Pauline Acquart - Retenez Son Nom

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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:11 pm

A mere 103 posts to the 5k now... 8)

[quoth he, counting very carefully this time]
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby fish » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:27 am

DMt. wrote:...gender masculin :lol:

I'm willing to place a small wager against that one. :shock: :lol: :lol:

Well done with the birthday.
That's been avoiding everyone for ages.


99 to go. *:)*
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:52 pm

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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:35 pm

Been trying for a good chunk of today to make a .gif animation featuring l'Acquart...I get the feeling I'm going about it the wrong way. Gif-ing swells up file sizes alarmingly, while degrading the quality, and no matter what I do I can't seem to get a worthwhile clip in less than/equal to 256K... :?

Still, I guess the thread itself is sufficient tribute. Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Pauline!
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:27 pm

On the other hand, faint heart never won [the admiration of] fair maiden...

acquarisma2.gif (254.7 KiB) Viewed 13740 times
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby fish » Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:10 am

DMt. wrote:... Gif-ing swells up file sizes alarmingly, while degrading the quality, and no matter what I do I can't seem to get a worthwhile clip in less than/equal to 256K... :?

They soak up file size like a sponge. The little "Alex drinking wine" gif I posted today was around 8meg. :shock:
By far the largest I've made, and likely to remain so forever. *:|*
Nice gif by the way. *:)*

Happy Birthday Pauline.
Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to pop in and let us all know how it went. *:)*

45 to go.
I guess Pauline might want to give a warm welcome to no. 5000 at the appropriate time. :shock: :P :lol:

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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:17 pm

An aggy-looking Pauline with a double-barreled shotgun? Run! :shock:

I was hoping for the 5k views by l'anniversaire grande, but it begins to look unlikely now. Ah well... :W

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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:39 pm

"...And in other news today, the French actress Pauline Acquart has almost completely evaded both the global media and the papparazzi underworld, whilst managing, sources claim, to get 'discreetly wrecked with a few select companions', on the happy occasion of her 21st birthday. Her agency has strongly denied rumours that a double-barreled shotgun was involved in any way..."
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby fish » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:01 am

DMt. wrote:...almost...

I'm glad you added that.

I'm seriously leaning towards the conviction that the Facebook and other related pages for Pauline Acquart Bourquelot do in fact relate to our Pauline.
Poor thing, I thought I'd do a bit of serious investigating and so far I've come up with this mobile phone pic posted by Antione on 14th Feb 2010, tagged Pauline Acquart Bourquelot.
So I'm sure it's Pauline's own Facebook page. :Y

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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby Tidbit » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:44 am


hey everyone i just sent her a message on her facebook telling her, the tumblr i made is dedicated to her and wished her a happy birthday :D
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby Ian » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:25 am

Happy birthday Pauline. *:)* :D
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:49 pm

Happy 5k views, too! I truly hope this thread is taken as it's intended, a tribute to an extraordinary talent, courage and beauty, and that it doesn't contribute to any nuisance.
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:20 pm

la Snappia wrote:...For the first time in her life. Agnes felt attracted to a guy. A gorgeously beautiful guy. She envisioned dragging this chimaera back to Amal, and watching as the heads of Camilla and everyone exploded in envy.

A cloud scudded across her horizon.

How would she explain this to Elin? This was just a joke OK? Or was it ?

Elin would understand. Or would she?

Anes kissed Skylar on the cheek. ‘I think I should get back to my hosts. I have to fit in’

Skylar grinned ‘I’m here for you, when you are ready!’


Floriane cursed. ‘Sorry Anne, but you have to understand, this makes him want him more than ever. I need to shag his brains out.’

Anne relented. ‘Ooops sorry. I wish someone wanted to shag my brains out.’

Marie smiled. ‘Not a problem Anne. But this Agnes Ahlberg is a challenge to all of us. If we stick together, we’ll get what we want. Floriane can have Skylar, and I’ll get Agnes.’

Anne scratched her head ‘What do I get?’

Floriane smiled her snake-charmers smile ‘The knowledge that you made all this happen. Just think, all the girls in your group will be dying to know the gossip, and it all came from you!’

Anne looked less than convinced.

Anne was also less than surprised when, after a minimally-decent interval, Marie rang the doorbell. She was, fortunately, in the kitchen at the time, so she called, grinning to herself, "Agnes? Would you get the door, please?"

A slightly mystified Agnes put down her book, open at the current page, and duly hastened to the door, to find herself smiling at the achingly-cute gamine who had so boldly adjusted her straps and swum with her earlier. Marie seemed a good deal less self-possessed now, even embarrassed, as she asked, "Is Anne home?", while looking hard at her pink-and-black Nikes.

"Come in, idiot", yelled Anne from the kitchen, busy with pizzas and iced Coke, and Agnes opened the door wider and said kindly, "Hello, Marie. Nice to see you again...and so soon."

"I couldn't wait", said Marie gratefully, as she entered, "what was I going to do, watch TV?"

"We were talking about that Swedish vampire boy", said Anne, urging them both into the livingroom with the huge tray of pizzas and Coke, "What's that all about? Is he really a vampire, or is it just special dentures?"

"He gave me a very funny feeling", said Agnes solemnly, in her clumsy Nordic French, "and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he wasn't actually a real vampire, somehow fronting it out in society under the gay rights banner. He certainly had the whole back seat of that crammed coach to himself."

"You liked him", said Marie, trying not to sound accusing, as they followed Anne, smiling at each other.

"I did", said Agnes, "but I still think he's very dangerous. How on earth does he do it? Living as an out vampire?"
Last edited by DMt. on Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby DMt. » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:28 pm

"Excuse me? What the fuck do you think you're doing with that camera?"


[Disclaimer: Pauline Acquart did not say this, probably.}
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Re: Pauline Acquart - Retenez Sa Nom

Postby fish » Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:59 am

Such a cute little pic. I've been trying to find a bigger one but no luck so far.

In the meantime....
"Festival du Film Romantique de Cabourg" around June 2009 for "Le Chant des Sirènes".

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