Is this serious or not?

Discuss Lukas Moodysson's first feature film Fucking Åmål (Show me Love).

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Is this serious or not?

Postby fish » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:37 am


a rough translation courtesy Goooogle

Europe can do "Show Me Love" to child porn
The directive to combat child pornography is up to date again after many judgment. Now raised warning voices that normal-length films can be classified as child porn.STOCKHOLM / BRUSSELS. After the so-called manga judgment, the debate on what is child pornography come up in the news again. Some have warned that an EU Directive which was passed last fall may lead to the usual length films in which young characters performing sexual acts can be classified as child porn. Two films that would be relevant is Swedish "Show Me Love" and Norwegian hit film "Lie with me."
The trade association Film & TV producers believe that we must make a distinction between what is porn and what is sex.-
We are all anti-child pornography, there should not be confused with sex. Taking Me Love as an example, it is about adolescent sexuality and love, says the organization's chairman Björn Rosengren to Nyheter24.
He has not yet loaded on the Directive, but is concerned about the concerns including the Pirate Party MEP Christian Engström has come true.- Under such circumstances, it is an expression of moral panic, says Rosengren.
Must be introduced in Sweden later in December 2013 Petter Asp, professor of criminal law at Stockholm University, told Swedish Radio Kulturnytt that there is nevertheless some room in the law to judge what is pornography when it comes to such films.
In October, adopted the "Directive on combating child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children" by the EU Parliament. It defines child pornography as "material depicting a person under 18 and that does something with sexual innuendo." Only two of 543 members voted no. Sweden is obliged to implement the latest in December 2013.

I for one wouldn't be here if this was child porn.
I would be doing whatever I could to shut it down and bring those responsible to justice.

The thought that any reasonable person could put such connotations to this beautiful film is beyond my comprehension.

Am I just overreacting to this article or is there some threat to the film's integrity in the wind?

Any other views out there?
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby Ian » Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:25 am

Jesus Christ, what nutters. :roll:

They needn't try to parade their wackjob censorship s**t here or they'll get told where to effing shove it. What hysterical maniacs. :twisted:

EDIT: On reflection, I really wouldn't worry about it. It just sounds like one guy doing scaremongering "what if?". If SML were to be affected, so would almost every other high school film, tv series or book which featured romance ever made or written. That would take even the EU''s legendary idiocy to heights I can't see anyone putting up with, even in today's hysterical society.
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby DMt. » Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:46 pm

There was at least one American 'reviewer', a Prairie Miller or something, trying to characterise NdP as child porn, from what kind of neocon/muscular Christian/pseudo-fem agenda I shudder to think. I read it and retched at the barely-restrained homophobia, shallow reading of the plot and and general selfrighteous nastiness...

"...Water Lilies was definitely disappointing.

In the end, one comes away from Water Lilies with absolutely no idea who any of these young girls are aside from their carnal sexual urges. How do they feel about the world around them, what joys in life fill them with wonder, who are their families and nurturers, what books are they reading? Minor details this filmmaker apparently couldn't care less about.

Am I missing something here, or are movies increasingly becoming the new legally protected venue for filmmakers with dubious motives, to engage in borderline kiddie porn? Over the past year or so, both studio and indie films have cropped up in which underage actors simulate graphic sex and masturbation, and perform oral sex on adults.

And now Water Lilies has arrived, an admittedly occasionally poignant but reprehensibly lewd and voyeuristic cinematic obsession with teenage sexual and emotional turmoil.

In other words, a filmmaker can request minors to pose nude and indulge in sexual behavior for the camera, however simulated, that would land anybody else in handcuffs.

So ironically, the MPAA goes to great lengths to create a stringent regulatory system as to what minors can see in movies, but not what they can do on screen.

French director Celine Sciamma's film debut Water Lilies, is a coming of age tale playing out around swimming classes at a suburban Paris high school. Three glum teens in contrasting states of physical maturity, also represent the most deplorable generic female caricatures.

There's the popular beautiful blonde bitch (Adele Haenel) who screws everyone in sight but is also frigid and possibly a closet lesbian; the shy, mousy introvert (Pauline Acquart) who looks about twelve and may or may not also be a lesbian, feeding her erotic fixation on other females by hanging around the pool ogling the bathing nymphettes when not stealing and sniffing the garbage of her primary girl object of desire, and later deflowering her as a favor; and finally, the chubby, slovenly outcast and butt of ridicule (Louise Blachere) who divides her time between stuffing her face, what else, and luring the handsomest high school hunk into hot sex because she's desperate for any male attention. Though her eventual act of revenge against her sexual humiliation is as ridiculously unreal as a scene in which she buries her bra in the garden to protest her fate as the designated town fattie.


...and that's your 'review'.

To me there's an object lesson here, in how a not-very intelligent person with a manipulative agenda sees themselves assuming the moral high ground by a posture of outrage. Maybe it works among Bush voters, I don't know.

I can only hope that the people who's job it is to chase down child porn have a few more emotional IQ points than this.
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby fish » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:49 am

Couldn't agree more with your comments.

On reflection of the Swedish report I can only assume that it was a slow news day and the reporter concerned was just trying for a bit of sensationalism to boost sales. Surely no one in their right minds could make that connection.

As for the NdP "review" you posted Dave, it sounds very much as you described, the extreme religious right once again on the rampage. I can't even make the "right minds" comment here because obviously the "reviewer" doesn't qualify. Time to bring in a vet and have him put down. :x
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby Ian » Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:08 am

Shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out. :P
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby DMt. » Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:21 pm

Ironically enough, the comment of an Inquisitor shortly before having an entire large town of men, women and children put to death - 'kill them all, God will know His own'... :roll:
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby snaps » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:53 pm

It is very serious.

If EU law is allowed to take precedence it ride will ride roughshod over locally established laws in individual member states. So called ''age of consent'' varies wildly. In Sweden it is 15. In Spain it is 13. In other less liberal states it is as high as 18. In the UK it is 16, but, ironically that is only because of EU intervention which differentially classed heterosexual and homosexual activity by age, until relatively recently, intially 21 if you happened to be gay (male).

In Thatcher's Britain (assuming pre-existence of internet) it would have been an arrestable offence simply to ''promote the concept that (male) homosexual relationships are of equal validity.''' In an unprecedented step, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron ( Whose Cabinet includes ''out'' gays) has issued a repudiation and public apology for that period of Tory policy implementation.

I tend to go along with Queen Victoria. Lesbianism has never been illegal in the UK, because even when pushed to legislate against it by her government, she resolutely refused to believe ''that such disgusting practices existed''. :oops: Quite so Ma'am :Y :r :)P :)P :)P

Why can't everywhere go along with the example of Mexico. Ostensibly a Catholic conservative state, where homosexuality has never been illegal, on the grounds that to legislate in that direction would be to concede power to an external state i.e. the Vatican.

Why don't all the phobes move to a sexually fascist, crisis economy, racist, dooomed-to-failure (yet again) police state like Uganda (where homosexaulity is ILLEGAL. period.) if it really bothers them that much. What a fucking cesspit. It's only a coupla years since the local council in Amal were flying the Ugandan flag over the webcam square. SHAME ON THEM. At the same time Uganda has guys on Death Row, for the alleged offence of ''being homosexual''.

Fish will remember this. If Bex and Lex are so politically inclined as we have been led to believe, I hope that they have conveyed their disgust at Amal at their support for Uganda, which is far, far, worse than their rejection of Moodysson's attempts to film Fucking Amal, actually IN Amal.

'nuff said :evil:
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby fish » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:59 am

snaps wrote:...resolutely refused to believe ''that such disgusting practices existed''...

One of the benefits of blissful ignorance, eh? :lol:


Bound to be others that can be added to this list.

I'm vehemently opposed to any abuse/exploitation of children by adults, and I suppose variations in the "age of consent" cloud the borders of who's an adult and who isn't, but for any group or individual to seek to impose their bigoted views on the world at large is just treading on very dangerous ground. I mean what's next, marching women into a football stadium to be publicly executed for showing skin under their burka.

'nuff said :evil:
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby DMt. » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:06 am

Well actually, Fish,the People's Disciplinary Committee wants a word about your attitude...some people feel you aren't toeing the Party line. There'll be a knock on your door at 4am, and a masked Welcoming Party, you know, the usual.
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby Ian » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:16 am

On the rare occasions that I venture out out of my safe little world (and I include my fave internet places in that, such as here) I really do despair of people and society in general. :( :roll:
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby fish » Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:06 am

DMt. wrote:...There'll be a knock on your door at 4am, and a masked Welcoming Party, you know, the usual.

4am???? :shock:

They better be quick.
I'm expecting the Spanish Inquisition at 4:30. :twisted:
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Re: Is this serious or not?

Postby Ian » Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:47 am

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition. :P
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