Fan action for Alex

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Fan action for Alex

Postby Xican96 » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:28 pm

I would like to know if there are any support activities for Alex instead of our forum and one website. If there's none, we could do something :wink: I mean creating a page on Facebook or something like that. I wrote a message to Ian and fish about my idea, but I thought it would be easier to discuss it on the forum. This support action will help us to become more known for Alex and maybe we could get in touch with her somehow. What do you all think about it? Is anyone interested? :wink:
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Re: Fan action for Alex

Postby snaps » Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:09 pm


I've only just seen this post, although fish has written to me asking for some feedback. I've sent him a detailed reply, in confidence, which I don't mind him sharing my main observations with you. Some of the content of the mail is of a personal, sensitive, and confidential nature so I can't post everything verbatim on a public website noticeboard. :wink:

In short, I wouldn't want to discourage you, *:|* but there are a lot of complex issues at stake. :| :shock: :? I think it should be thought through VERY carefully before before proceeding :idea: and certainly well before making any direct approach to Alex. 8)
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Re: Fan action for Alex

Postby fish » Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:05 am

I share your views on a number of those things too Snaps.

There are a number of "unoffical" sites on the net, including those on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, GooglePlus, Yahoo, etc, etc. Most have only a short lifespan and become dormant when Alex, (or Bex, or Lukas), don't become enthusiastic contributors.
Unfortunately it seems to be a fact of life that it isn't in the Swedish nature to self promote in that way, so all of the "Fan" sites will forever remain "unofficial".

Sadly, although we like to joke otherwise, that applies to this site too.
It's probably that we're too crazy and having such a good time that we rarely notice. *:)* :T :P :lol:

(Sorry Alex. I know you do read this. *:)* )
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Re: Fan action for Alex

Postby Xican96 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:32 pm

I understand you but snaps..what do you mean by saying that "it should be thought through very carefully" ? It's just support and I don't think it's a threat for us or Alex. Can you tell me about these "complex issues"?

fish wrote:it isn't in the Swedish nature to self promote in that way
Is it due to the fact that they are modest? :P It can be seen from Alexandra's behavior sometimes ; p

fish wrote: (Sorry Alex. I know you do read this. *:)* )
OMG! Does she really read it??? How do you know that?
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Re: Fan action for Alex

Postby snaps » Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:37 pm

Xican96 wrote:
fish wrote: (Sorry Alex. I know you do read this. *:)* )
OMG! Does she really read it??? How do you know that?

fish is really la Carpe, a secret code name for Alex. Shhhhh! :D

I'll send you the gist of the mail that I sent to fish, in private. :wink:
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Re: Fan action for Alex

Postby fish » Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:57 am

snaps is really la Carpe, a secret code name for Alex. Shhhhh! :D ...

I think you misspelled that Snapsie.
Shouldn't it be la Crap? :shock: :oops:

Sorry Xican, I should have sent you a PM as well.

And no.
I have no idea if Alex even knows of our existence, it's just that I choose to live in a reality where such things are not only possible, but that they do happen. :T :T *:)* :lol:
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Re: Fan action for Alex

Postby Ian » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:43 am

I'm sure she comes on occasionally, if only to point and laugh. :P
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