Post fan-fiction and fan art here!

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Postby snaps » Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:42 pm

Hello and Welcome!…… to the Fan-Fiction and Fan-Art Board of the Fucking Amal/ Show Me Love (FA/SML) website.

Our major objective is to draw together, the most comprehensive collection of FA/SML fan-fic and fan-art material, from all sources on the internet, hosted on this board for your entertainment. A second objective is to keep alive the memory and renewed interest in FA/SML, through positive encouragement of new fan-fiction and fan-art from existing, and potential New Members.

Below this Notice you will find an INDEX OF CONTENTS. Click on:
http://fucking-amal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1723&p=23800#p23800 It will also have ‘clickable links’: just hover and click on the link and it should open out the item in a new webpage. The aim is to give you an easy way to navigate your way around the threads and postings, irrespective of date of posting.


Wednesday, 1st Feb: I have uploaded the complete ‘Fucking Åmål - Five Years Later’ by Kolya.
Kso has now added a page 'Fan-art by Kso', on http://fucking-amal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1731#p23876
Saturday, 3.15pm I have updated all the internal links now to fit the new site address

This space will be used to notify you of any recent additions, major revisions etc. with links to items of interest. Our hope is to keep it regularly updated.

‘Fucking Åmål - Five Years Later’ by Kolya, (Germany), 2006 & 2009.

[Snap’s Moderator note: This is Kolya’s story, intended as a continuation of Peter Svensson’s take on ‘Five Years Later’. in 3 parts, at 6674 words, It was posted in several sections between 2006 and 2009. I’ve re-formatted it into three continuous sections here, in three continous postings that correspond to Kolya’s posting as Chaters 2, 3, and 4 (the first chapter assumed to be Peter Svenssons original story) . Sadly, no more came out, but I believe like Peter, Kolya intended for anyone else to continue the story from the point that he left off. So there’s a challenge for anyone!]

'After The O'boy' by Nemo_Me, (Iceland) , 2006,

[Snap’s Moderator Note; A very worthy sequel, in the time following the end of the film. 4247 words. Like many fan-fics it actually ends with the ‘to be continued’ note, like many other fanfics including my own. But it is a complete story in short scenes, and spurs us to think what might have happened next. I believe this was written at a turbulent time in Nemo-Me’s life, and hope that things went on to be resolved. We miss her talent. I have reformatted it to fit php/BB, although text and PDF versions can be found on Ole’s site: http://showmelove.org/index.php?lang_id=en&page_id=82 ]

Five Years Later by Peter Svensson, Sweden, 2002, Parts 1 & 2.

[This is pretty much the ‘mother’ of all FA/SML fan-fiction - written by Peter Svensson and posted in 2002. At 5,152 words, it was highly acclaimed in its day by other Forum members. Peter was very active in forum and website circles. Despite many requests for a continuation, that never materialised. Peter admitted in 2003 to running out interest and enthusiasm to continue. Nonethless, his work provided a key exemplar to others who followed in his trailblazing work. Enjoy.]

‘Waking Up, and The Road to Stockholm’ by MARTA, (Spain), 2005.

originally published on http://people.freenet.de/what-its-all-about/ {Please note, this is a dead connection.]

[Snap’s Moderator Note: a lovely, intimate portrayal of Agnes and Elin, four years on. 2592 words. No dramatic action, just a very well-observed romantic update on the daily realities and dedication to keeping the dream alive. Well-articulated, it has a very natural hint of erotic tension. This proves that fan-fiction can be just as effective by sticking to low-key character studies. I have re-formatted this from a PDF file into Word, but attempted to keep to Marta’s paragraph construction. It reads very easily. I found this a great influence on my own FA/SML fanfiction writing.]


Please note our general operational caveat. The characters and plot of Fucking Amal/ Show Me Love are © Copyright 1998 to Lukas Moodysson and MEMFIS FILM AB. Any other storylines or original content materials are assumed to be © Copyright to the Fan Author/ Artist/ Member, unless otherwise stated. Some links indicated from these pages may be to Fan-Fiction and Fan-Art items and resources on other websites. We cannot undertake to verify content and security outside of this domain. If in doubt, please use your own computer to pre-screen. Wherever possible, attempts will be made to credit original authors/ artists. If you aware of a link to your own work that is incorrectly attributed, or wish for a link here to your work to be deleted, please contact the Moderators.

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Enjoy your time here! :)
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Postby DMt. » Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:49 am

Hail, O Snappia!!

Legions of angels empowereth thine elbow, and thy karmic balance shall prosper. Ride ye well the great waves of collective thought and feeling, in the sure certainty that all are sparks of the One Infinite Creator, and use thy mighty powers humbly; then nearly all shall love thee, and say , Yea! Snapsie is a Moderator fair and true.
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Postby fish » Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:30 am

What he said. *:)* :P :lol: 8)

Although I don't often use the name "One Infinite Creator".
Mostly I just go by the name "Fish". 8) :T :P :lol:
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Postby Ian » Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:36 am

Great stuff, snaps.

Does anyone have a copy of Dave's (kant) seminal essay on FA? That would be a good one to have on here too. Perhaps we should just pm him? :?:
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Postby snaps » Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:42 am

Ian wrote:Great stuff, snaps.

Does anyone have a copy of Dave's (kant) seminal essay on FA? That would be a good one to have on here too. Perhaps we should just pm him? :?:

The only bits of Dave's essay that can find are the earlier chapters which can be traced by the Wayback machine, and I think maybe two end sections. The rest vanished into cyberspace :(
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Postby DMt. » Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:37 pm

Syd Fishes wrote:I don't often use the name "One Infinite Creator".
Mostly I just go by the name "Fish". 8) :T :P :lol:

Sparks of fish...Sparks of fish...no, I'm sorry, it just doesn't work for me, somehow.
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Postby Cheevers4ever » Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:57 am

snaps wrote:
Ian wrote:Great stuff, snaps.

Does anyone have a copy of Dave's (kant) seminal essay on FA? That would be a good one to have on here too. Perhaps we should just pm him? :?:

The only bits of Dave's essay that can find are the earlier chapters which can be traced by the Wayback machine, and I think maybe two end sections. The rest vanished into cyberspace :(

Thats a shame cause Dave's essay really is a holy Grail and must read for any old or new fans of Fucking Amal, well written and researched. It answers pretty much everything in the film you wanted to know.
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Postby kant1781 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:30 am

snaps wrote:
Ian wrote:Does anyone have a copy of Dave's (kant) seminal essay on FA? That would be a good one to have on here too. Perhaps we should just pm him? :?:

The only bits of Dave's essay that can find are the earlier chapters which can be traced by the Wayback machine, and I think maybe two end sections. The rest vanished into cyberspace :(

No, it did not. 8) It sits right here on my harddrive. If there's a way to bring it on again via the forum, I would love to do it! It might be difficult to fit it into the format snaps has chosen for this subforum (great job, snaps, by the way, thank you!), because of its length and especially because of the footnotes. Years ago, I asked OEB (when he was still in charge) whether one could just attach the pdf to a post for download, but that seemed to be impossible... if you've got any ideas, let's do it.

And I should probably say "Hi" first, Ian, fish, snaps, Magnus, syd...! :D ... Two days ago a bunch of my brain cells, God knows why, conspired to stir up in me the strong urge to watch FA, for the first time since at least two years, and I think I am going to give in one of these days, maybe even tomorrow. And then, as one knows, anything can happen. :T Anyway, this suddenly made me want to visit and see how you're doing.... I knew I'd find you here. *:)*
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Postby DMt. » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:21 am

Publish and be damned, O Kant 8)
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Postby fish » Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:59 am

kant1781 wrote:... this suddenly made me want to visit and see how you're doing.... I knew I'd find you here. *:)*

Nice to hear your keyboard again Dave.
Hope you can w*rk it out a way to post your essay, I'd love to read it again. *:)* *:)*
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Postby Ian » Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:17 am

Hello Dave (the other Dave). Long time no see! :D

You could try pming snapsie, since this is her area. I'm not sure how it works (some owner I am :T ). If not, let me know and Í'll try and blunderingly figure something out. You could always put it up as a free e-book on amazon or smashwords even, if it comes to that (and that is something I know something about even if you don't :D )).
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Postby kant1781 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:05 am

Ian wrote:You could try pming snapsie, since this is her area. I'm not sure how it works (some owner I am :T ).

:mrgreen: Right, I'll do that if she doesn't turn up by herself. I think I might have some more stuff in my drawers that could interest her for this section.
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Postby fish » Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:43 am

kant1781 wrote:... I think I might have some more stuff in my drawers that could interest her...

Way too much information there Dave. :shock: :P :lol:

Sorry. :oops:

Hope it can be done 'cause I'm sure we'd all love to read it. *:)* *:)*
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Postby Ian » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:18 am

Tish boom! :lol: :roll: :wink:
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Postby kant1781 » Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:57 pm

Ian wrote:You could try pming snapsie, since this is her area. I'm not sure how it works (some owner I am :T ). If not, let me know and Í'll try and blunderingly figure something out. You could always put it up as a free e-book on amazon or smashwords even, if it comes to that (and that is something I know something about even if you don't :D )).

I noticed that when you took over OEB wrote something that seems to imply that you could allow uploading and attaching files to posts for selected forums:

OEB wrote:
Sounds great Snaps! As my last administrative decision I've promoted you to moderator of this section. You can now post stickies/ announcements. I'll leave it up to Ian to decide how he wants to handle file uploads.


Don't want to be a nag, but surely you got the forum delivered with some kind of manual? O-)
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