Pauline Acquart - Retenez Son Nom

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Pauline Acquart - Retenez Son Nom

Postby DMt. » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:58 pm

A thread for gathering Pauline Acquart stuff.

["Retenez son Nom"was the correct usage in the first place!D'Ohh!! :oops: :roll: :lol: ]

There's very little at the moment; she is, no doubt wisely, just as private as Rebecka [and perhaps for very similar reasons?], and is apparently 'choosing her next projects very carefully', with an eye to quality above all. You go girl!

I keep seeing that shot of her standing dead still, in a roomful of dancing people, all lit red - the director says she's in Hell, I agree.

Something so touching about her, I wish I could name it. Or maybe I don't.

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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby snaps » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:07 pm

This is begging for a crossover fanfic. :D Agnes goes for a semester to Cergy-Pontoise as an exchange student. There she catches the eye of Floriane. Will dumpy Anne's unwelcome intrusion into her life be enough to save her from the clutches of Floriane? Like Banquo's ghost, the embodiment of Viktoria? Or is it, that Marie herself, possiblement has designs on Agnes, the small-town girl with big ambitions? C'ést Paree, the City of Lovers, will Agnes be seduced by the bright lights away from Elin? Will Skylar Moon make an appearance? Will snaps never S.T.F.U. ? :D I know my place *:|* I'm only fit for writing soaps and sit-coms :lol:
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby DMt. » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:24 pm

snapsie's evil twin wrote:Will snaps never S.T.F.U. ? :D I know my place *:|* I'm only fit for writing soaps and sit-coms :lol:

Will you just stop being horrible about my friend? You wish you had a quarter of her ideas, bitch. All she needs to do is cherry-pick the best ones, sort out the presentation, and get them in front of the right people, and you'll be sending in applications to be allowed to be a production assistant, or even a tea-lady, you don't fool me for a second...

Last edited by DMt. on Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby snaps » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:30 pm


Agnes was still jet-lagged. The flight into Charles de Gaulle Airport had been delayed by two days, owing to volcanic ash-clouds spewing up from Iceland. It was very late at night, and school was first thing in the morning. She had been happy to feed on pizza which seemed to be the staple diet in Anne’s apartment in Cergy-Pontoise.

The welcome was fine, she was hunkered up in a tiny room with Anne. She lay awake, in fitful sleep, listening to Anne burping and farting throughout the night. In the in-between she dreamt of Elin. Agnes was determined that in her mail to Elin, she would construct her own fantasy of how good things were, not that she had ended up in a soulless social housing block, actually 20 kilometres from Paris, a world about as distant away from Elin’s imagining of Paris as was possible.

Agnes was determined not to be a snob, like people accused her of. Anne at least, had the grace to tell her that her Mama was only doing this student accomodation thing for the money. They seemed like good people who didn’t stand on ceremony.

Agnes was rudely awakened at 5am by Anne. ‘Come we have to get in swimming practice before school starts.’ Agnes felt like a zombie, but was determined to fit in. She smiled, against her instincts, and threw things into her bag. She grabbed a bowl of chicory coffee and swilled it down with a brioche. Anne made this whole world of synchronized swimming sound like paradise.

Anne laughed as Agnes wrapped herself up in a cocoon of outer clothing. Anne threw open the window. It was September in France. The warmth of the wind caressed her cheek. She had to wake up now. This was not Sweden, but another world full of possibilities untried.

Anne gabbled incessantly all the way to the Swimming Baths. Agnes could only make out every other word. Anne laughed a lot and was very physically demonstrative, throwing her arms out wildly to illustrate a point. She was a fun character. Not physically attractive, but someone you knew instinctively, would be a good friend.

They arrived at the pool. ‘Of course you don’t have to join in. Just watch, or get in and have a litle swim around. I guarantee, all my little followers will just be so flattered to meet an outsider.’

Agnes and Anne, pushed through the doors into the Changing Room. This was not like a changing room in Sweden. None of the girls seems so self-conscious. It was all open. No cubicles. Agnes felt all eyes turn upon her. She was the outsider but it was not a hostile look. One of being welcomed.

Agnes coyly changed into her costume. She cast her eyes about and tried to smile. The older girls seemd to sense her embarassment. The younger ones giggled. She took comfort from Anne’s example. Anne stood, stark naked, like a Rubenesque sculpture, not attractive by modern-day size-zero standards, but with confidence she admired.

Agnes squidged into her cossie. It was Swedish blue and gold, which seemed to make her stand out even more.

Her eyes darted wildly about.

A smallish girl, about her own size, age and build, came over and smiled at her. Without asking, she threaded her fingers through the shoulder straps, and brought them into line. ‘I’m Marie.’

‘Je suis Agnes.’

‘Tres bon. Ma chere.’ Agnes smiled at her like she was a Guardian Angel. A mirror reflection.

‘Allez, allez.’ Came the call. Agnes knew time was tight on training schedules.

Anne stopped clowning around, and came over to her, surrounded by her little coterie of followers. ‘Join us if you wish, or just watch?’

Agnes nodded.

Her attention was being distracted by a solitary girl. Agnes had caught her out of he corner of her eye. She had not wished to look directly but the image of Elin had come into her mind’s eye.

They were the last to leave the Changing Room.

As they headed for the douche together, Agnes smiled and proffered ‘I’m Agnes, from Sweden. I’m an exchange student. I’m very pleased to know you.’

The blonde girl stopped in her tracks. She smiled at Agnes in a half-hearted manner. ‘I’m Floriane. That’s all you need to know for now.’

Floriane stepped out a faster pace, leaving Agnes behind.

Agnes was left alone with her thoughts. ‘How rude, what a fucking bitch.’

Agnes took a shower stall. Much to her consternnation a young guy, about seventeen years old stepped in without invitation.

‘Hi. I’m Skylar Moon.’

‘I’m … I’m’ she was lost for words at the affrontery.

‘I know. You’re Agnes. I’m Skylar. Hit me up some time.’

He stepped out and was gone like a ghost in the night.

Marie ran back for Agnes, still trying to cool off in the shower.

‘Hey Agnes. Anne is off with her Junior team. I’m not really competition standard. Just a hanger-on really. ’ She grinned. ‘I just do his for fun. You get to meet some really cool people here.’

Marie took Agnes hand and led her off. They sat on the benches for a while.

Marie looked at Agnes. ‘This is boring. Would you like to get in? Dip your toes in the water? Play around?’

Agnes mind was in a whirl. The water made her drift and dream. Sweden seemed a long way off. In her mind she composed the email that she would send to Elin tonight. ‘Wish you were here.’ Then, in her mind, she deleted it.
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby DMt. » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:49 pm


Make sure that Floriane sees A&M necking and then sneaking off together...and that Elin NEVER EVER finds out...?

Oh, 'piscine' in the pool, right? There's a dye in there that turns it blue, could be most em-bare-assing.

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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby fish » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:45 am

What are you doing Agnes?
Noooo. :shock:
Marie is really cute and all, but what would Elin think? Image

Fish thinks, "I want to know more." *:)*
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby Ian » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:52 am

I thought you meant Skylar as in Alex's character from that soap! :lol:
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby snaps » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:12 pm

Ian wrote:I thought you meant Skylar as in Alex's character from that soap! :lol:

That's where I got the name Skylar from. I can see your confusion :lol: Although thename SkylEr is the more usual male version, the two are interchangeable. It originally comes from a Dutch word Skueler or 'scholar' so guess maybe that's how the Dutch TV people came up with the name for the Alex character, as an exchange student. Dave must be very confused by now :T but Fish and Ian will know what I mean :idea:

Skylar Moon is a character in my extended LTROI fanfic. Dave will know what I mean *:)* but Fish and Ian won't *:|*

The ''Moon'' part is confusing because I based aspects of the Skylar character on 'Georgina Moon' in my extended Stieg Larsson fanfic, called, ironically: 'The girl with the thorn in her side''. Fish, among others may remember her. :?
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby DMt. » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:41 pm

Mah brayne 'urts... :?


Most amusing to see Skylar jumping contexts like that, though, however briefly 8)
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby snaps » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:57 pm


At the end of the synchronised swimming session, after the others had scuttled off for the school bus, Floriane, Anne, and Marie held a pow-wow in the changing room. This was a crisis meeting. They agreed to bury the hatchet between them and assess the new threat to their situation: AGNES ‘FUCKING’ AHLBERG.

Marie had enjoyed the way that Agnes had flirted with her during the training session. Then she had raised her expectations. ‘I should tell you now, I’m a lesbisk, but my girlfriend is back in Sweden. She doesn’t need to know about anything we have between us.’

But then, Floriane confided, she had her own own hopes for Agnes, but also her fellow Swedish exchange student, the guy called Skylar Moon.

Marie said that she had seen the two of them, cosying up in the douche, after the training session.

Anne felt that this was perfectly normal. After all, they were both International Baccalaureate students, exchange students from Sweden. Wasn’t it natural they should want to get to know each other?


Agnes climbed on board the school ‘bus waiting in the car park. She felt nervous, and was unsure where to sit.

‘Hey you. Sister. Over here!’

The wolf call came from in Swedish from Skylar Moon. He had already bared his fangs at the other guys who had all moved away. He had the back seat to himself.

Agnes grinned. She moved up back with him. He was very well dressed for a student. She was still in her combat pants and black top. They chatted in Swedish. He was charming and fun.

‘So what’s your idea of fun Agnes?’

She laughed. ‘I don’t know. I guess just being round interesting people.’

Skylar placed his hand on Agnes upper thigh, just a little too close for comfort.

‘Mmmm . OK it’s difficult. Ima not sure these French people would understand, but let’s get this right, I am a lesbisk.’

Skylar smiled sweetly, seductively.

‘Not a problem. I am not only bi-sexual, but I’m a vampire’

Agnes cracked up and laughed. The tension of being an outsider, a foreigner, dissipated. This crazy guy from Stockholm! He laughs a lot. He is not afraid of being who he is. Saying what he thinks.

For the first time in her life. Agnes felt attracted to a guy. A gorgeously beautiful guy. She envisioned dragging this chimera back to Amal, and watching as the heads of Camilla and everyone exploded in envy.

A cloud scudded across her horizon.

How would she explain this to Elin? This was just a joke OK? Or was it ?

Elin would understand. Or would she?

Anes kissed Skylar on the cheek. ‘I think I should get back to my hosts. I have to fit in’

Skylar grinned ‘I’m here for you, when you are ready!’


Floriane cursed. ‘Sorry Anne, but you have to understand, this makes him want him more than ever. I need to shag his brains out.’

Anne relented. ‘Ooops sorry. I wish someone wanted to shag my brains out.’

Marie smiled. ‘Not a problem Anne. But this Agnes Ahlberg is a challenge to all of us. If we stick together, we’ll get what we want. Floriane can have Skylar, and I’ll get Agnes.’

Anne scratched her head ‘What do I get?’

Floriane smiled her snake-charmers smile ‘The knowledge that you made all this happen. Just think, all the girls in your group will be dying to know the gossip, and it all came from you!’

Anne looked less than convinced.
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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby DMt. » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:11 pm

Synapse - you are rapidly becoming my heroin/e :twisted: :lol:

Especially because you remembered to put a pic of L'Acquart in the post as well..!

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Re: Pauline Aquart

Postby fish » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:43 am

snaps wrote:...Dave must be very confused by now :T but Fish and Ian will know what I mean :idea:

snapsie wrote:...Dave will know what I mean *:)* but Fish and Ian won't *:|*

schnapps wrote:... Fish, among others may remember her. :?

DMt wrote:Mah brayne 'urts... :?

I think mine is rejecting my body. :T :T :T :T :lol:
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Re: Pauline Acquart

Postby DMt. » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:27 pm

Oh, that's quite common, I gather.

cf "Does my bum look big in this?" :lol:

BUT! <sternly> where is the Pauline pic/ref in your post? ...hmmm?

[Looks at fish over the tops of his spectacles]

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Re: Pauline Acquart

Postby fish » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:58 am

DMt. wrote:...[Looks at fish over the tops of his spectacles]...

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Image Image

*:)* :)P :lol:
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Re: Pauline Acquart

Postby DMt. » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:29 am

Nobody wants to be looked at over the tops of spectacles... Good job I don't wear them [much]!

Aww...the misery of unrequited love...

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