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Important information for potential new members:
Because of heavy amounts of automated spam new user registrations through the forum are disabled. Of course real new members are more than welcome to join the forum - please send an e-mail to admin (at) with the user name you would like. Your account will usually be created and ready to use within a few hours. As soon as your account is registered make sure to make at least one post as all members with zero posts will be deleted occasionally.
Welcome to!
Because of heavy amounts of automated spam new user registrations through the forum are disabled. Of course real new members are more than welcome to join the forum - please send an e-mail to admin (at) with the user name you would like. Your account will usually be created and ready to use within a few hours. As soon as your account is registered make sure to make at least one post as all members with zero posts will be deleted occasionally.
Welcome to!