Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

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Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Irishman » Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:22 am

Simple enough: how does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

I have always thought it was, 'LIL-yuh-burg', but maybe someone can confirm or correct me. Thanks!
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby fish » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:50 am

Irishman wrote:...I have always thought it was, 'LIL-yuh-burg'...

Same here, but not being a Swedish speaker I guess I'm not sure either. Image

(Looks to Magnus or Triddy for help.) :?: :?: :?: *:)*
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Ian » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:59 am

We are unanimous in our uncertainty. I always said "Lil ge berg" but I'm sure its probably wrong. :T
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Juule » Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:40 pm

Two examples. :)


Although in Finland names including 'berg' could also be pronounced differently. I don't know about Sweden/Swedish. (And sorry, I'm bit too feverish now to attempt to describe how Rebecka's beautiful name could be pronounced in Finland. You were all dying to here that, weren't you... :T)
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Ian » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:57 am

But the good news is, that probably means we can pronounce it either way and still be right. :D
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Rebecka Fan » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:06 pm

I've heard it (in video clips) pronounced (based on the Swedish accent), Lily-berg and also, Lil-eh-berg.

I've also wondered about Dahlström, the ö kinda confuses me.
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Irishman » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:16 pm

Rebecka Fan wrote:I've heard it (in video clips) pronounced (based on the Swedish accent), Lily-berg and also, Lil-eh-berg.

I've also wondered about Dahlström, the ö kinda confuses me.

I have always pronounced Dahlström as if it were a German name (DAHL-stroem) where the ö is like the 'u' in 'fur'. I have no idea if the Swedes pronounce it like that though.
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby snaps » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:15 pm

I've always assumed a Stockholm pronunciation as in ''Li - lya - burhy'' with berg as similar in pronunciation to Edinburgh (after all an Old English/ Norse name meaning ''Odin's Mountain'' i.e. Arthurs Seat, the volcanic hill on which it was founded)
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Agnes&Elin Forever! » Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:10 am

You don't quite have these sounds in English so it's a bit difficult to explain in writing, but anyway:

Liljeberg is pronounced LIL-YUH-BERJ, with the J like in the name Nikolaj if you know?

The Ö in Dahlström is almost like in 'fur' like you say Irishman, but in a little more distinct way that doesn't exist in English

Hope that helps a bit :)
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Irishman » Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:19 am

Agnes&Elin Forever! wrote:You don't quite have these sounds in English so it's a bit difficult to explain in writing, but anyway:

Liljeberg is pronounced LIL-YUH-BERJ, with the J like in the name Nikolaj if you know?

The Ö in Dahlström is almost like in 'fur' like you say Irishman, but in a little more distinct way that doesn't exist in English

Hope that helps a bit :)

So Liljeberg is four syllables? Is that right?

I suspected I was a bit off with Dahlström, at least in terms of how to explain it. 'Fur' is not really exactly how it sounds to me either. I know how to pronounce it in German, just not now to explain it. Whether the Swedish pronunciation is the same as for German, I don't know that either. ;)
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Agnes&Elin Forever! » Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:36 am

No three syllables LIL-YUH-BERJ, or two really LILYUH-BERJ, as I said a bit difficult to explain :lol:

And yes that's right, the Ö in German is identical to Ö in Swedish, then you know for sure :wink:
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Irishman » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:18 am

Agnes&Elin Forever! wrote:No three syllables LIL-YUH-BERJ, or two really LILYUH-BERJ, as I said a bit difficult to explain :lol:

I think I am starting to understand. The final 'j' sound is really a soft, lilting sound, not at all like the hard 'g' sound an English-speaker might think by looking at it.
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby fish » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:03 am

I can see that I'll have to be very careful next time they call in for a drink, (or something :oops: ), if I decide to go all formal and call them by their full names, instead of just Bex and Lex. :roll: :T :P :lol:

Thanks for confusing me completely you guys. :P :lol:
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Agnes&Elin Forever! » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:47 pm

You can pronounce their first names Fish, since girls names are almost always very international for some reason, unlike boys names :o
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Re: Dumb question: How does one pronounce 'Liljeberg'?

Postby Ian » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:04 am

And once you're married, their last names don't matter anyway.

:wink: :P
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