Noordzee, Texas

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Noordzee, Texas

Postby sydney » Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:20 am

Good to see that this forum is still very much alive.

Great job Ole.

A few weeks ago I saw Noordzee, Texas which is somewhat the flemish version of Fucking Åmål. It is also very much about growing up and discovering feelings and how to deal with them. If you got an opportunity to see this movie, then I really recommend it.


Re: Noordzee, Texas

Postby fish » Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:33 am

Hello Sydney.

It's been ages since we last spoke, nice to hear your keyboard again.

I did a bit of research on "Noordzee, Texas" and it looks like a very good and highly rated film.
Took me ages to find a clip with English subtitles though, so what I understand of the plot is only what I gleaned from translations of reviews etc.

I don't think I'd form the same emotional attachment to the two boys as I did to Alexandra and Rebecka, but I'm sure that won't prevent the film from being well received.
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Re: Noordzee, Texas

Postby sydney » Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:02 am

It is another (touchscreen) keyboard since my last post here (thanks to Steve Jobs ;) ) :mrgreen:

The film is well received but not a lot of people have seen it unfortunately. And... About Fucking Amal, I haven't seen the movie in ages. Strange for a fan like me, but that is perhaps inevitable and connected to getting older. :wink: leaves the fact that I have great memories of FA. :)

Re: Noordzee, Texas

Postby fish » Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:17 am

sydney wrote:It is another (touchscreen) keyboard since my last post here (thanks to Steve Jobs ;) ) :mrgreen:

I see, almost silent keying, now that's just showing off. :P

And as for getting older. It beats the alternative I guess. :roll: :lol:

I must be the wierd kind of person who can watch a film over and over again without tiring of it.
Especially one as good as Fucking Åmål. :roll: :T :lol:

It's a pity about Noordzee, Texas though, but I suppose once it gets pigeon-holed as a niche film it's hard to break out into the more mainstream audiences. *:|*
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Re: Noordzee, Texas

Postby Ian » Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:59 am

Well, I haven't seen FA for just over 3 years. But that's got nothing to do with getting older :T :lol: , it's just that, unlike fishy, I can't watch anything that often. Still, 3 and a half years tends to be long enough even with stuff I'm very familiar with, so I am planning to watch it again later this year. :D
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Re: Noordzee, Texas

Postby snaps » Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:00 pm

Well I did get round to seeing this as it landed in the local library.

I've got it on hire, so wil be able to watch again.

Overall, not disappointed but confused. :?

Took (even me) a while to work out the time setting is not contemporary.

I know a fair bit about internal decor. The clothes and furniture and clothing are, what circa late 1950's ?

No clues. Damn. Even a reference to the first Sputnik launch might have helped.

A film that screams out ''this is NOT a film for the kids of today. Right? Piss off''

So be it. That is the message I got.

I am not fucking stupid. People in north Belgium speak Flemish. They do not speak Dutch.

I don't like films that insult my basic intelligence.

Lots of nice interweaving of plotlines with Sabine, who is the real hero (heroine).

Mmmm. Overall ok.

Not a FA/SML nor Water Lilies. Not even near. Without offering any spoilers. Sorry Pim but you should have gone on a killing spree, and plunged that bitrhday gift knife deep into the carotid arteries of every other character in the film bar yourself and Sabine.

Now, that WOULD, have been an interesting film. :D
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Re: Noordzee, Texas

Postby sydney » Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:46 pm

snaps wrote:
Overall, not disappointed but confused. :?

I am not fucking stupid. People in north Belgium speak Flemish. They do not speak Dutch.

I don't like films that insult my basic intelligence.

Very confusing post :mrgreen:

Why was it that confusing? I thought the story was very straight forward and did not startle my mind at all. But you rented it so I suggest you watch it again. :D

Btw Flemish / Vlaams is not a language. People in Flandres speak dutch, with a different accent. Flandres is member of the Dutch language union and the only official languages in Belgium are French, Dutch and German. But only Dutch and Belgian people know that. O-) O-) O-)

Flemish as a referral to Belgian Dutch

Re: Noordzee, Texas

Postby snaps » Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:23 pm

Yeh. Ima not saying it was bad.

I just thought that it had many stylistic weaknesses.

With much tighter direction and script editing, it could have been a REALLY good film.

Pim was an interesting character. but then so was his mother, sweaty Erik, and Zoltan the fairground boy, Sabine his boyfriends sister, his boyfriends mother, etc etc

hIs boyfriend was DULL DULL DULL. in comparison.

In 90 minutes of story-telling time, I just think you need to sharpen the focus.

you at least have to be challenged. I think it fell short. You have to make the hero (heroine) appear to have feet of clay. Agnes in FA, even Marie in NdP exhibit the darker side of their natures.

I just thought Pim was a bit aseptic.

His boyfriend is as an ass-hole. End of story, really.

Maybe I need to watch it again. :?
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