Welcome Board - Interim

Post fan-fiction and fan art here!

Moderators: Ian, snaps

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Welcome Board - Interim

Postby snaps » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:45 pm

[NB to Members: Remarks highlighted in RED are temporary.

This is just a protype for how the eventual ‘sticky’ might look when it is finalised. Feel free to post comments, suggestions etc for now. The intention is that the finalised Welcome notice will appear at the top of the Board listings, and will only be used for the Moderators to communicate with members.

If you are already an active Member of the Forum, then please feel free to upload and/or transfer your new or existing work to this board. Read these notes and send me a mail indicating where you would like it including in the Index. This way it won’t matter when you post, your work will not be ‘buried’ by time, as there will be a perma-link to your work here. I will be uploading some material from inactive past Contributors to test the system here. I will also use some of mine, so don’t think I’m just shamelessly self-promoting or that I’ve forgotten you! Please help out as I will be very busy with work from Tuesday – Thursday this week, it may take me a while to catch-up here].

Hello and Welcome!…… to the Fan-Fiction and Fan-Art Board of the Fucking Amal/ Show Me Love (FA/SML) website.

Our major objective is to draw together, the most comprehensive collection of FA/SML fan-fic and fan-art material, from all sources on the internet, hosted on this board for your entertainment.

A second objective is to keep alive the memory and renewed interest in FA/SML, through positive encouragment of new fan-fiction and fan-art from existing, and potential New Members.

The main purpose of this Notice is to provide you with an Index of Contents. It will also have ‘clickable links’: just hover and click on the link and it should open out the item in a new webpage. The aim is to give you an easy way to navigate your way around the threads and postings.


This space will be used to notify you of any recent additions, major revisions etc. with links to items of interest. Our hope is to keep it regularly updated.


Please note our general operational caveat. The characters and plot of Fucking Amal/ Show Me Love are © Copyright 1998 to Lukas Moodysson and MEMFIS FILM AB 1998. Any other storylines or original content materials are assumed to be © Copyright to the Fan Author/ Artist/ Member, unless otherwise stated.

Some links indicated from this site may be to Fan-Fiction and Fan-Art items and resources on other websites. We cannot undertake to verify content and security outside of this domain. If in doubt, please use your own computer to pre-screen.

Wherever possible, attempts will be made to credit original authors/ artists. If you aware of a link to your own work that is incorrectly attributed, or wish for a link here to your work to be deleted, please contact the Moderators.

[Illustration for Members. I will try to contact ‘Ridiculous Mavis’ author of the highly-rated ‘Travelled So Far’ posted on fanfiction.net Mavis is better known as ‘Fran’ who I don’t think is a member here, but hosted her own excellent FA/SML website when in her teens, and I beleive she lives but a short distance from me.]


Guidelines for Contributors [under construction]

Contains helpful guidance on matters of copyright, ownership, acknowledgements, caveats, content-advisory notices, age-appropriateness, formatting, etc.

[insert http link]

Resources for Contributors [under construction]

Contains useful advice and links to sources of FA/SML related written and visual material for writers and artists.

[insert http link]

Notes for Readers, Viewers, and Reviewers [under construction]

Contains positive assistance with providing constructive feedback and critical comment that may be of value to Contributors.

[insert http link]


(Member-contributors may have their own threads where they keep you in touch with 'work-in progress', and may workshop fan-fic or fan-art in progress).


[These are provisional headings for where listing and links to material may be found. Please let me (snaps) know if you would prefer a different format. This section will probably? eventually be moved to ‘Guidelines for Contributors’ ?]


PREQUELS: (i.e. stories and fan-fictions that pre-date the FA/SML ‘canon’ date of 27th April).

PARALLELS: (i.e. stories and fan-fictions that generally occur within the FA/SML ‘canon’ period of 27th April – 7th May. This could include plot extensions, imaginary complimentary scenes etc).

SEQUELS: (i.e. stories and fan-fictions that occur after the FA/SML ‘canon’ period of 27th April 1998 – 7th May. This could be immediately after the film story ends or any number of years afterwards).

CROSSOVERS: (i.e. stories and fan-fictions that draw on FA/SML characters and/or plot lines, and characters and/or plot lines from other books/ films etc),

POETRY: (i.e. items of non-prose reflection, song lyrics, verse, personal interpretation, etc that draw on, or are significantly influenced or inspired by FA/SML characters and/or plot lines).

CREATIVE NON-FICTION: (i.e. fan composed articles, reviews, essays etc that may have appeared in other publications).

MISCELLANEOUS: (i.e. other faniic and work not necessarily direct connected to FA/SML, but may share similar themes0.


ViSUAL ART: (i.e. static and gif art, photography and digital art that draws on FA/SML characters and/or plot themes and/ or principal actors involved. May include paintings, cartoons, mixed-media).

VIDEO: (i.e. compilation videos, mashes, music underpinned video productions etc that draws on FA/SML characters and/or plot themes, and/ or principal actors involved.)

PERFORMANCE ART: (i.e. work in drama, theatre, musicals, dance-shows etc that draws on FA/SML characters and/or plot themes involved)

OTHER MEDIA: (i.e. three-dimensional, sculpture, frescoes, environmental art, music etc that draws on FA/SML characters and/or plot themes and/ or principal actors involved.)

[Please advise on the above fan-art categories, as it is not my strength (snaps)]
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Re: Welcome Board - Interim

Postby Ian » Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:58 am

Sounds good to me, snapsie. :D
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