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Re: Greetings!

Postby fish » Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:23 am

Eldsjäl indication to where the DVD was intended to be sold...

I guess my intention was to remove that restriction so I could buy whatever DVD I wanted, regardless of it's country of origin or it's intended market.

Eldsjäl wrote:...I didn't mean to make this sound as an accusation...

No, sorry. I didn't mean my response to sound that defensive either.
I must have been having a "Mr Grumpy" kind of day. :T

Eldsjäl wrote:...These do by the way show a small age rating and region 2 on the back.

Got my old reading glasses out and now I can actually see what's in that little section.
Amazing what they can hide in the small print, eh? :lol:
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Re: Greetings!

Postby Santi » Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:34 am

Welcome Eldsjäl,
Since I saw the movie, in 2014, my life changed again, as other times, but now this is especially in the heart.
The movie's moment had passed many years and it seemed that only this forum was left.

But thanks to them I discovered a new world of cinema that was unfinished, of non-commercial and very deep films of feelings, like FA. They have taught me many things in life and now I am even happier.

In this forum we have squeeze the FA movie and every time there are fewer surprises. But the information there is very big and it never ends.

I live in Pamplona, ​​but I'm from Barcelona.
I wanted to know where you live in Sweden?
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Re: Greetings!

Postby Eldsjäl » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:36 pm

Thank you Santi! :-)

Santi wrote:In this forum we have squeeze the FA movie and every time there are fewer surprises. But the information there is very big and it never ends.

There's always unkown trivia out there just waiting to be unraveled. ;-)

Santi wrote:I live in Pamplona, ​​but I'm from Barcelona.
I wanted to know where you live in Sweden?

As for right now I live in Karlskrona, a town located at the southern shore of Sweden. But I grew up and lived until recently in a small municipality called Tranemo in western Sweden. It's slighty smaller than Åmål Municipality even.
Whatever. We'll go there and burn the house down. Come on. Please...
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Re: Greetings!

Postby snaps » Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:04 pm


Karlskrona. Been there. Full of mad people walking over the ice in this harbour in winter. :shock: :shock: :lol:
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Re: Greetings!

Postby Santi » Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:46 pm

My best friend, her mother is from Stockholm (live in Barcelona, is married with a catalan) and she has friends in Lulea and she has told me several times if we want to see the aurora borealis in Lulea.
So far for me :roll:
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Re: Greetings!

Postby Eldsjäl » Thu Apr 19, 2018 1:58 am

snaps wrote:

Hi snaps! :-)

snaps wrote:Karlskrona. Been there. Full of mad people walking over the ice in this harbour in winter.

I can confirm that the people here do this. The sea is quite shallow in certain areas of the island chain, so it freezes up pretty well in those parts. Still you should never walk over the ice!

Santi wrote:My best friend, her mother is from Stockholm (live in Barcelona, is married with a catalan) and she has friends in Lulea and she has told me several times if we want to see the aurora borealis in Lulea.
So far for me :roll:

We get to see the Northern Lights from around here too sometimes. The cities in northern Sweden are few and far between but Luleå is nice!
Whatever. We'll go there and burn the house down. Come on. Please...
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Re: Greetings!

Postby fish » Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:09 am

Eldsjäl wrote:...We get to see the Northern Lights from around here too sometimes...

I've seen the southern lights (Aurora Australis) a few times but we're a bit too far north to get them in all their glory.
Best we get is a greenish glow just above the horizon.

Love to visit the northern lights one day.
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Re: Greetings!

Postby Santi » Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:09 pm

From åmål, is possible to see the Aurora Borealis?
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Re: Greetings!

Postby Eldsjäl » Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:10 am

Possible yes but it's probably not that common. On rare occasions you can even sight them in the southernmost region of Skåne.
Whatever. We'll go there and burn the house down. Come on. Please...
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