Generational changes

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Generational changes

Postby Ian » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:33 pm

Some of you probably know what I mean by this... I find myself sadly feeling left out of the current movie scene, and have for some time, and I suspect it's a generational thing.

I grew up in the 80s and 90s and those two decades are my favourite for TV and for movies. The 80s even more so than the 90s for movies, though the 90s still pwn everything else. I love that stuff.
Yet in the 00s I began to find myself first uninterested and then unsatisfied by what was on offer. I didn't really think about it at the time on an analytical sense, but it seems looking back now that it may have been the generational turnover. The style of movies was changing, and so were the actors. By the close of the 90s many of the actors I'd grew up with seemed to be petering out or disappearing - the likes of Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Danny DeVito etc - and of course in the early 00s both Arnie and Sean Connery hung up their hats.... and nobody really seemed to be replacing them.
Today I am much the same. Arnie's made something of a comeback, and the likes of Tom Cruise are still going (and still making good movies too) but I find myself overwhelmed by the amount of movies featuring actors I've hardly heard of or who do nothing for me. There are maybe a couple of actors in the "current generation" I like (the lovely Emma topping the list, of course :D ), but not very many.
I look at what's on offer at the local cinema this week, and am like "meh". Yet the other night I stuck The Naked Gun Blu ray on and laughed my arse off yet again.
Like I said, I didn't really think about this during the 00s - all I knew was that, suddenly, somehow, I just wasn't as interested or having as much fun as I used to. There were still a handful of very good films in the 00s, as there are in the current decade, but I think it is fair to say that I have realised it will never be quite the same again....

Sorry, that was long and probably rambling. And a tad maudlin too. *:|* :mrgreen:
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Re: Generational changes

Postby Santi » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:50 am

This happens to many (me too). :wink:
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Re: Generational changes

Postby fish » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:06 am

If I worried and fretted about all the things that had passed and were never coming back I'd go crazy(er). :T

Santi life. *:)*

Alex made a movie about it..... "All we have is now". *:)*
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Re: Generational changes

Postby Dahls » Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:28 pm

A safe sign of ageing, isn't it?
When everything was better before.

Next thing you'll be shaking your fist in the streets yelling "the kids today :roll: ". :P :lol:

It's a matter of taste anyway, and the general film scene sure have changed since the 80's.
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Re: Generational changes

Postby Ian » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:20 am

Dahls wrote:A safe sign of ageing, isn't it?
When everything was better before.

Next thing you'll be shaking your fist in the streets yelling "the kids today :roll: ". :P :lol:


Have you been spying on me? :evil: :mrgreen:
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Re: Generational changes

Postby fish » Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:23 am

Dahls wrote:...Next thing you'll be shaking your fist in the streets yelling "the kids today :roll: ". :P :lol: ...

Would you like me to post the video? :shock: :P :lol: :lol:
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Re: Generational changes

Postby Dahls » Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:07 am

Ian wrote:Have you been spying on me? :evil: :mrgreen:

An educated guess. :mrgreen: :lol:
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Re: Generational changes

Postby DMt. » Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:52 pm

Of course, there is also the possibility that Hollywood has been issuing 99.99999% unmitigated dog shite since about the time of, ooh, let's say Terminator 2...
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Re: Generational changes

Postby snaps » Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:18 pm

Actually I think there are as many good films and music produced now as ever in anyone's imagined 'golden age'

First set of problems is to do with release, distribution and promotion. In film the watchword was 'bigger means better' as in bigger budget more expensive SFX, exotic locations = better. The casualties have been skilled acting, technical performance and good old-fashioned art of 'storytelling'

Second is technology which should have been liberating and a window of opportunity for low-budget challengers to the mainstream. This has applied to both film and music. For a while it worked, but now technology means anyone with a smartphone can make a film/album then upload to youtube and drown out promising material from view.

The first now feeds off the second. 'Streaming' and copying has virtually killed-off the notion of being a good garage band to becoming established. Services like Spotify pay pitiful royalties, not enough to make a reasonable living other than by promoting 'merchandise' The total Disneyfication of the creative process.
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Re: Generational changes

Postby Santi » Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:40 pm

There is too much information. Lots of shit , but this is made ​​by specialized groups like this forum to filter sucks. :T :mrgreen:
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Re: Generational changes

Postby Dahls » Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:20 am

DMt. wrote:..that Hollywood has been issuing 99.99999% unmitigated dog s...

Don't quite agree about the number being that high, but also, never forget; there is more to film than Hollywood. :wink:
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Re: Generational changes

Postby DMt. » Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:34 am

cf. Jean de Florette/Manon des Sources, for example.

Incisive commentary there, from snapsie... *:)*
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