Ok, first things first. I saw this movie the first time in 1999. Me and some friends rented a VHS-copy, and this movie got me floored. You know what I´m talking about. I bought a VHS-copy, the book and the soundtrack. Then I got better Internet and downloaded the whole movie. I found this site, but never bacame a member. Like in 2002-2003 I got other things to do etc etc. It has always been my favorite movie since then, but I didnt se it in like 20 years. Ok, fast forward.
I´m sure you know about reaction videos on youtube. Some of them I like, some of them I dont like. There is one youtube channel "Popcorn in bed" with Cassie (her sister Carly is sometimes with her in the "shows") https://www.youtube.com/c/PopcornInBedI think thats the best reaction channel for movies. (my opinion

Hey!!!! No one has ever done a reaction video of Fucking Åmål on Youtube. What a shame! I was bored one evening so I streamed the movie and saw it again after ca: 20 years. And I got blown away....again. OMG!!!
Something has to be done. So I joined Patreon (https://www.patreon.com) and started to support her channel. I recomended Fucking Åmål (or Show me love is more correct, its the US after all

The problem is that 90-95% of the suscribers are US-citizens, and 99,99%-ish of the people in the US has never heard about SML/FÅ. I guess she gets tons of suggestions every day. She has like 205000 subs. on Youtube, almost 2600 sponsors on Patreon (like 500 the last two-three months). 10500 followers on Instagram.
So I´m saying like Elin would say it: SNÄLLA (please) join Patreon and support her channel (its like 30 euro/US dollar a year or so) and recomend SML/FÅ in both ways, and send her messages on Patreon. In the FAQ is everything. Follow her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/popcorninbed/ and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/popcorninbed and let her know about this heartbreaking, heartwarming, amazing etc movie.
SNÄLLA!!!! help me