Hello, everyone.
I'm pretty sure none of the original gang is around anymore... but I first joined this forum a little over twenty years ago, in 2004. The days of AIM and MySpace... feels like a lifetime ago.
Back then I was a depressed, hormonal teenager with no real outlet for my emotions. I was in quite a dark place. Then I found 'Show Me Love / Fucking Amal'. It was a much needed source of hope/escape/comfort during a tough period in my life. I eventually found a home in the community here and made quite a few friends in the process, one of whom I am technically still in contact with to this day in real life, though we haven't really spoken properly in some time.
Honestly, after twenty years I had not expected this forum to still exist, but I'm so glad it does... I'm even more surprised that I could remember my login details and that my account hadn't been deleted for inactivity!
I know that there is very little chance that they will see this message, but I just wanted to say thank you to all those who helped me during my darker times and for providing a haven to shelter me from the constant storm of bullsh*t that teenage life brings. I am almost forty now and am doing much better than my teenage self ever thought would be possible. It isn't perfect, of course, but nothing ever is.
I hope this forum continues long into the future and that it remains a gathering point for Lukas Moodyson fans the world over.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll have to watch my copy of Fucking Amal one more time.
Happy New Year, everyone!