I had big dream last night, but I don't remember so much of it so as I Would can ''make'' some full-fledged story
but I'll try it...
So as you get here pics of Sherdil so I was dreaming about Bex who looked like small Sanna. It was a bit like connection between Sherdil and Water lilies because action was around outdoor pool. I was there too, near to Bex and I was older than she.
She was really lovely young swimmer
but had problems with her classmates. Somehow they did not take her or what
well and then I went somehow comforting her to think of it did nothing...Than we had a race of swimming. I wanted give a new record of crawl and have best time. I raced with Bex, and because I was older, I won and that was the end.
Hmmmm I had better write it in the morning, until I remembered it with more details.