Blue is the Warmest Colour

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Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby ArcticMonkeys » Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:44 pm

Surprised no one has started a thread for this already. Seen as Fucking Amal and Water Lillies get a lot of love, I have to say Blue is the Warmest Colour towers over them both in acting and film terms probably the best French film in a while.
First to start of with Adèle Exarchopoulos as Adele, who we see as a teen struggling with her sexuality, falling in love with Léa Seydoux's mysterious Emma and then the slow dissolving of their relationship shown in all it heartbreaking sadness. delivers a performance that is simply amazing over three hours, we see a young girl turn into a young woman. This is amazing seen as Adele is only 19 in real life most actresses older then her wouldn't give a soul reaching performance as good as this. Seydoux holds her own but this is Exarchopoulos's film.

The major backlash to this film are it's very up close and graphic sex scenes, one of which goes on for 15 minutes. They could have cut it down as it wouldn't have taken away from the film. I personally didn't think they were that graphic to be honest.

Many will be put off by it's running time of Three hours, plus it's slow pace and it's downbeat tone in the end but this is probably the best film of last year for me, Has anyone seen it?
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby Dahls » Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:02 pm

I've been wanting to see this since I read a promising review about it when it premiered, but haven't gotten my hands on it yet.

Seen a few clips, and the trailer, and I must say it looks fantastic.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby fish » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:13 am

ArcticMonkeys wrote:Surprised no one has started a thread for this already.

Really looking forward to seeing it, but I don't want to know too many spoilers before I do.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby Ian » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:54 am

I've kept meaning to mention it. :T

Didn't come to any cinemas in Townsville so I'm waiting for it to come out to rent (June apparently).
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby ArcticMonkeys » Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:41 pm

Ian wrote:I've kept meaning to mention it. :T

Didn't come to any cinemas in Townsville so I'm waiting for it to come out to rent (June apparently).

saw it in the cinema and have to say when it came to those sex scenes I never seen so many people feel so uncomfortable, I was with my girlfriend and she wanted to kill me :D. But it's such a beautiful and honest film even she couldn't deny it. It leave you happy and sad in equal measures. Should have been up for some Oscars. I'm surprised it didn't get shown seen as it's probably biggest talked about European release last year seen as it won a ton of awards at Cannes and got top marks by critics. Once you get your hands on I assure you, you won't be disappointed.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby ArcticMonkeys » Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:42 pm

fish wrote:
ArcticMonkeys wrote:Surprised no one has started a thread for this already.

Really looking forward to seeing it, but I don't want to know too many spoilers before I do.

I won't saying any more. But if you don't come out of it not been emotional moved and probably a bit of dust in your eye, you ain't human :D.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby Ian » Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:09 am

Not one to watch with the folks, then. :mrgreen:
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby ArcticMonkeys » Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:40 pm

Ian wrote:Not one to watch with the folks, then. :mrgreen:

Unless you cut out some of the nudity then yes it's a family film :D.

If any of you guys get to see it, it's been released on DVD by now in The states and UK. It should be up on some film sites if you really want to see it :wink:
Love to hear some of your guys reviews and takes on the film, some people I know had it down as their best films of 2013 but some detractors thought it dragged a little after a beautiful first hour and a half. I disagree as I feel the slowing down after the full of life first half was needed.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby Ian » Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:12 am

Not out till June here, I think.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby DMt. » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:17 pm

Our lesbian sisters at The L Chat hated it.

"Should have been a panel in the corner showing the director constantly jerking off to his 'masterpiece' ", stuff like that.

I got the impression they thought it was playing to masculine notions of lesbianism.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby Dahls » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:18 pm

Sounds to me they found the film a tad pretensious. :shock:

Doesn't change anything for me though, still looking very much forward to it.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby ArcticMonkeys » Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:57 pm

Dahls wrote:Sounds to me they found the film a tad pretensious. :shock:

Doesn't change anything for me though, still looking very much forward to it.

I think the fact it doesn't put lesbian relationships into a good light, oh god lesbians have relationship that consist of up and downs like the rest of us, the shock horror :D
Plus those sex scenes are said be OTT too. It's French yeah its a tad pretentious but that doesn't take away from it be a magical piece of cinema. Any group will moan and groan its to be expected. The film has got a ton of excellent reviews so you could check it out Dahls, fair play you don't let a few haters put you off :).
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby Ian » Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:48 pm

I don't know them, and I haven't seen the film, but yeah, that remark really sounds more like man-bashing than anything resembling actual critical comment.
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby fish » Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:00 am

The DVD arrived yesterday, so last night I had the privilege of watching the best film I've seen in a long time.


Totally engrossing as the story of a young woman's coming of age, discovering herself, having her heart broken, and finding the strength to carry on.

Stunning performances from everyone, but Léa Seydoux and Adèle Exarchopoulos in particular, were brilliant.

If they ever make "Chapters 3 & 4" I'll be first in line to buy it.
Can't recommend it highly enough. *:)*
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Re: Blue is the Warmest Colour

Postby Ian » Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:16 am

Happy you like it. I'm thinking of making it a blind buy on Blu ray when it comes out next month. :wink:
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