has "two mums"

When parents separate. The other's partner never calls her mother. And here he talks about 2 mothers. Johan is the father and at school they know it. :Y
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Santi » Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:32 pm

Bjorn wrote:Elin walks around at Stockholm train station. Lots of stressed people comes and goes. Elin is not impressed and she is mad at herself. "Why can´t I be satisfied?" "A trip to Stockholm completely spontaneously, must be my dumbest idea ever"
"FFS I don't even know anyone in Stockholm" She feels alone. She starts thinking about Agnes.

I believe that Elin's subconscious made the trip that the two of them tried to take in the car on the first day they kissed and deep down it is a message to Agnes, let's return to the happiness of the first day.
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:10 am

Santi wrote:This story, I don't know who wrote it but it is full of inconsistencies. It doesn't hold up anywhere.

Bjorn wrote: Theo is waiting for her. He is soaking wet and in a bad mood. He tells Agnes that he´s bullied at school because he has "two mums"

When parents separate. The other's partner never calls her mother. And here he talks about 2 mothers. Johan is the father and at school they know it. :Y

Of course :) But he got bullied because his mum lived with another woman. In kids eyes he was a freak because he had """two mums""" Poor Theo :( Tbh... this story holds up pretty well. The only misstake by the auther is when Elin dropped out of school :)
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:41 am

Santi wrote:
Bjorn wrote:Elin walks around at Stockholm train station. Lots of stressed people comes and goes. Elin is not impressed and she is mad at herself. "Why can´t I be satisfied?" "A trip to Stockholm completely spontaneously, must be my dumbest idea ever"
"FFS I don't even know anyone in Stockholm" She feels alone. She starts thinking about Agnes.

I believe that Elin's subconscious made the trip that the two of them tried to take in the car on the first day they kissed and deep down it is a message to Agnes, let's return to the happiness of the first day.

Yeah maybe :)
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:47 am

The auther never mentioned why Johan tried to rob the jewely store. I think he just needed cash. Jessica dumped Markus for sure and got together with Johan :D
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Re: Vad gör de nu?/What are they doing now?

Postby Bjorn » Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:53 am

This is only a summary of this short story, and the short story is only 7 pages (one page is Elin in the phone box). I have missed some details for sure, but in general it´s actually really good :) :)
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