Alexandra's New Movie

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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby fish » Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:33 am

Don't call me impatient, but (you're impatient! ... I said don't call me that.)
Yesterday I lashed out with a cache of the old ill-gotten and ordered both Mañana and Mammoth from oeb's site. Not all that cheap when you add in the postage costs but at least I think I get to keep the plane.

Only good thing is that the exchange rate is through the roof at the moment, so, what the hell.
Can't wait. Why aren't they here already? :roll:
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby Ian » Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:57 am

Is Manana actually in stock yet?
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby oeb » Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:06 pm

It's in stock at the supplier so it should come in on Wednesday.
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby Ian » Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:09 am

Wow, they're really slow aren't they, given it was supposed to be out on the 7th! That's like 2 weeks before any shops actually get it. Wow! :lol:
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby oeb » Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:00 pm

Well, it's a combination of things. It probably did come in to the supplier on October 9th, but I had to wait for some more films to arrive in order to fill a shipment -- and I was too slow checking the status so I missed the Thursday shipment this week :T.
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby fish » Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:55 am

I watched Mañana.
Let me start by saying that this is not FÅ and Manuel Concha is not Lucas Moodysson, but Mañana is a very enjoyable film.
I will not give away any of the plot or the ending so don't be afraid I'll spoil it for you, suffice it to say that the story is about Marco (Francisco Sobrado) and Mattias (Hans-Christian Thulin) who are in their twenties and have been best friends since school. They are a bit slapstick in their thoughts and actions but are likeable enough characters. The two female leads Ewa (Helena af Sandeberg) and Petra (Alexandra Dahlström) are each sensitive loveable charcters not directly involved in the interactions between Marco and Mattias. And they are both drop dead gorgeous.

Many of the outdoor scenes of Malmö show it as a beautiful city. I hope this is true to life because that would make it a must visit on any Swedish holiday.

My only regret in the whole film is that at a certain point I would love to have banged Marco's and Mattias' heads together for being crazy. You might know what I mean if you've seen it.

Very enjoyable viewing, thoroughly recommended.Image
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby Ian » Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:44 am

Good to know, glad you enjoyed it, fish.

Hoping to get my hands on a copy very soon...
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby snaps » Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:16 pm

More News on Spindelwhatever :Z


30 minute screening as ''Work In Progress'' at Film Festival on 27th November. Showing at : Kulturhuset, Sergels torg. Tickets are FREE *:)* to Festival Passholders :? Only problem is paying for getting there and accomodation *:|* nevermind I'll just kip on Alex floor, I'm sure she won't mind :Y


The doctor is Nathanael Coppelius father; they meet out on the bridge to Nathanael summer home, alone in the archipelago. They don’t leave the bridge, but seem in tension and anger not willing to take it further either. The father tells Nathanael about his dying sister. Nathanael thinks otherwise. He thinks of his new infatuation Olimpia, the woman he keeps hidden from all outsiders. Olimpia is a dreamer of rank; she never seems to know what is real and who she really is. Sometimes the two are a loving couple, sometimes hating. Nathanael haunted the dreams of her while she is haunted by Nathanael former love, since childhood, Clara. <<<<<<< Alex yay! :)P Together they form a melancholy and wearing dynamics - black and white forming a blood shade of red. :T

Sounds just like my kinda thang, the story of my life :roll: What the heck, Alex is in it! innit! O-)
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby fish » Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:40 am

As long as Alex is innit it has to be a winner as far as I'm concerned. :)P *:)*

Any word on when it'll be finished?

And released?

And on DVD?

And will you get Alex to sign a copy for me?
You know, when she's bringing you breakfast in the morning. :P
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby Ian » Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:39 am

I still haven't seen Manana yet.


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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby bruno » Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:39 pm

codyw1 wrote:I still haven't seen Manana yet.

It arrived a couple of weeks ago and it sits by my DVD player. I still have to find the time and the mood to watch it...
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby fish » Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:04 pm

bruno wrote:..It arrived a couple of weeks ago and it sits by my DVD player...

I wouldn't have had that much patience. I don't think I've ever had a new DVD for more than a day before watching it. :oops:

It's not the greatest film ever made, but even if you just watch it to see Alexandra and Helena it's worth it. :)P :lol:
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby Ian » Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:13 am

Saw Swedish comedy Manana last night. Mm, not bad. I liked the first hour best, though I thought it went a little downhill in the last 20 minutes (though maybe that's 'cause I was hoping for a rather more romantic ending than what we got, sad, slushy old git that I am) :roll: .

Matthias is a ******* idiot. :T

Lovely to see Alex again, though, goodness me she's gorgeous. Talk about lighting up the screen. :oops:

(slight crush)
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby fish » Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:17 am

codyw1 wrote:....(slight crush)

Slight you say. SLIGHT. SLIGHT! :lol:
That's like saying it's slightly cold in Sweden at the moment. :P

I thought both the guys were idiots, that's why I wanted to bang their heads together. :T
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Re: Alexandra's New Movie

Postby Ian » Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:47 am

I am a master of understatement. :P

Mind you, the biggest question is not so much why the dork would want to dump Petra, but wtf she ever saw in him in the first place. Dorks like that do not get girls like that.

Trust me, I know. :wink: :P :lol:
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