Organisation/ Indexing

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Organisation/ Indexing

Postby snaps » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:46 pm

Well I'll be the first to post.

Before anyone randomly loads stuff I just wandered if it would be possible to do a ''sticky'' (looks at Ian) :oops: :oops: I mean a post that appears at the top of the section with an Index and cross-links to where people can find stuff in different categories e.g. poetry, prose fanfic, prose screenplays, short-fics, music vids, artwork etc. I don't mind maintaining it, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do a sticky? :oops: :oops:

I would like to have a single page, with links to all Ians vids for example, so that I can follow them in sequence, and also Katya and KSO’s work artwork and vids.

I'm happy to resurrect some of my material. I have one demo scene (the hospital scene which re-unites A&E) from ''The Land That Is Not'' (FA ten years on) that I've never posted anywhere else.

I have some of the originals like:

NemoMe: After the Oboy
Marta: Waking up in Stockholm
Peter Svensson: 5 years later

saved as pdfs but no idea how to upload them here. I'm happy to email them to anyone if you can extract the text and repost on here.

I'll also repost ''Happy Birthday Dear Agnes'' (one year on after ''The Land that is not'' providing no-one makes rude remarks :evil:

I'm happy to collate Kolya's previous posting on here, into one coherent story file.

I know Kyle has various starts and sketches made that would be good to see in one place.

It would be good to see Dave Mount's work on here too.

I will re-post the immediate pre-quel about Agnes, Elin and Jessica on the mythical evening of Thursday 26th April.

If people are nice I might even get round to writing up the first chapter of FA as novel, introduced by seeing the emergent story of the characters as seen through the eyes of Mama Birgitta, in an internal dialogue as she trudges home in the cold after her night shift as a domestic superviser at the hospital. It gives some insight into her relationship with Elin and Jessica, (and her ex-husband) and her hopes and fears for them, and her opinions of the Ahlberg family, as she passes with envy, their house.

Somewhere, I also have buried deep in the hard-drive

The journey to school which helps demarcate Elin and her friends (including Camilla) travelling in a group being stalked by Agnes, and gives the clue that Elin is at least vaguely aware that she has a distant admirer, which fascinates her.

It dips into plot linkages with ''Romeo and Juliet''

the after-school events of Thursday 26th April, which gives greater insight into Johan Hult, his undisclosed desires, and his inadvertent spilling of the beans on the Bosnian/ Italiennen to Elin, in the cack-handed hope that he might pick her up on the rebound.

That segues into the previously written A, E, and J scenario.

I just wish I had the time to write all this up. but I will post whatever I can find as 'work-in-progress'

I would also like to re-link into separate threads the various post FA stage productions like the ones in Switzerland and Germany, the ice-dance version etc.
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby oeb » Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:15 am

Sounds great Snaps! As my last administrative decision I've promoted you to moderator of this section. You can now post stickies/ announcements. I'll leave it up to Ian to decide how he wants to handle file uploads.
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby fish » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:12 am

It'll be great to see Snapsie as a "sticky demi-god". :shock:
We're all definitely looking forward to that. :)P *:)* :P :lol:
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby Ian » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:43 am

You can handle sticky's any way you like, snapsie. Er... :wink: :P :T

Seriously, some very cool ideas there, snapsie. Have at it, I'm with you all the way. :D It would make us a very nice resource.

Re: PDFs. I'm no expert, but isn't there a button you can press after which you can then copy and paste elsewhere?
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby snaps » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:59 am

Ok thanks everyone. I'll put me thinking cap on. I think I've found two non-pdf versions of two of the three stories. My computer is so ancient it cantreally do anything very useful.

How do you do a sticky? :oops:

I'll devise some sort of format for a kind of Homepage/ Index for this section which I can then update regularly. That will have a full listing and permalinks direct to FF and art items to make them easy to navigate, irrespective of when they are posted. i'll also come up with a guidance and resources page for newcomers who haven't posted before, and might want to try. I'd like to keep individual work pristine and separate from comments if I can, but also be flexible enough to allow for regular contributors to have their own update/ work-in-progress pages, if that is desired.

(thinks) :T ouch! that hurt :? Any suggestions welcome. Mail me on here in private or feel to post on this thread if you want to open up the discussion. :Y
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby katka » Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:43 pm

I totally agree snapsie :wink:
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby Agnes&Elin Forever! » Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:00 pm

It's a closed section of the board and no critique will be allowed :wink:
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby DMt. » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:38 pm

Unlocked .pdf's have an option to Save As Text, snaps...if I can be of service, let me know.

There's already a .pdf download of my little FF on the mother site, a link to it should suffice...?

Snapsie the Murderator! Tremble, ye spammers! :lol:
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby snaps » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:46 pm

DMt. wrote:Unlocked .pdf's have an option to Save As Text, snaps...if I can be of service, let me know.

There's already a .pdf download of my little FF on the mother site, a link to it should suffice...?

Snapsie the Murderator! Tremble, ye spammers! :lol:

I will tolerate no profanity on a zero-tolerance basis :D incidentally I've just been issued another official warning on wti for using the word ''faggot'. I used it not as an insult but in context of discussion of themes in LMI :D
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby snaps » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:59 pm

I think have found a way round the PDF problem now. Thanks. I am happy to prvide you with a link to the PDF on Oles site. I know you are sensitive to criticism (says me hypocritically) O-) so that is fine, but if you want more feedback on here, you could download as text on here and repost. I could do it, but I don't want to presume your intentions.

When we have this fanfic fanart area organised, I intend to do some mailing out to long-dormant members and people who were active on the old forum website kept alive online. See if we can revive some active interest. :Y
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby snaps » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:07 pm

Agnes&Elin Forever! wrote:It's a closed section of the board and no critique will be allowed :wink:

Magnus sweetie

Of course not. Your provocative thoughts and err creative postings and musings will always be welcome :D

Keep it nice ! :)

best wishes and look forward to your outpourings. :oops: :)

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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby Agnes&Elin Forever! » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:16 pm

Well it is a closed section at least, nobody who is not logged in can see this section, visitors of the forum who are not members

Why limit the exposure?
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby snaps » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:26 pm

Agnes&Elin Forever! wrote:Well it is a closed section at least, nobody who is not logged in can see this section, visitors of the forum who are not members

Why limit the exposure?


In truth. I don't know. Neither I suspect does Ian. It is Oles decision, and I respect that.

Hopefully, by the time we get it fully organised it will provide a draw to anyone who might drop by and casually read the Boards here.

By taking the step of registering for membership they are showing a degree of commitment. Hopefully we may encourage new blood :twisted: to contribute.
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby DMt. » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:30 pm

snaps wrote: I've just been issued another official warning on wti for using the word ''faggot'. I used it not as an insult but in context of discussion of themes in LMI :D

Everyone worth their salt knows that 'Political Correctness' [tm] is toxic bullshit, mere hypocrisy, surely...? :evil:
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Re: Organisation/ Indexing

Postby DMt. » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:33 pm

snaps wrote:if you want more feedback on here, you could download as text on here and repost. I could do it, but I don't want to presume your intentions.

I think you'll have quite enough work to do, and it's already in a forum thread; anyone who wishes to can comment there.

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