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Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:55 am
by fish
OMFG :shock:


"I morgon rivs "Fucking Åmål-bron"
Bron mellan Sylte och Lextorp är snart ett minne blott.

I natt rivs bron där Rebecka Liljeberg (Agnes) och Alexandra Dahlström (Elin) står och kollar på bilarna i Lukas Moodyssons film Fucking Åmål (1998).

I dag pågick arbetet med att montera ned räckena på bron för fullt.

– Vi har gott höstväder att jobba i, säger Fredrik Ågren som plockade ned räckena tillsammans med Bengt Karlsson.

Hela området under bron kommer att stängas av för biltrafik klockan 22 ikväll. Under vintern kommer vägbygget på E45 och byggandet av den nya cykel- och gångbron att pågå parallellt. Fram till dess är fotgängare och cyklister hänvisade till gångtunnlarna under vägen vid moskén respektive Holmsvägen"


"Tomorrow demolished "Show Me Love Bridge"
The bridge between Sylte and Lextorp will soon be a thing of the past.

The night demolished the bridge where Rebecca Liljeberg (Agnes) and Alexandra Dahlström (Elin) stands and watch the cars in Lukas Moodysson's film Show Me Love (1998).

Today was the process of breaking down the railings on the bridge at full speed.

- We have good autumn weather to work in, "says Fredrik Ågren who picked the bottom rails together with Bengt Karlsson.

The entire area under the bridge will be closed to car traffic at 22 tonight. During the winter, road construction on the E45 and the construction of the new bike and pedestrian bridge that exist simultaneously. Until then, pedestrians and cyclists once referred to the tunnels under the road at the mosque and Holmes Road"

FFS. Where can we hold the next reunion? *:|* *:|* :(


Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:56 am
by Ian

I'm horrified. Have they no sense of cultural heritage? :(

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:20 pm
by snaps
:x :( :cry:

Do they have plans to auction off parts of the railings on ebay?

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:29 am
by fish
snaps wrote: :x :( :cry:
Do they have plans to auction off parts of the railings on ebay?

I think someone's already claimed this one.
They've obviously graffitied it just so they can claim it in the auction. :roll:



Nice to have "the" railing as a momento though. *:)* :T :lol:

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:17 pm
by Agnes&Elin Forever!
I walked on that bridge when I visited Trollhättan a couple of years ago

Too bad they're tearing it down

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:37 pm
by Rebecka Fan
Sad day ineed. :(

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:22 am
by Ian
Another little piece of history gone. :(

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:26 am
by fish

No sign of the railing being put up for sale by the local Trollhättan administration, eh Magnus? :D :wink:

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:56 pm
by Agnes&Elin Forever!
If any of you ever came to Sweden and Trollhättan you could also have looked at this bridge

Sadly now this can never happen

Thanks for spotting this news anyway Fish

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:23 pm
by Agnes&Elin Forever!


Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:39 pm
by kant1781
I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith.
The world is changed; I can feel it in the water, I can feel it in the earth, I can smell it in the air.

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:26 am
by fish
It's done. It's over. :( *:|*

"Utskriftversion av: ... helt-borta
Publicerad 8 november 2010

Nu är bron helt borta
Bron mellan Sylte och Lextorp är nu ett minne blott. Förra helgen började bron rivas och i lördags revs det sista av bron där Rebecka Liljeberg (Agnes) och Alexandra Dahlström (Elin) stod och kollade på bilarna i Lukas Moodyssons film Fucking Åmål från 1998.

I fredagens pågick arbetet för full med att montera ned räckena på bron.

Hela området under bron stängdes av för biltrafik klockan 22 på fredagskvällen och därefter fortsatte nedmonteringen under hela lördagen.

Under vintern kommer vägbygget på E45 och byggandet av den nya cykel- och gångbron att pågå parallellt. Fram till dess är fotgängare och cyklister hänvisade till gångtunnlarna under vägen vid moskén respektive Holmsvägen."

"Print version of: ... helt-borta
Published November 8, 2010

Now, the bridge is completely gone
The bridge between Sylte and Lextorp is now a distant memory. Last weekend was the bridge torn down and on Saturday described the end of the bridge where Rebecca Liljeberg (Agnes) and Alexandra Dahlström (Elin) stood and watched the cars in Lukas Moodysson's film Show Me Love 1998.

In Friday's continued efforts to ensure full of breaking up the railings on the bridge.

The entire area under the bridge was closed to car traffic at 22 on Friday night and then continued the dismantling throughout Saturday.

During the winter, road construction on the E45 and the construction of the new bike and pedestrian bridge that exist simultaneously. Until then, pedestrians and cyclists once referred to the tunnels under the road at the mosque and Holmes Road."

So who's got all the scrap metal then? :roll:

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:13 am
by Ian

How depressing. Another little piece of the past gone. :(

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:16 am
by fish
More sad times for Åmål. :(
The housing market is declining in line with the decrease in the younger members of the population. So much so that a new housing development has been undertaken on the shores of the lake.

How do I know this? :?

Sverigesradio posted a segment on "Fucking Åmål" on Monday 14 May and included this pic.


A pretty boring way to spend around a half hour listening to a radio talk, in a language I can't speak, on the population exodus from small towns in Sweden.
But, every now and then I heard Agnes' and Elin's voices and my heart skipped a beat. Image

If you click on the right things you can also see a pic of the new development. Looks nice. ^O^

Sorry for keeping you awake. :Z :-P :lol:

Re: Sad day in Åmål

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:50 am
by Ian
Jeez fish, your obsessiveness makes me look like a lightweight. :wink: