DMt. wrote:...But where is fish..?
Looks like Pauline doesn't have a clue.
Well, it's like this.
You're probably all aware that a couple of years ago I had a heart attack.
A bad one.
I've never had any history of heart problems before this so it's all new.
I spent months in hospital and had open heart surgery to try and repair the damage.
Everything was black but I could feel my youngest son pushing me, trying to wake me.
Eventually glimmers of light appeared and I started to wake.
I'm sure I owe him my life.
I now regularly see a GP and a heart specialist and have been prescribed medication.
Lots of medication.
Unfortunately not all of it is compatible and It's like my body is being used for a whole lot of experiments to find the best "mix".
At the moment it's less than perfect so it's a matter of trial and error to try and find a better "mix".
If I give up on the search there's only one outcome, and I'm not too keen on that.
I try to keep up with what's being written on the Forum and I'll try to contribute as much as I'm able as my strength allows.
Anyway, thank you for asking after me.
It helps me to feel valued.
Best wishes to all, Fish.