Discuss anything on your mind, with focus on films and music though.

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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:44 pm


Oskar and Eli, donned their matching red hoodies, grabbed their school bags, and skeetered across the floor of the Map Room, as Skylar Moon’s booming war cry, from the floor below, tortured their ears: ‘I can’t see you, but I can sense you, and now I’m coming to GET YOU!

Oskar was lost. He felt like he was trapped inside a slasher movie, or worse a nightmare, or maybe both at the same time. Inside his mind, he turned the pages of his scrapbook. This was different. He pinched himself. It was real. Only now, he was a central character in his own demise. It felt like a cartoon chase. But, this was no Bugs Bunny, no Tom and Jerry. A nightmare you could never wake up from. No-one to turn the house lights on, and be returned to humanity of the audience. No comforting hot chocolate at home, after you tried to pick out the scariest bits of the movie, to recount with a friend as you made your way home from the cinema. He would have felt secure, except for the abject look of terror on Eli’s face.

* * * * * * *

For a moment there was a frozen silence as Max Blumenthal and Sandra Birger, attempted to make sense of what had just happened. The walls of Max’s office at SAPO HQ seemed to be closing in around him. Sandra, uncharacteristically, seemed unsure of what to do next. Skylar Moon punctuated the silence. ‘Are you two just going to sit there while those kids escape?’

Max was first off the block. ‘I’ll co-ordinate back-up. Skylar, you and Sandra begin pursuit.’

Skylar cut in on Max. ‘Let me go after them, in my own way, using my own methods. Get Sandra to go down to reception and pull-in back-up. Give me an hour before you launch a combing operation. People could get seriously hurt if you try and go in too early. Let me be the frontline and track them down.’

Sandra was speechless and collapsed back in an armchair. Max looked at Skylar. ‘I’m giving you half an hour, tops.’

* * * * * * *

Two schoolkids on the run. The combined forces of the Valkyrja and SAPO arraigned against them. Oskar and Eli huddled together in a corner, wracked by indecision. He couldn’t pick up anything sensible from Eli now. It was all crackles, flashing strobe lights played across his mind, as he attempted to read Eli. Nothing, just the electric storm of an epileptic attack imprinted on his own eyelids.

Oskar slumped into a heap, his whole body convulsed. A thick, creamy, pinkish foam, started to emanate from his lips. His goggles now removed, his pupils dilated, staring blankly at the ceiling. His heart beat it’s last drumbeat and faded to silence.

* * * * * * *

Max picked up his phone. Officer Skepp answered. ‘Skepp we have a LOCKDOWN situation, You got that?’ Clearly Skepp didn’t. Max shouted, ‘I said LOCKDOWN confirm?’ Skepp got the message. ‘Situation now, AMBER alert. Commence essential tasks, I’m sending Inspector Birger down to take over from you.’

‘What’s Lockdown?’ asked Skylar.

‘Emergency Protocol,’ explained Max, ‘in event of SAPO HQ coming under sustained attack. My guess is these villains will try to get out downstairs a.s.a.p. They’ll run into all exits being automatically shuttered by re-inforced metre-thick steel and concrete barriers being dropped from the ceilings.’

A series of loud sharp clicks behind them made them all jump.

‘What was that?’ asked Sandra, who was on the edge of panic as she loaded a clip into her Sig Sauer pistol.

‘That’s Skepp. Looks like he’s got a grip now. Those are automatic window locks being shot-bolted into place all over this block.’

‘What if they just smash the windows and escape?’ Skylar pointed out.

‘All windows are bullet-proof, shatter-resistant, triple glazed, with high pressure gas sealant between layers. Anyone, even cracking a window would get blown apart by the backblast.’

* * * * * * *

Eli pleaded with him to no avail. ‘Oskar. Oskar! We have to go. Now!!!’ Eli held on tight to the Oskar that was now corpsing out. Oskar was in repose, drained of life. He looked like the pure-white Dolomite marble of a sculptured child, laying prone, on the tomb of a rich families long, lost, loved one. Beyond cold, he was now dead to touch.

* * * * * * *

Max picked up the phone again. ‘Is that the Duty Officer at National Police Tactical Squad? Yeh, good, I’m following up from Officer Skepp’s call. This is Superintendent Blumenthal at Lamda Division, SAPO. Code Word of the day ‘Rainbow’ got that? Good. We have an internal situation at ‘D’ Block here. No further details. Let’s just say someone let loose a couple of wild animals that should be in the zoo. Situation for now, under control. I want everyone you have here like yesterday. Got it? I want the SAPO complex surrounded, but do not attempt a direct assualt on ‘D’ block without further instructions’.

Sandra and Skylar nodded. They seemed re-assured by Max’s steady hand at the tiller.

* * * * * * *

Eli leaned into Oskar. ‘Oskar, wake up, what’s the matter?’ Oskar was slumped like a sack of potatoes. Eli heaved Oskar onto his back, over the schoolbag he was carrying. Eli felt his muscles expand into the desperation of the situation. He stepped out into the corridor, eyes flashing like radar beacons.

To Eli’s relief, Oskar started to come to. He heard him murmur. ‘I want my Mama’, Oskar dribbled through the crusted goo on his lips.

‘I’m your Mama now. Worse luck.’ Eli chuntered through hard-set, battle-ready jaws.

They reached the narrow stairwell of the Fire Escape staircase. Oskar continued to burble, but at least was showing signs of life. Eli, unceremoniously, threw the limp prostrate figure of Oskar onto the steps. Eli barked into Oskar’s face. ‘You are supposed to help me. Do I have to do everything for you? Well do I?’ He slapped Oskar hard, across his cheek.

‘Förlåt’. Oskar started to flicker back into life. I think I just had a seizure. It’s called “Petit Mal” I haven’t had an attack since I was a little kid’.

* * * * * * *

Max listened intently. ‘No we do not need radio comms, and ESPECIALLY I do not want trained negotiators on hand. You can’t negotiate with wild animals. I want radio silence except for communication with Inspector Birger who will co-ordinate the armed response from Reception in ‘D’ Block. No alarms, sirens, searchlights or anything flashy unless we give the word. I want a search chopper out on stand-by, but do not land on the Helicopter pad on the roof unless called in. Get it landed in Kronobergsparken opposite from us on Polhemsgatan.

Sandra made a call out to Reception. ‘Call out the Specialist Armoury division. I want everything they can lay their hands on, and I mean, EVERYTHING, I don’t care whether it’s legal or not or requires pre-auhorisation, I’ll take the rap for it later, OK? I want all the usual, laser guided rifles and small arms. I’m authorising use of teflon bullets with silver tipped dum-dum heads. Get tasers, stun grenades, smoke bombs, gas cannisters, but I also need harpoons, flame-throwers, chains, cables, and nets.

Sandra looked back to Max.’Here. Can I trade this in? She held up the Sig Sauer. I need something with more impact. Give me a Glock automatic.’

Max reluctantly handed his own over to Sandra in exchange. ‘You’re not supposed to be issued with one of these unless you’ve had specific training, you know. There’s no safety catch for a start, so take care.’ He offered a Sig Sauer to Skylar.

Skylar declined. ‘You won’t need all this. Leave it to me.’

Sandra asked, exasperated ‘So what are you armed with?’

Skylar smiled politely. ‘Charm.’ He winked.
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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:47 pm

OK - I'll go with working up a version of Option 2. Thanks for your participation :wub: meanwhile ..........



Eli reached into his schoolbag and produced a small package wrapped in cloth. From the wrapping he pulled out an authentic World War II Hitler Jugend dagger with a leather scabbard. ‘This was meant to be for your birthday, I know you used to like knives. I traded some jewellery for this with Skylar. It’s the real thing! It might make you feel more secure.’

Oskar very quickly started to come round. ‘Thanks Eli. You think of everything.’ He gave a smile of reassurance that he was recovering.

’Here, you need a boost.’ Eli drew the blade of the knife over the heel of his hand, just enough to draw blood. He held his hand to Oskar who took the offering.’

The horror of the situation, combined with the revitalising blood, sent a charge of adrenalin through Oskar’s system. He looped the frog of the scabbard through his belt.

* * * * * * *

Max opened up a locked cabinet. He handed out radio intercoms to Sandra and Max. ‘Sandra this is an over-ride key for the staff elevator, Skepp will already have disabled the staff and service elevators. Take it down to Ground level. Keep it parked there in case we need to do an Evac. Bring down the staff from the Radio Comms room on your way. I’ll stay here for now, and act as back-up for Skylar if it’s needed. Right. Skylar what’s your plan?’

Sandra interrupted, ‘Skylar should stick with me. These villains will try to find a way down. I suggest he starts off with Ground Floor then combs his way upwards, when he locates them, then he can call us in for the kill.’

Skylar looked askance at Sandra. ‘As I was about to say. I totally disagree. I reckon they’ll head for the roof ... ’

‘That’s crazy!’ Sandra butted in again. ‘It’s a sheer drop from there. All the way down. Why would they go up there?’

Skylar looked impatiently at Sandra. ‘Max let me handle it my way. I’ll start from the roof level, work my way downwards, and flush out our little friends as only I know how.’

Max hesitated then looked at Sandra. ‘I’m going with Skylar’s plan. This is no ordinary operation Sandra.’

Sandra looked crestfallen.

‘OK you guys. What are you waiting for? Get moving!’

Sandra and Skylar did not speak, such was the air of hostility between them. Officer Skepp had sent the lift up to park on the third Floor near Max’s office.

* * * * * * *

Eli led the way, deciding to clear the staircase as it seemed too obvious a getaway. Eli pointed out a maintenance door set into the wall opposite the external wall. He pulled a triangular access key out of his schoolbag and they slipped through into what appeared through the gloom, to be a maintenance tunnel little wider or higher than the door. Along the length of the tunnel to either side, lay cable housing, ventilation ducts, internal heating pipes, and service panels.

Eli had explored this infrastructure in the weeks before Oskar’s revival. The tunnel opened out onto a vertical service shaft running alongside the elevator cavity. Set into the wall were simple climbing rungs like a ladder. On each floor level was a concrete platform and a lighting hub set into the wall, and similar horizontal tunnels running off at right angles to the vertical service shaft. They scampered the length of the tunnel like mice on a mission.

Eli indicated. <We have to get to the top floor. Out onto the exit stairs and through the door out onto the roof.>

<No, no Eli! the door to the roof is always locked. Everyone knows that!>

<Silly boy! That’s just in films and TV. This is real. It’s a FIRE exit, there’s bound to be a panic bolt bar fixed to the door. Anyway, out onto the roof and then we fly off.>

Oskar was quiet.

<What is it?>

<I’m not sure I can remember how to fly.>

<Well you’ll soon learn when you jump over the edge!>

They moved gingerly back to the vertical shaft.

* * * * * *

As they entered the elevator Skylar scratched his hands. A strange burning sensation hit him. ‘Sandra, take the lift down, to Level 2.’

‘Yes, I DO know that, I have to pick up the radio comms guys. But you need to go up first?’

Skylar looked intent.

‘What is it?’ Sandra enquired, as the lift slid down one floor.

Skylar signalled to wait. ‘That’s odd. The signal should be weaker.’

‘What signal?’

‘Take it up two floors.’

‘What the .. make your mind up!’

Skylar’s senses were in overdrive. The lift backed up to the fourth floor.

‘Skylar, can you tell me what’s going on here? I have an attack plan to co-ordinate, we’re wasting time.’

‘Micro atmospheric changes in air density and humidity. There’s something wrong here. The signal should be stronger or weaker. ’

‘Oh, please don’t get me going with all that Extra Sensory Perception stuff! This is serious business.’

‘Unless …’


‘Unless my little pilgrims are already here.’ Skylar’s eyes turned upwards to the drop hatch in the ceiling of the elevator. He stretched to his full height and Karate punched a hole into the lock mechanism. The lid fell open with a cloud of dust and rush of cold air.

* * * * * *

Eli and Oskar stood in the shaft, on the roof of the elevator pinned back to the perimeters. For a moment there was an icy silence.

* * * * * *

Skylar drew a deep breath. ‘Knew it.’

* * * * * *

Eli and Oskar couldn’t make him out, but they felt his pencilpoint eyes penetrate the gloom like halogen lights.

* * * * * *

Skylar bellowed into the cavity above the elevator cage ‘I still can’t see you, but I can SMELL you!!’

* * * * * *

Eli and Oskar scrambled for it, clinging onto the tense steel cables, and lugging themselves upwards.

* * * * * *

The situation dawned on Sandra.

‘Give me a leg up woman! I’m going after them.’ Skylar yelled.

‘No, I have a better plan, let’s zap this capsule up to the top floor and crush them in the winding gear mechanism.’

Skylar breathed fire in Sandra’s direction. He jumped up to the edge of the hatch and dug his claw-like hands into the surrounds, puncturing the metal. Bolstering himself up, kicking his boots against the wall, he gained purchase and leverage. He voluntarily dislocated his shoulders in turn, as like a venomous lizard he wriggled through the hatch space. His soft manicured hands gripped the solid- wound steel cables as tight as a grip wrench as he hauled himself up.

For a moment, Sandra’s hand hovered over the elevator buttons. This was her chance. If she sent the cage upwards now it would rid her of all three of her adversaries: Oskar, Eli, and Skylar. If she shot the elevator in express mode to the top floor it would send all three of them through the hatch like a meat grinder. She was prepared for the unwholesome mess.

She was about to commit the unholy Trinity to being so much minced vampire meat when her radio crackled into life. It was Max. ‘<<Sandra? What on Earth's going on.?>>’

‘Nothing. Nothing. S.N.A.F.U. Skylar’s gone A.W.O.L. of course.’

‘<<I don’t care. You got four guys in Radio Comms on second floor, need a rapid change of underwear. Get your ass down there, double quick-time.>>’

‘But Skylar insisted, I should shoot this mofo up to top Floor so he can pursue his roof theory?’

The radio crackled. ‘<<Sandra, I don’t give a buttock. I’m calling the shots. Skylar is a loose cannon. He’s expendable. You’re not. Let him deal with it his own way. Get yourself down to reception and hold the fort.>>’

As Skylar haunched himself upwards through the steel ropes, like an Indian expert climbing boy going after coconuts, Max’s words from afar, resounded in his ears. ‘<<Skylar is a loose cannon. He’s expendable. You’re not.>>’ Skylar huffed, remarking to himself ‘Well, that’s not a very nice thing to say.’
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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:49 pm



Oskar and Eli huddled together in the dim light inside the maintenance tunnel on the sixth floor. They heard the clank and whirr as the elevator descended to the second floor. The only other sound to puncture the eerie silence was that of Skylar Moon adjusting himself to surroundings and stalking like a big cat. Eli listened intently, he thought he was inside the fourth floor tunnel, calmly and methodically, combing the patch, all the while homeing in on his prey.

A blood curdling cry rent the air from down below, echoing up the solid walls of the shaft . ‘PIIIIIIIGGGGGEEEE, Oh PIIIIIIIGGGGGEEEE. Piggy, piggy, piggy! I’m going to turn you into bacon, mmmmm yum yum yum’.

The most frightening thing about the shout was that it wasn’t even the voice of Skylar.

‘Little pig. If you don’t come out now we have to get you after school. Is that what you want?’

If Oskar could have peed his pants, he would have.

<I’m scared, Eli. What’s Jonny Forsberg doing here? Is that his ghost?>

<Don’t be frightened. That’s the worst thing to be like. Skylar can pick up on negative emotions. He FEEDS off them. It isn’t Jonny or his ghost. It’s just Skylar playing mind games with you. Block him out of your head!>

They made their way to the concrete ledge, then swung out onto the metal climbing rungs set in the wall, and started to climb. They heard the clank and whirr as the lift descended as Sandra Birger descended to the ground floor. The electrical humming ceased, and the lights flickered for a second as the elevators were disabled, and the tunnels were plunged into darkness.

From what they could tell, the next call was a cold, stark, hissing, echoing whisper, but this time it came from ABOVE. It sounded as close as the next floor.

‘That’s it my little babies. Come to Papa. Come gently now. Papa has candy for you if you’re good.’ No mistaking, THAT was Skylar.

Eli and Oskar quickly swung back and darted into the vertical tunnel they had just emerged from.

<What the …., how [EDIT] did he get up there so fast!?>

<He didn’t. He’s just showing off. Throwing his voice. Bouncing it off the shaft ceiling, like a bat uses sonic echoes.>

<Well, we can’t stay here Eli. He’s adapting to his environment. He’s closing in on us.>

<There’s only one thing for it.>

<Run like The Wind!?>

<No. That would be bad. Panic. It’s what he wants us to do.>

<What then?>

<He’s closing in for the kill. Oskar. SAPO will be sending in re-inforcements, we’re losing time. We have to get away. This isn’t easy to say, but we HAVE to split up. He can’t come after both of us at the same time.>

<WHAT !!!!>

Another unwelcome screech. This time to the left of them. ‘How's things going in the Wendy House? This is your big sister Wendy Bendy. Come and play with me, foreverrrrrrrrrrrr ’

Eli was unphased.

<I know these tunnels better than he does, I’m smaller and more nimble, but he’ll still follow me. You go back to the fire escape stairs. Go down, back to Fourth level. I’ll head out for the top floor in the vertical shaft, then double-back down the fire escape stairs. I’ll meet you down there, then we get back into the elevator shaft and haul up directly using the cables. Skylar won’t want to do that.>

<How do you know that?>

<He won’t want to risk chipping his nail varnish.>

Oskar laughed. Gallows humour.

Another calling card. This time to the right of them. ‘Well my little piggies, then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll bloooooooooow your house in.'

Oskar looked round wildly. Eli was not phased.

<But how do you know he’ll come after you and not me?>

<I don’t.>

<But …?>

<But nothing. Call it professional pride. I don’t want to be rude Oskar, but he sees me as more of a challenge.>

<But, what if he gets you?>

<Then you’ll have to grow up very fast, alone.>

<But what if you are wrong? Supposing he comes after me?>

<Then, Oskar, I’ll be sorry for a very, very, very, long time.>

Eli and Oskar kissed, perhaps for the last time, no words left to say. Oskar wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.

‘Eli ….. I’

Eli smiled. ‘No regrets.’

Another bellow. It seemed close. ‘Heeeeeeeeeere’s Joooooooooonnnnnnyyyy!!’

Eli bolted off without further ado, and ascended the vertical shaft. Oskar was confused. What did Eli say to do? Was it this floor or the next one that he meant? He climbed up one set of rungs, then made an exit into the maintenance corridor. All these corridors were looking the same now. He eased ahead. Through the dimly-lit passage way he could see a shape up by the maintenance hatch out onto the staircase. Maybe it was just a tarpaulin?

‘Eli?’ Oskar squinted. ‘Is that you?’


Oskar inched forward

A radio crackled into life, up ahead of Oskar. ‘<<Skylar, what’s happening? Report back. This is Sandra. I need to know where you are. And keep in touch with Max.>>’

Oskar scuttled out of the tunnel like a rat through a drainpipe.

‘<<Thanks a lot Sandra. You’ve just given my position away. Nice work. Now I have to start all over again. Just do your job and let me do mine. Keep out of my face.>>’ Skylar took a deep breath. He switched his radio set to OFF. He loped down the tunnel, and growled like a big cat cheated out of its prey. The pair of them had split up, a classic defence confusion strategy. Should he go after the easy meat of Oskar, or else bring down Eli and then Oskar would fall into his trap? He made his mind up, and leapt into action.

Up in the aetrium of the vertical shaft, Eli paused. Should he continue his ruse and lure Skylar upwards? Should he go back down to the fourth floor now and give Oskar back-up? He decided on the latter. He scampered to the end of the next tunnel, and climbed out of the maintenance hatch. He then swung like a little monkey around the bannisters of the staircase till he reached the fire exit doors of the fourth floor. He felt his way along the corridor, trying doors looking for a space that seemed just right for a rendez-vous. He crouched, hiding, and waited patiently for Oskar’s return.

Oskar descended to the next tunnel. As he squatted, his legs seemed locked into inaction as he was racked by indecision. Above the soft purring of the impellors in the water pipes, and the occasional sputter of locked air bubbles, he could hear his own heartbeat. It was a fast pacey thumping pumping sound, as he gasped for breath. He wondered if anyone else could hear him, it seemed that amplified in his ears? He could make out a slow dragging sound like a poison dwarf limping. But was it Eli or Skylar? It seemed to be receding. He felt more re-assured now, and tried to pull himself together.

He poked his head out from the maintenance hatch like a tiny mouse venturing out. Slipping through the fire doors, he tripped with soft footfall down the corridor. He passed one room with a sign on the door saying ‘NON-DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: DEVELOPMENT LAB.’ There was a sign above the door, illuminated in red. It said ‘KEEP OUT’

Eli could hear the soft squeak of Oskar’s new shoes as he snailed his way down the corridor. Yes!!

‘Oskar. Oskar! In here, now!’ Oskar spun on the heels of his Converse trainers, and breathed a sigh of relief, on hearing Eli’s whispered voice.

Oskar ventured in. The room was bathed in a low ruby light. Cautiously, he approached a large square table scattered with implements of photography. He leant over and propped himself up on his elbows. ‘Eli, where are you?’ he chuckled.

‘Bulleri bulleri buck, hur många horn står upp?’

He felt Eli’s fingers run up his back, and laughed. He spun round.

Oskar suddenly found himself facing full into the gaze of a predator.

‘Hello Oskar. I believe you’re not having a good day? It just got worse. I’m Skylar Moon.’
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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:51 pm



Eli was hunkered down in the dimly lit space of the janitor’s store room. Surely Oskar would be here any minute? After a few minutes he became concerned, and some more minutes after that, alarmed. He was sure he could feel presence.

He concentrated hard to try and beam images to Oskar. It was as if all his focus was required, which suggested Oskar was some distance away. Perhaps on another floor altogether? What was he doing? It felt like some other force was blocking his transmissions. It was as if Oskar was surrounded by something like a Faraday Cage, absorbing all signals and directed energy. Nothing getting in, nothing coming out. Perhaps Oskar had taken a wrong turn and was hiding in some electronics or computer room that was interfering with the contact?

Eli wondered if this could that be Skylar’s doing? If so, he had seriously underestimated Skylar’s abilities, which he had previously dismissed as so much smoke and mirrors showmanship. He recalled the easy grace between them between them when he had started trading in antiques with Skylar. Some commonality or bond. Skylar could be charming, but that was also his greatest weapon. Once you let down the defences to Skylar, he creeps into the mind and seeps into the brain.

Eli knew Skylar was always out for his own ends. Skylar had tipped off Eli about the SÄPO re-opening of the Blackeberg Case, but what was his motive? Eli feared Skylar could not be trusted, and if he got to Oskar, then he feared for Oskar’s sanity. Oskar was impressionable, and Skylar was skilled at giving people impressions. Or was Skylar deliberately trying to draw Eli out into the open? Eli agonised over the game plan, and thought out a move.


Oskar was pinned back against the photographic equipment table. He looked up into the luminous face of Skylar Moon.

Skylar tipped his head from side-to-side, like a fox surveying a trapped chicken prior to ripping its throat out. Then he leaned into him, splaying his arms either side of Oskar.

The solitary word ‘Hello,’ leaked out of Oskar’s mouth in a dry whisper.

‘Did you like my Eli impression? Well, I know I could improve, I know. Maybe a tone of so higher in the register? Thing is, it fooled you didn’t it?’

Oskar nodded.

Skylar leaned over Oskar and pulled the hood of the red jacket over Oskar’s head.

‘It looks like Little Red Riding Hood just met the Big Bad Wolf.’, Skylar laughed.

‘Are you going to kill me?’ Oskar enquired, almost as if this was the most normal conversation he’d ever had.

‘No.’ Skylar shook his head.

Oskar breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Not just yet. Not till we’ve had some fun.’ Skylar continued.

Oskar’s spirits sagged.

‘Let’s have a closer look at you.’ Skylar smiled, and peeled back the hood on Oskar’s jacket. ‘Mmmm. You are a pretty little thing aren’t you. No wonder Eli wanted to keep you all to himself.’

Oskar wasn’t sure if he should agree or not.

Skylar cupped his hands round the back of Oskar’s head and pulled him in close.

‘Please don’t eat me.’

‘Don’t give me ideas about nomming you. Although, I am thinking you would make a good pie filling, served up with ice-cream and chocolate sauce.’

He sniffed Oskar’s hair. ‘Definitely Chateau Blackeberg. Disappointing vineyard, but what do we make of the vintage? Around nineteen sixty-eight I’d say, a good year.’

‘That’s the year I was born.’

‘Yes I know it was, my cheeky little apéritif. Now the acid test. Let’s taste you, and roll you round my palate.’

‘Are you going to bite me?’

Skylar looked-on in mock shock. ‘Not on a first date Oskar. That would be rather forward, even by my own libidinous standards.’

Oskar watched in horror as Skylar’s tongue unfurled like an insect catching lizard. He felt a clammy wet sensation. Skylar licked Oskar’s throat, drawing in a long line up to his cheek , and ending up lapping away at his ear. Skylar stood back with all the pride of a connoisseur discovering a long lost bottle.

‘Oh excellent!. Well rounded body, but perky little fizz to it. Definitely blood Group AB positive.’

‘How can you tell that?’ Oskar enquired, almost casually.

‘Because, like you, it’s very precious. I’m also AB positive. It really couldn’t be better. You see Oskar, we share so much in common already.’

Oskar didn’t know whether or not this was a good thing. ‘What are going to do to me?’

Skylar beamed at him. ‘Absolutely anything I like. You’re my prisoner now.’

Skylar shook his finger and his brow furrowed. ‘Do you know what, Oskar. I think you’re far too good to let these SÄPO people have served up on a plate. I think I should take you home and play with you.’ He gave Oskar a huge cheesey grin.

‘What if I don’t want to go home with you?’

‘Don’t you see, my sweet bishonen? It would be a perfect solution. SÄPO could go on paying me to try and locate you, and there you would be. All the time, hiding away in my apartment dungeon, safe and sound.’

Oskar tried with difficulty, to imagine the scenario. Skylar continued with great enthusiasm. ‘You would be my own little pet. I’d give you your own cage to live in. I’d let you out and stroke you when I’m feeling down. I could put you on a leash and take you out for a walk at nights. I’d show you off to all my friends.’

Oskar was not convinced this sounded like a good deal.

Skylar was in his element now. ‘Of course, I’d milk you every other day.’

‘Milk me?’

‘Naturally I wouldn’t drain all your blood at one go. Just a pick-me-up. I’d leave you with enough to stagger on, weak, but alive enough to keep making honey for me.’

‘Eli’s coming back for me, so you’d better watch out.’ Oskar sputtered in false bravado.

‘Oh dear me Oskar. You simply don’t get it, do you? Eli has already gone. He’s deserted you. Up onto the roof and flown away into the night.’

‘That’s not true!’ Oskar protested.

‘It’s so. Ask yourself this: Eli is a survivor. He has survived for two hundred and fifty years. Do you think he’s managed that by keeping company with losers?’

‘Eli and I are together, forever.’

‘Not so. Eli doesn’t really care about anyone but himself. He just wanted you as a gofer.’

‘Eli cares for me.’

‘Yes, Eli cares for you, about as much as he did for Håkan. Do YOU want to end up like Håkan?’



‘But it isn’t like that.’

‘I’m afraid it is Oskar. I’m your big Brother now, so you’d better show me some respect.’

‘But I don’t like you.’

‘I don’t NEED you to like me Oskar. I’m reasonable. All I want is for you to show me total obedience, complete devotion, absolute loyalty. That’s what love is all about.’

Oskar’s mind was in turmoil. If he challenged the authority of Skylar he could be deadmeat straight away. If he played along with Skylar it could give Eli time to come and rescue him. Or maybe he should listen to Skylar. Perhaps Skylar was right about Eli being out for himself. Perhaps he should forget about Eli and try to start a new life with Skylar?

Oskar looked up into Skylar’s seductive face and laughed. ‘You could always use me as date-bait. Let’s draw Eli in, and hand him over to SÄPO.’

Skylar flipped on his radio. ‘<<Hi Max. I think I have a result.>>’

‘<<What’s going down? Have you got one/ both? What? Do you need back-up? I’ll send Sandra and a squad up to meet you. Where are you now?>>’

‘<<Max. Calm down. Take a stress pill. I have a positive on one, I’m going to try and reel the other one in now. Whatever you do, keep Sandra well out of the way, or else she’ll mess things up for everyone.>>’

‘What’s the plan then?’ Oskar asked, very puzzled by everything happening.

‘Plan? Mmmmm, well let’s say we pull Eli in. I’ll hide you away here for a while, as they’ll be busy dealing with Eli. I’ll send
them off on another wild goose chase. Then I’ll come back for you later, and you and I can slip out.’

‘What if this a con? How do I know you won’t turn us both in? How do I know you won’t cheat on me?’

Skylar smiled down at Oskar. ‘You don’t.’
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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:54 pm

Part 20

You people won't like this. :roll: :P ;) :twisted: :D


‘So, Oskar. What say you? Learn to love me like you did Eli, and we could have a lot of fun times together. All I need is a little act of submission, to show me you that you give in.’

‘Like, what?’

‘Squeal for me Oskar. Squeal like a pig.’

A pause ensued.

‘Oink.’ Oskar whispered.

‘Oink? What is that supposed to be? Huh? That’s an insult. When I say squeal, I mean SQQQQQUUUUEEEEAAAAALLL like a little pig being castrated!'

‘NO. I won’t do it.’ Oskar’s mind had become occupied with images of Eli telling him to hit back hard.

Skylar was losing patience. ‘Excuse me Oskar. Do my ears deceive me. But was that a no? You have become a brave little piggy all of a sudden?’

Oskar was silent. He shook his head from side-to-side.

‘Then perhaps you need some encouragement little-one.’ Skylar looked around on the photo workshop table. He found the ideal implement. A Stanley blade in a metal shaft. He clicked the catch and the blade extended to its full length. He held it up before Oskar’s eyes. Even in the low red light of the Photo Lab, the blade glinted.

‘When I say squeal like a little pig being castrated, I mean it. Perhaps, you are so enamoured of Eli that you want to look like him. It can be arranged. I’ll oblige you with the necessary action. You just provide the sound effects.’

Oskar felt mesmerised, frozen like a rabbit caught in headlights, with a car bearing down on his fragile body.

‘Oskar. Don’t waste any more of my time. Drop your pants!’

Images of Eli burned into Oskar’s mind. His left hand reached for the buckle on his belt. He slid his right hand round to loosen his jeans, and located the scabbard containing the knife.

Within a second he had pulled out the Hitler Jugend dagger, his bithday present from Eli. With full force he slammed it hard into Skylar’s gut.

Skylar reeled from the impact. The eyes in his head rolled round. For a moment he tottered. Oskar looked on uncertain. The sudden action made him recoil. His hand let go of the dagger and he saw Skylar, in shock, with the knife handle protuding from his right side.

Skylar gurgled. ‘Oskar. That wasn’t a very nice thing to do.’

Oskar, almost as a reflex action said ‘Sorry.’

Skylar wavered like a statue about to crash to the ground. ‘Oskar. You’ve just done the worst possible thing you could ever do’.


‘You’ve totally ruined my new shirt.’

Oskar was silent. He watched Skylar unbutton his shirt. Oskar was goggle-eyed. Skylar with a deft move pulled the blade from his intestines. Oskar studied the pale skin of Skylar. He had expected to see a whole arterial spray of blood. Instead under the red light the blood looked black. There was a seepage, a thick volcanic non-viscous line, like road tar in high Summer. Skylar drew his fore-finger over the seeping wound, and it visibly started to seal-up.

Skylar smiled at Oskar. ‘You play hard to get. I like that.’

Oskar looked dumbfounded. Skylar hadn’t ripped his head off.

Skylar observed the dagger handle and laughed. ‘This is my own Hitler Jugend dagger. I traded it with Eli, in part-exchange for some jewellery. How ironic. Hoist by my own petard!’

Oskar nodded a rictus grin of sheer terror.

Skylar put his arm around Oskar. ‘You and me, we have a bond between us. Forget about Eli. We have good times ahead together.’

‘But, but? You were about to cut off my nuts!’

Skylar smiled. ‘I was only play-acting Oskar. True, I may have cut off your ears for a joke, but even I, wouldn’t be so mean as to chop off a boy’s jollies. We are so alike, just like you used to be. Up in the woods. Playing out your revenge fantasies. I’ve seen your scrapbook Oskar. Eli led you on. But I can make these things happen for real. Eli doesn’t do it for you. You do it yourself, because that’s what you want. I will show you the way.’

Oskars’s mind was clouded in confusion. Truth was, Eli hadn’t come back for him.

‘Here.’ Skylar held up Oskars’s dagger still coated in the thick sticky discharge of Skylar’s blood, ‘Go. taste.’

Oskar lapped his jaws around the blade. It tasted so good. Like he never could imagine blood would taste. When he had drawn blood before, it had tasted salty, unpleasant, with a metallic aftertaste. This was thick, syrupy, sugary. It reminded him of all the forbidden fruits of his past. Like all the things that Eli told him he could never taste again. His mind went off on a sweet buzz. Hyper-overload. Sugar overdose. It brought back the time he had snuck a shot of his Papa’s vodka. He felt light-headed. Drunk with possibilites. He felt as high as a kite.

‘Come on Oskar. Let’s go for a walk and catch us an Eli.’ Skylar placed his arm round Oskar and they stepped back out into the corridor.

‘What would SAPO do to us if they caught us?’

‘But they’re not going to have you. You’re my little slave now.’

‘What if they had caught me?’

‘Well, I’d guess they’d take you to the Interrogation and Torture Centre. That’s way out in the country so no-one can hear the screams. SAPO are not your regular police. They make their own rules up.’

‘They couldn’t do anything to me. I’m only twelve years old.’

Skylar grinned. ‘I think they would reckon you to be, legally speaking, thirty-five years old.’

‘But I don’t know anything.’

Skylar shook his head. ‘That’s always an unwise thing to say. After they’d shot 300,000 volts through your gonads, you would have been wishing that I had hacked them off you.’ He chuckled.

‘It’s the truth.’

‘They don’t waste time on the truth. They’re the secret police. They just want results.’

‘So. What would they do with me? I mean when they’d finished.’

They stopped. Skylar placed his hands on Oskar’s shoulders, and looked at him with pity.

‘It’s always a problem for them to know what to do with a vampire. They would probably chop your legs off at the beginning anyway, to stop you escaping. They’d possibly lop your arms off as well. All they need is a talking torso.’

‘What about after that?’

‘They need to spread the body parts around to prevent a resurrection. There are still a few active werewolf packs in Sweden. Some in Lapland, and others in Dalarna and Varmland up near the Norwegian border. SAPO keeps them supplied with fresh human meat, corpses and so on, on condition they stay in their reservations’.

Oskar’s eyes spun round in his head.

‘All in all you’d have an arm in the North, a leg in the West, another arm thrown in the Baltic, and your other leg they’d feed to the sharks in the Vattenmuseum in Stockholm.’


‘But of course, I’d pester Superintendent Max to make sure they let me have your head when they’ve finished with you.’

‘Why my head?’

‘Headhunting. It’s a new hobby of mine. Shrinking heads, like the Amazonian tribes. It’s great fun and there’s a lot to it.’

‘How do you do it?’

‘Well first I’d carefully remove your skull, prising away the skin. Like pitting an olive. I’d crack your skull open and cook your brains. Human brains are so much more tender than sheep’s brains. Mmmmmm lovely’.

Skylar licked his lips, Oskar gulped. Skylar tenderly patted Oskar on the head while explaining.

‘Then we’d need to scrape away any fat on the inside. Next, we’d keep filling your empty head with hot sand, until it eventually shrinks to the size of a baseball. You’d be fascinated. Ooooops, sorry I forgot. You wouldn’t be there to see it. It’s your head we’re talking about.’

Oskar pondered, wild-eyed, visualising the process.

‘So you see, what I’m protecting you from. I could have made a lot of money out of you Oskar. There’s a big market for shrunken heads.’

Skylar’s instructional talk was interrupted by a figure at the far end of the corridor. It was dressed in a janitor’s coat and was pushing a cleaning equipment trolley.

‘Aha! Right on cue. Well hello Eli. We’ve been expecting you.'
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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:57 pm



In the Reception foyer at SÄPO Headquarters, the atmosphere was tense. Inspector Sandra Birger was in a blue funk. Thirty Tactical Unit officers, armed to the teeth, were getting frustrated at the lack of action. Sensing the electricity, six police attack dogs were becoming more and more restless, slavvering at the jaws waiting for the order to search out and savage the runaways. Sandra made repeated calls to Superintendent Max Blumenthal requesting permission to launch her manoeuvre. The request was repeatedly denied, pending the outcome of Skylar Moon’s strategy to bring in Eli and Oskar.

Max paced nervously up and down, wearing out his office carpet. He knew that if he let in Sandra’s team it could result in a bloodbath for SÄPO. These assailants were vampires, an unknown but dangerous enough quantity. Who knew what they might be capable of if cornered? He did not relish the prospect of spending the rest of the evening calling the nearest and dearest of the Tactical Unit officers. How would you even begin to explain that husbands and fathers had been savaged to death by vampires? He trusted to Skylar. He had already taken one into custody. Would he be able to pull of his plan and bag both of them? Max kept looking to his radio control unit. The connect light to Skylar was on. He had not sent out a distress call. For the moment, they had to play the waiting game.


On the long corridor up on the Fourth floor, Eli slowly advanced in silence towards Skylar and Oskar. He paused ten metres away from Skylar. Oskar stared with incredulity. Eli cut an odd character, dressed in janitor’s coat and pushing a cleaning cart.

Skylar broke the uncomfortable silence.

‘Hello Eli. We meet again. Sadly, for you, under inauspicious circumstances.’

Eli glowered.

‘You seem to be down on your luck, Eli. When I first met you, I took you for someone with a bit of business acumen. Are you having to earn extra cash cleaning the toilets here at SÄPO HQ?

Eli growled. ‘We’re wasting each other's time.’

Oskar, silent, awkward, shuffled around on his feet.

Skylar smiled sweetly at Eli. ’I have some property here that used to belong to you. It’s called Oskar. Have you come to trade?’

‘Give him back to me. Now!’

Skylar put on a mocking tone. He waved his arms towards Oskar as if showing off an item in his antique store. 'Observe the invisible handcuffs, and non-existent manacles in which I have encased Oskar. The ball and chain round his foot, where is it? Go on Oskar, run to Eli if you wish. Sorry, Eli. But I think you will find that he’s my bitch now.’

Oskar appeared embarrassed. ‘I don’t know what to say.’

Eli appealed to Oskar. ‘He’s got you under mind control. Start thinking for yourself!’ Eli became annoyed. ‘He doesn’t want you. He needs me. You’ve had your fun and games. Let him go, Skylar.’

‘Or else what?’ Skylar brayed with laughter.

‘You’re not even a proper vampire, Skylar. You’re all bluff and party tricks. You may fool SÄPO, but you don’t take me in.’

‘Well that’s rather an unfortunate segue Eli. Because that’s why we are here. I’m here to take you in and hand you over to SÄPO. In exchange for you, I’ll guarantee Oskar his freedom. I’ve no interest in taking you both down at once, I won’t earn extra Brownie points for that. They are more interested in you, Eli. Oskar … ‘ Skylar tweaked Oskar’s cheek ’Oskar is a tadpole. You are a juicy pike. Let SÄPO go suck. I won’t turn both of you over, but I can’t go back empty-handed. They’ll be suspicious and cut off my blood transfusions.’

‘No Eli, no! I won’t let that happen to you. Let Skylar turn me in. I’ll take my chances. Take me.’ Oskar was beginning to work out the scenario.

‘Oh, Oskar!’ Skylar clasped his hands to where his heart should have been. ‘That is so touching. I’d gladly die myself if anyone showed me that much love and devotion.’

‘I’ll buy Oskar off you. We both go free.’ Eli chipped in.

Skylar stroked his chin. ‘I don’t dislike you Eli. You show the gut survivor instinct of someone who’s been around for a couple of hundred years. I like your style. You and I could do really good business together, you know? What ransom are we talking about?’

‘My jewellery stash.’

‘What items are we talking about?’

‘I mean, all of it.’

Skylar was stunned. ‘You mean everything? Even the Faberge golden egg?’

‘I mean everything. Oskar means everything to me.’

Skylar pondered. He tapped his forehead. ‘I think this is a classic stand-off situation. What if I just said, sodit, I’m taking both of you in anyway, you little doinks? ’

‘Yeh. You could take one of us on. But what if we both stood together. You could shred me OR Oskar, but are you up to taking both of us on? Are you prepared to take the risk?’ Eli reached into the cleaning trolley. He took out a wooden broom and smashed the handle over the trolley. He raised the brush end to his shoulder like a gun stock. The severed, diagonally smashed wooden point stood out like a spiked bayonet aimed at Skylar’s heart. Eli was charged with energy, ready to make the final assault.

Skylar turned to Oskar. ‘You are very quiet , sweetie. What say you?’

‘I’m with Eli.’ Oskar quivered in his Converse trainers like a jelly.

Skylar leaned into Oskar. Oskar felt like this was the moment his head would be ripped open. Much to his surprise, Skylar patted Oskar on the head. ‘For what shall it profit a Man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul.’

Oskar had no idea what was meant.

Skylar smiled at Oskar. ‘You have just become a man. I have lost you forever. But you two will never make it off the perimeter, alone. SÄPO have the whole HQ complex surrounded by a ring of steel. They’ll rip you to shreds before you know it. At least if you let me turn you in you’ll both be alive.’

Eli spoke defiantly, ‘we’ll take our chances. Together.’ Oskar nodded in agreement.

Skylar brooded for a moment. ‘I see no point in ripping ourselves apart here. That would satisfy SÄPO but no-one else. Here’s the deal. I give you a count of thirty to get the heck out of here. If I catch one of you, then I get to turn you BOTH in, right? If I don’t get either of you then I’ll face the consequences, you’ll never see me again. Deal or no deal?’

Oskar and Eli nodded simultaneously. They ran off in blind panic.

Skylar held his head back. ‘I’m counting. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Coming to get you. Ready, or not!!’

Eli and Oskar made for the elevator shaft. They hauled themselves up through the cables onto to the top floor, and launched themseves out onto the staircase leading out to the roof.

Skylar ran for the elevator shaft doors. He cursed himself. ‘Dayaam! They know I don’t like getting my clothes dirty.’ He turned back towards the stairs. That’s when he heard the whirr of machinery from the elevator. He called in to Max Blumenthal.

‘<<Max. Skylar here.>>’

‘<<How’s it going, you haven’t reported in for ages.>>’

‘<<Never mind that now. Who’s using the elevator?>>’

‘<<No-one. It’s disabled. Sandra has an over-ride key, but I told her to wait with the Tactical Quad in reception, till further orders.>>’

‘<<You’d better check>>.’

There was an electric pause while Max called down to Reception.

‘<<Goddamit! She’s taken off. She’s heading for the roof on the elevator. She thinks you need back-up.>>’

The consequences came home to Skylar. He lurched up the staircase, leaping steps four at a time.That’s when he heard the sound.


The unmistakable report of a heavy-duty Glock pistol.

He sprinted and leapt like a Gazelle.Ten seconds after the first shot he reached the top floor, he could feel the cold breeze whistling in through the open fire exit door.

BLAMM! A second shot.

His normally pale face was now ashen white. He called out, a distinct tremor in his voice:

‘OSKAR! ………….. ELI! ……………’

All that came back was the feint echo of his voice on the building opposite, followed by an eerie, deathy silence.

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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:58 pm

Part 22


Skylar launched himself out onto the roof area. The smell of spent cordite assaulted his nostrils.

‘Over here. Now.’ The unwelcome voice of Sandra Birger split the dank, late afternoon air.

Skylar walked round the edge of the Water tank. As he passed onto the wall between the tank and the heating duct cowlings, he spotted Oskar, crouched in the space between. Oskar silently nodded his head from side-to-side, with a finger pressed to his lips. Skylar passed on, as he caught his eye.

In the squared off area marked ‘H’ for helicopter landings, he caught the silhouette of Eli, hands raised in the air. She was standing by the parapet. A few metres away stood the crone-like figure of Sandra Birger pointing the Glock directly at her head.

‘Just what do you think you’re doing, Sandra?

‘I’m assuming command here.’

Sandra called out. ‘Oskar, give yourself up, now, or else you’re vampire buddy gets a full clip of automatic fire.’

‘Have you completely lost it?’

‘I’m the senior officer here now. You do as I say.’

Eli called out ‘Run, Oskar, run! She’s just bluffing!’

‘Shut it you vampire scum, and don’t look at me like that or I’ll blow holes through your eye sockets.’

‘This is my mission. You’re just messing up.’

‘I’m the one in charge, Skylar. You’re just a side-show circus freak. ’

Sandra yelled ‘last time of telling, Oskar. I’m counting down ’

‘You’d better come out, Oskar,’ Skylar shouted. ‘She means it. I’ll look after you, I promise.’

Oskar emerged from the shadows into the pool of light made by the helipad landing floodlights.

Eli bated, like a bird of prey. ‘NO! Run, Oskar, ru ….’

BLAMM! The blast fired from Sandra’s pistol blew Eli clean over the edge of the parapet.

The repeated echo of the shot mingled with a sickening crunch, as Eli’s body fell through the treetops surrounding ‘D’ Block.

Oskar screamed out, and instinctively ran to Skylar for protection.

‘Tell the boy to shut up.’

‘Are you out of your mind! That’s statutory manslaughter.’

‘It was only a vampire, they don’t count in my book.’

Oskar was beside himself with sorrow. He clung tight to Skylar for comfort. His mind dazed at the prospect of life without Eli.

Sandra declared ‘I’m in charge. This is what you will write in your report. The assailants were both terminated while evading arrest.’

Oskar’s mind was in Purgatory. If he were drilled with shot he would be condemned to be a vampire lost in eternity, with no Eli for friendship. With any luck he could jump over the edge of the parapet and the fall would break his neck.

‘Move away from the boy, Skylar, or I swear I’ll put the rest of the magazine through you, too.’

‘No way, Sandra. Put down the gun now. With any luck you’ll get off with a psychiatric discharge. Non-culpable homicide.’

‘Your choice then. Hold the front page. Skylar Moon, shot on discovery of treacherous attempt to assist the fugitives from justice.’

Oskar struggled to free himself. Skylar read his mind and held him close, fearing his ploy.

‘Hand over the gun, Sandra. I’ll stand testimony for you. Your balance of mind affected by the strain of circumstance.’

Sandra paused. The wild eyes in her head rotating. She lowered the gun.

Skylar moved towards her, carefully placing himself in front of Oskar, shielding him.

Sandra raised the gun and fired. Skylar was bowled over by the bullet ripping through him. It passed within a centimetre of Oskar’s head. He heard it whistle-by, then ricochet as it ripped a hole in the water tank.

Sandra moved forward and aimed the pistol at Oskar’s head. At this range it would blow his head clean off. ‘Let’s get this over vampire boy. If you have any sort of God. Pray to Him now.’

Oskar quivered, and cast his eyes downward, at the prostrate figure of Skylar. There was still light in his eyes!!

Skylar reared up and struck at Sandra, like a coiled panther, cornered with its dying breath. His hands like scythed claws struck out. His nails like razor blades ripping out Sandra’s vocal cords as she collapsed like a rag doll to the flat roofed floor.

Oskar was mesmerised. He had never seen kill like this before. The silence was overwhelming, interrupted only as an arterial spray of Sandra’s blood splattered across his face, with a satisfying smack. The blood dribbled down his face and his tongue protruded and licked it off.

‘Oskar. Feed!’ Skylar prompted. Oskar descended on Sandra’s cadavre and gorged himself.


Skylar ran over to the roof parapet. He looked out into the silent darkness. His eyes, like searchlights pierced the gloom. There, clinging to the wall a few floors below, was a large quivering bat.

Skylar looked around. He was next to a huge flagpole, proudly flying the Swedish national flag. He gnawed through the pulley rope with his vampire teeth protruded.. The taut rope whiplashed back as the flag descended. He anchored the rope to it’s mooring and cast the full length of the rope towards Eli.

‘Can you make it back up?’

Eli grinned. Like the expert climbing boy, he grasped for the rope. Compensating for his wounded shoulder, his legs and feet clasped around the rope and he nudged himself upwards.

‘Oskar. Here. Now,’ Skylar called. Oskar ran obediently towards his Sire. Through the gloom, he saw the sweet face of Eli smiling back up at him. His little vampire heart raced.

Eli was in fatigue.

‘Oskar, hold my legs’

Skylar leaned down towards Eli, extending a hand.

Oskar complained, ‘I’m too weak to hold the both of you.’

Skylar growled. ‘You have just fed, fatboy. Time for some exercise.’

Oskar clung on to Skylar’s bondage boots, as Skylar lowered himself, his whole body hung over the parapet. He reached towards Eli with his arm extended.

Eli looked up into Skylar’s eyes, his strength drained. ‘What if you just let me go? How do I know I can trust you?’

Skylar smiled, ‘You don’t.’

Eli and Skylar locked forearms. Eli was hauled up with Oskar’s help.

Safe on the rooftop, Skylar examined Eli’s shoulder. There was a nick across the flesh just shy of the collarbone. Skylar concentrated his eyes on the wound. He pressed it with his finger. A smell of charred flesh ensued as his finger sealed the wound like a cauterising iron.

Oskar breathed a sigh of relief. ‘That was a neat trick Eli. That backflip. It had me fooled.’

‘I was way too slow. Your reactions slow down after the first two hundred years.’ Eli winced at the pain of Skylars treatment, but grateful it did the job and staunched the flow of blood.

Oskar said enthusiatically ‘Yeh, but we beat them!’ He looked ready to dance a jig.

Eli and Skylar looked at one another incredulously.

‘Oskar, you are overlooking the uncomfortable fact that we are up the creek without a paddle.’ Eli grunted.

‘Yeh,’ Oskar looked pensive. ‘See what you mean. Even worse, we are surrounded by hostile humans.’

Skylar scowled. ‘What do you mean, WE? I think I have some serious explaining to do to Superintendent Max Blumenthal.’

‘So what’s the plan?’ Oskar looked optimistic.

Skylar frowned. ‘I have the perfect plan. But, sadly, it means only two out of the three of us get out of this in one piece’
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Postby snaps » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:01 pm

OK. Absolutely, last final parts now. :roll: After that. Silence, from me (and Skylar) :D I hope you enjoy, or if you can't do that, have a good moan! :lol: ;)

PARTS 23 and 24


Skylar said. ‘You have lost blood. Go, Eli. Feed.’

Eli sought out the co-agulating blood of Sandra’s extrapolated throat, draining down till sated. Oskar went back for second helpings.

Skylar tried to think fast. He whipped out his cellphone and placed a call to the Newsdesk at P4 Radio Stockholm.

‘<<Emergency contingency, codeword of the day = rainbow. Got that ……… That’s right. Two vampires, one male, one female, aged mid-thirtyish just made a murderous attack in Kungsholmen. You need to put out a general alert to the public. Police in hot pursuit. People need to be aware. This vampire couple will stop at nothing to feed on blood. Me? an official government source, Inspector Sandra Birger @ SÄPO. O&O.>>’

Skylar coughed at the strain of impersonating Sandra’s high-pitched crakey voice. He looked round discomfited. Two out of the three of them could make it out. Who was going to be the odd one out?

‘Oskar. Lend me your Hitler Jugend dagger.’

Oskar did, as was bid.

With expert fluency, like an abbatoir worker immurred to death, Skylar took the knife. He punctured the pyramidical motor tract in the back of Sandra’s head. Her body jerked in spasm.

Eli and Oskar backed off, at the final thrashings of Sandra’s post-mortem reflex responses.

Without futher ado, Skylar circumscribed Sandra’s head with his knife. There was a chilling, wrenching sound, as steel knife blade met bone and sinew.

He grasped Sandra’s head by her hair, and held it up triumphantly, with his left hand.

A thick-split rope of blood, cranio-sacral fluid, and attendant mucous, inter-twirled like diva dancers, emptying itself onto the ground.

Eli and Oskar sat wide-eyed at Skylar’s ruthless despatch of former Inspector Sandra Birger’s body.

Her radio/intercom crackled into life.

‘<<Max Blumental here. Will someone please tell me, WTF is going on up there!? I just picked up on a general radio broadcast alert. Who authorised that? There’s mayhem and panic out on the streets now.>> ’

Skylar reached into her torso and extracted the ‘phone, into his right hand.

‘<<Hi Max. Skylar here. Sandra gave the news release. I tried to stop her.>>'

'<<Get her on the radiocomm now!>>'

'<<I’m sorry, but Sandra can’t come to the phone right now.>>’

Skylar held up Sandra’s disembodied head and kissed it full on the lips.

‘<<Why not!>>’

‘<<Right now, Sandra is incapacitated.>>’

'<<Why! What’s going on up there?>>'

‘<<Max. Get a grip. Leave it to me. Sandra is close by me. Trust me. It looks like I was wrong and Sandra was right all along. We’re not looking for two kids. It’s a couple, male and female, early to mid thirties in age, smartly dressed. Send in that search helicopter to the Helipad, right now. Tell them to liaise wih me. I’ll deal with the rest.>>’

Max grumbled and signed off.

Ei and Oskar lay huddled together, eyes twitching.

‘What’s going on?’ Eli ventured.

‘I’m just arranging you a taxi out of here. You’re too weak to fly, Oskar is out of practice. You’d never make it out on foot, there’s a tight ring of army troops and police surrounding the SÄPO complex. When the helicopter lands, I’ll distract the pilot. You two make for the landing skids, then cling on tight. It’ll be here any minute, so crouch down behind the floodlights. I’ll send it back to the park. Find somewhere to hide, and don’t come out till its safe.

Eli and Oskar understood and nodded in approval.

‘Oh, by the way Oskar….’ Skylar dropped the severed head of Sandra Birger into Oskar’s schoolbag. ‘Eli knows where I live. Come see me tomorrow after sundown. I’ll show you how to do a shrunken head!’

Oskar smiled.

Eli felt Oskar was slipping away from him.


They ran to get behind a floodlight as the humming sound of the Eurocopter EC 135 approached, drowning out all other sounds. SE H-P-Z descended like a huge metal bird and settled on the pad. Skylar ran towards it waving his arms wildly, his hair dishevelled by the backblast as the rotors churned to a standstill.

The pilot looked on aghast at the figure of Skylar, his jaws still dripping with blood.

‘The fugitives have escaped. They are highly dangerous. I’ve been shot, and now they’ve just killed a SÄPO Officer.’ Skylar indicated with his arm, the crumpled corpse.

The co-pilot turned the powerful searchlight towards the mangled mess. ‘Who the .., what the .., is that!?’

‘That’s former Inspector Sandra Birger.’

The pilot queried ‘I thought she’d retired?’

Skylar shook his head in mock sorrow. ‘She has now.’

Oskar and Eli crept out onto the tarmac.

The co-pilot chipped-in again ‘Aww gross. Where’s her head?’

‘They ripped it off her shoulders. They’re probably using it to have a game of football in the park. Now don’t waste any more time, get back to Kronobergsparken, and patch me through a call on my radiocom as soon as you land.’

Oskar and Eli straddled the landing gear of the helicopter while the co-pilot retched.

‘Don’t worry. This baby is fitted to the hilt with all the latest search technology. They won’t outsmart us.’

The EC 135, kicked into life. Skylar pulled back.

The co-pilot opined, ‘that Agent Moon sure has cojones.’

‘Yeh, well let’s hope we don’t run into this fugitive couple. I’d prefer to hang onto mine.’ The pilot replied.

As it took off, Eli and Oskar gripped tight. Skylar waved a fond farewell to them. The co-pilot looked back and gave Skylar the thumbs-up.


Skylar knew that he would have to think, and think fast. He paced around, then placed the call to Max that he was dreading.

‘<<Max. Skylar. You better get up here. It’s all gone pear-shaped.>>’

‘<<What’s going on? Put me through to Sandra. Now!>>’

‘<<No can do. Can’t put it any other way. She’s dead, Max. You’d better get up here.>>’

‘<<Aaaajjjjjaaaaawat! Wwwwwwwwffffffffff …..>>’

He turned the volume down to the lowest setting to drown out Max’s cursing.

Skylar picked up the Glock that was still gripped in Sandra’s hand. He had to break a couple of her fingers to free the pistol, as her muscles had contracted in her death spasm, and rigor mortis had started to set in. He slipped the gun into his belt. He gathered up the crumpled and soaking Swedish Flag that had hit the ground, when he had made the rescue rope for Eli. Without ceremony, he threw it over the cadavre of Sandra. He thought he should say something appropriate.

‘Rest In Pieces, Sandra.’ He saluted her with two fingers.

‘<<Air Mobile Unit: SE H-P-Z to Special Agent Skylar Moon. Copy?>>’ It was the helicopter co-pilot.

‘<<Copy affirmative. You’re through to Special Agent Skylar Moon. State Position.>>’

‘<<We’ve landed back in Kronobergsparken. Request new orders.>>’

‘<<We have unconfirmed ID. Suspects believed in Celsiusgatan area. They’re probably heading for Sankt Eriks Ögonsjukhus off Fleminggatan. Probably about to violate patients there. Take off and liaise with Central Control back in SÄPO Reception, Officer Skepp is assuming command of the home operation.>>’

‘<<Copy. We’re on our …..>>’

Skylar didn’t catch the rest of the message. He allowed himself a smile and a little whoop dance, at the thought of Skepp, foaming at the mouth, tongue lolling, eyes rolling, trying to co-ordinate chaos.


Helikopteren SE H-P-Z was about to launch, when the hawk-eyed pilot caught two small figures loping away across the field. He tapped the co-pilot on the shoulder.

The co-pilot swung the high powered search beams across the field.

‘>>You two! Yes, you. FREEEZE!<<’ The voice of the pilot bellowed out, over the tannoy.

The co-pilot summoned up a squad car.

Eli and Oskar froze in their tracks.

Eli looked at Oskar, in panic. ‘Fight or flight?’

Oskar, emboldened by Skylar’s approval said, ‘just for once. Let me do the talking, Eli. Right?’

Eli agreed, and tried to smile encouragement.

‘Who are you? Where are you two going?’

Oskar and Eli turned round. The pilot’s eyes stood out like pegs as he observed the sight. Two kids, they’re jaws encrusted with blood, hair flying out like wild punks, dishevelled clothing like they’d been in a street-fight.

Oskar piped up. ‘I’m Jimmy. Jimmy Forsberg. And this is my brother, Jonny. We’re on our way back home to Blackeberg. We’re going to a Hallowe’en fancy dress party.’

The co-pilot said ’OK boys. But we can’t let you go through the park alone. There’s two rabid vampires on the loose. Panic on the streets. Anything might happen. I’ll get you safe passage to Fridhelmsplan T-bana station. Go straight home when you get to Blackeberg.’

‘Yes, sir. Will do.’ Oskar confirmed.

The co-pilot summoned over the patrol car. The pilot yelled to him ‘Hey let’s get a move-on, we have vampires to catch.’


Max Blumenthal spilled out onto the roof of SÄPO HQ. He was breathless, nervous and sweating. His eyes tried to take in Skylar Moon.

‘Where’s Sandra?’

Skylar pointed at the blue and yellow mound. ‘I covered her up with the flag to give her a bit of dignity. Seemed appropriate.’

Max nodded, still lost for words. He knelt down in the half-light, and gently leaned in to embrace his former comrade. His stomach went into revolt as he found himself staring at the stump of Sandra’s neck.

‘Holy Moses! Where’s her head for crying out loud!’

Skylar said ‘I’m sorry Max. Those vampires must have been hungry after hibernating. I saw them eating it, like it was a melon.’

Max’s stomach did a somersault. He ran to the roof parapet and barfed over the side.


A thick porridge of puke landed with a splat on the entrance to SÄPO HQ, narrowly missing two officers. It started to steam as it congealed on the stone cold steps. Officer Skepp was nervously chugging away on a cigarette taking deep tokes. His fellow officer from the Tactical Unit stepped out. ‘Do you reckon that’s vampire puke?’

Skepp shook. ‘I dunno, looks like everyday vomit to me. Find out. That’s your job.’

The other officer frowned. ‘What do you expect me to do? Taste it?’


Max wiped his face on the National Flag. ‘You’d better have a good explanation.’

‘Well sorry Papa. But I’m not having a good day. In the line of duty, I’ve been stabbed by a vampire, shot by your idiot colleague, but worst of all had my whole new outfit of clothes ruined.’ Skylar huffed impetulantly.

Max stared incredulous, silent.

Skylar indicated his soiled clothes, ‘this is an Antony Morato special. These rags don’t come cheap. I shall be claiming this on expenses, you know.

Max tried to regain his composure. ‘You are in deep poop, Skylar.’

'Me? I think you’re the one in the mire, Max. I think you’re forgetting I don’t officially exist. You’re the one re-engaged psycho-Sandra, armed her unlicensed with a heavy duty Glock, couldn’t exercise the discipline to control her. That cow shot me. If I had pain receptors it would have really hurt. It wasn’t a very nice thing to do.’

Max was tongue-tied.

‘There’s bound to be an internal investigation. I had that vampire couple already given themselves up. Then Sandra came in uninvited and started shooting the place up. The vampire woman was shot by Sandra, then it rounded on her and attacked. Stupid Sandra drilled me and I was winded. I still managed to sink my teeth into the Eli vampire’s leg. Then that Oskar vampire jumped me and beat seven shades out of me, while I was still down. He’s a mean S.O.B. Max, believe me.’

Max was still flustered into silence.

‘They ripped her head off, and abseiled down the flagpole rope. Heaven knows where they are now. Probably at home having a celebratory pint of blood each, having given SÄPO a good kicking. You’re bosses are not going to like it Max. I suggest we stick with my version of events. I’ll back you up, and we’ll load all the blame onto Sandra.’

Max nodded in disbelief.

Skylar placed his arm round Max, and pointed him away to the staircase. ‘I’ll get the Tactical boys to clear up here. Let’s go and have a nice hot chocolate and recuperate.’

Max was led away like a whipped donkey.

‘ ……….. and another thing, that helicopter has blown my hair all over the place.’


In the police patrol car, Officer Lund turned round to Oskar and Eli.

‘You boys are sure quiet. I guess you’re still in shock eh?’

‘I guess so,’ muttered Oskar.

They drove up the short distance on Sankt Eriksgatan.

‘Blackeberg huh? That’s where I started out as a beat cop. A long time ago, more than twenty years. It’s funny you know, but you are the spitting image of a boy I pulled up for stealing sweeties.’

‘Really?’ Oskar replied non-chalantly, gripping the handle of his Hitler Jugend dagger, ready for action.

‘Guess it might have been your Papa!’ Officer Lund guffawed.

Oskar and Eli laughed, nervously.

They pulled into Fridhelmsplan T-bana station.

As they got out of the car, Officer Lund grabbed Oskar’s schoolbag.

‘Wow, this weighs a ton. What you got in here? Not stolen sweets I hope!’

‘Trick or treat! It’s a decoration I made for the Hallowe’en party.’ replied Oskar.

Officer Lund peeked inside the bag, and immediately was revulsed.

‘Very realistic! Well, you had me going there for a minute.’ He slipped Oskar ten kronor, and smiled.

‘I’ll take you down the platform and make sure you get safe on the train. It’s been crazy today. Let’s see, it’ll be Green Line T19 route. I’ll wave you through, no need to pay.’

A T-bana train pulled in. They thanked Officer Lund. He waved goodbye to Jimmy and Jonny.

‘Hmmm, Jimmy and Jonny.’ Officer Lund scratched his head, ‘Why do those names ring a bell?’

He shrugged his shoulders and returned to the car after the train pulled out.


Oskar and Eli sat in silence for much of the journey.

‘Are you really going round to Skylar’s place tomorrow?’ Eli enquired.

‘Yes, but you can come too.’

‘I wouldn’t want to play gooseberry.’

‘What do you mean?’

Eli grinned. ‘I always wondered if it would happen one day, but I always thought you’d fall for a girl.’

Oskar flushed, embarrassed, and frowned. ‘Sometimes I just don’t understand you. But I guess I still have a lot to learn.’ He smirked at Eli.

‘Yes.’ Eli patted him on the hand, faced into the window and tried not to laugh.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FIN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Postby DMt. » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:16 pm

Yeaaaa!1!1! Go snaps!! Way to wake the gaff up! Bring that shit back!
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Postby fish » Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:27 am

Jeeeeeezz Snaps.
I clicked on this three hours ago and I've only just finished. :shock:
(Of course I had three phone calls and a meal in that time. :roll: :lol: )
Gruesome as hell but I had to keep going.
Great stuff. *:)*
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