fish wrote:Yes, they're from Blondie, which I really hope I can see.
Here's a page from the Toronto International Film Festival where it's due to be screened.
It's also to be screened at the Venice Festival.
And another page which gives a bit better rundown of the story.
Both pages have the preview vid, but the best (biggest) is on YouTube. wrote:...have these pictures been posted before, i assume they might seen as every photo taken of Alexandra is on here
Again, yes. That site is run by Glampop, a long standing member here, and it's the best site for Alex pics and clips.
Sometimes I find stuff and Glampop uses it from here, but mostly she finds the pics and clips herself. She's brilliant at finding them.
Everyone should pay her site a visit from time to time.
Having said that, I'm a bit concerned about Glampop's well being at the moment. I sent her a PM some time ago letting her know that "Because The Night" was again available to download to her site but I haven't had a reply. And her site hasn't been updated for a couple of months.
Most unusual.
Hope you're well Glampop and soon back with us.
Thanks fish for the Details on Blondie, i wonder if this film will get her back on track and lead to more film work, it looks like it be a cross between Festen (first dogme film) and a Lars von Trier film plus it be Alexandra's first real adult role (in the sense of the subject matter) and it will hopefully be at least a good movie and her performance at least to rival what she did in Fucking Amal. It looks very downbeat but at least she's got a role in interesting Swedish film.