Yeah there are some goofs and mistakes in FÅ
The door bell and Victoria is the most classic one
Lukas tried to explane it, but failed imo. He said that Olof had installed a second door bell at the ground level. Just so Victoria could use it. Maybe that´s "true". Hypothetically, I think Victorias visit wasent her first at Agnes home.
Johan´s ear ring that switches side on his ears.
Agnes hair changes position when she is crying on her bed. The same is with Elin´s hair when she and her mother are watching TV
Lukas mentioned among his coments at the DVD. There is a mistake when Elin comes home and Jessica eats chips and smokes on the balcony. TBH I dont know what it is
You are familiar with Flashback now. It´s the biggest internet forum in Sweden. There is an old discussion about this mistake there favorite is "Where is Jessica???" She disappears in the end of the movie