snaps - I don't blame You! I don't like to blame anybody (even Google ) As You probably know Polish language is very difficult so it's not big surprise for me Of course, he might have a problem with English, not Polish ... But explain me again: Why the Moderator case is so funny for You all?
We used to have a nice Moderator called Cody, but then Cody went to live with Alexandra in Stockholm. Then this grumpy Ian got the highly overpaid job of Moderator on the FA forum.
OMG I think I understand You Our former Moderator called Cody went to Paris to find Alex So what is he doing right now What happened to him Rest In Peace .... Who's next ... I guess he is (or was) so emo and hardcore Changing case: I don't speak perfect English, so who would be able to call Alexandra's agent in Paris Understand, I didn't gave You this number in vain
Xican96 wrote:I don't speak perfect English, so who would be able to call Alexandra's agent in Paris Understand, I didn't gave You this number in vain
That's a good point Xican. I think it falls under the responsibilities of the Moderator to undertake this task. or possibly one of the French speaking site members, errr like Monsieur Poisson par example.
What actual evidence is there that Alex is in Paris? I mean, she had a role in a film there, (just relased in theatres by the way), but that's all finished now. She has an agent in Paris, (probably how she landed the gig), but then she also has an agent based in Finland.
Has anyone actually found anything remotely resembling proof? Will you please post it if you have?