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Fucking Åmål banner

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:17 am
by arkz1531
I want to make a banner or advertisement for this movie on my webpage. I want to know if anybody has any ideas for what the graphic should look like.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:41 pm
by Kolya
The question is where will the banner lead to?
If it should lead here then Sydney will be the one to tell or maybe he already has a banner to use.

Meanwhile my completely unofficial banner idea.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:13 pm
by arkz1531
Kolya wrote:The question is where will the banner lead to?

Right to this forum of course :)

Thanks for the "completely unofficial banner idea" I like it.

What do you think about it Sydney?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:15 pm
by sydney
Great Idea Arkz1531!

I have made some banners in the past, but some are old and represented the style of the site at that moment.

First banner

Second banner

Present banner

I think the banner should be more like the style of the forum as it is know. And I personally like to have the following picture in it:

It's the logo in fact.
And then of course the domain name somewhere in the banner. You can leave out, because I won't renew this domain when it expires.

If you create a banner with multiple layers then you might fit in the text:
Fucking-Amal.Com - information - pictures - scripts and forum about the Swedish movie Fucking Åmål (show me love)

Have fun :)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:57 pm
by arkz1531
Kolya I edited yours a little to look like this:
I think this looks a little better.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:30 am
by Sphinx
"this is not an adult webside" is that necessary?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:10 am
by Kolya
Here are the final banners:

Sphinx wrote:"this is not an adult webside" is that necessary?

Yes, I think it's necessary because everyone who sees a banner with a big "FUCKING" - whatever will instantly assume it's porn and ignore it. Or worse: click it for the wrong reasons, which would lead a lot of horny spammers here...
And what about the webmasters who would like to link here without making it look like they link to porn-sites? It just gives the wrong impression for the unitiated, and you cannot simply ignore this and expect everyone to click the "porn-banner" so they learn what it's really about.

Apart from that, it's frankly one of the best slogans I've ever used on a banner. (I ripped it off the start page of course.) Because it stands in opposition to the site's name - that will make people curious.
And then there's a deeper meaning to it: That is, you shouldn't be too much of an adult (= grown-up, spoilt) to come here.
That's pretty nice if you think about it - in an innocent, fun, childish way.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:26 pm
by sydney
Sphinx wrote:"this is not an adult webside" is that necessary?

This was my first reaction too. But as Kolya explained there are good reasons to insert this text in the banner. And I am not waiting for spammers to come to this forum. :N

Well, I have some kind of filter in the start up page of this site. We must thank those horny people coming to this site, because they click on the google ads, so in reality they are paying for this site and domain... *:)* *:)* *:)* . On the other hand, people who come to this site for fucking Åmål press "enter" immediately, and they are very welcome here to browse through the site and to discuss this movie. :Y

I must say, the banners are really cool. Thanks to Kolya and Arkz1531!!! _O_ _O_ _O_

I used the first banner on my links page Fucking Åmål startpage