Hanging around the L-Chat looking for news on Adele Haenel [for some strange reason there's no Acquart fan-thread there
] I noticed that there were
1300+ pages! on Kristen Stewart. [This AFTER a whole previous thread was deleted, presumably on orders from Summit, the Twiglet production company...] I mean they're as crazy about her as teenage girls, maybe more so.
Now I admit I was prejudiced against the kid...I was a LTROI fan from early on, and Twiglet stole a lot of its thunder, plus the relentless PR was pretty nauseating...but I ended up watching a fair few interviews with her, and then the Floria Sigismondi-directed movie
The Runaways; and while I still don't want to watch Twiglet and probably never will, I have to admit it - I like her. Might even take a chance on the On The Road film.
She's not by any means the flake my [PR-based] prejudice had dismissed her as; she's smart, funny, doing her best to be real in an utterly unreal situation, and is obviously shy, but also brave, engaging and very pretty. She's twenty-three, and has done THIRTY movies since the age of nine.
I think the clinchers were when she told Letterman she had "authority issues", and another interviewer "I don't watch TV". Go girl.
Won't be posting [m]any pics, though. Too many of those already.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" - Voltaire