English translation of "Dagen svalnar"?

Discuss Lukas Moodysson's first feature film Fucking Åmål (Show me Love).

Moderator: Ian

Postby prionesse » Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:16 pm

I checked for an English translation online and found a dysfunctional translation link somewhere on this site: <a href='http://home.no.net/oebamal/en/media.html' target='_blank'>http://home.no.net/oebamal/en/media.html</a> . I've tried to translate it myself, but it's a pain and some words cannot be found on Internet Swedish-English dictionaries.

In short, does anyone have a copy of the English translation of this poem? Thanks.
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:13 pm

Postby sydney » Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:34 pm

prionesse wrote: In short, does anyone have a copy of the English translation of this poem? Thanks.

Hi Prionesse,

I've got a translation of the poem on this site. It's in the <a href='http://fall.phpwebhosting.com/~ezkidds/fa/subpages/download.html' target='_blank'>Downloads</a> section. You can scroll through the menu by using the "launch menu" button.

The Day Cools... (Edith Södergran)


The day cools toward evening...
Drink the warmth from my hand,
in throbs with spring's own blood.
Take my hand, take my white arm,
take the longing of my slender shoulders...
How strange if I could feel,
one single night, a night like this,
your heavy head against my breast.


You cast your love's red rose
into my white womb -
and with my burning hands I hold
your love's red rose that soon will wilt ...
Oh master with your frozen eyes,
I will accept the crown you give me,
which bends my head toward my heart ...


Today, for the first time, I saw my master.
Shivering, I recognized him at once.
Already I feel his heavy hand on my light arm...
Where is my ringing maidenly laughter,
my womanly freedom with head carried high?
Now I feel his tight grip on my shaking body,
now I hear the hard ring of reality
against my sheer, sheer dreams.


You looked for a flower
and found a fruit.
You looked for a well
and found an ocean.
You looked for a woman
and found a soul -
you are disappointed.

(Translation: Stina Katchadourian)
Last edited by sydney on Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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