What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:01 am

Finished the final season of Person of Interest. Absolutely excellent, a first class finish to a first class show. I was a little confused by the scenes in the police station early in the last episode (like were they actually cops or were they Samaritan's men? If the former, the downfall of HR doesn't seem to have made much difference to police corruption there!) and I would have to liked to have seen what happened to one particular character not in the last episode (that creepy bastard little kid who was serving as Samaritan's mouthpiece) but those are the only real minor niggles I had. On the whole I found it a very satisfying ending, epic and exciting and emotional and tragic while hopeful at the same time. All in all a great ending to the, in my opinion, best TV show of the 2010s. :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:10 am

The Bill: Consumers/Lock-In. PC Jim Carver hits rock bottom in this confronting two-parter. No longer even bothering to turn up for work, and spending his days in a drunken haze, Carver is circling the drain - and then wakes up to find himself lying next to a strangled woman and isn't even sure himself he didn't do it. Mark Wingett gives a terrific performance as a Jim stripped of every last bit of dignity in this powerful couple of episodes. Burnside is also fantastic in the second part, refusing to believe Jim's guilty regardless of the evidence and telling him that, even if he did, "you can forget about prison" and "we'll sort it!"
Everyone should have a friend like Frank! :lol:
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:20 am

Scream season 1 episode 1. Quite fun so far. :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:01 am

The Bill: Streetwise. The eternally obnoxious (in the most entertaining way) DC Rod Skase crashes out of the series in decidedly inglorious fashion in this dramatic episode. When a young boy, whose mother is dating a violent crook who has just intimidated a witness out of testifying against him, disappears, Rod is determined to nail the criminal for the crime and bends the evidence to point in his direction - with truly disastrous consequences. It's a sorry end for a great character, and the first in a number of crushing departures in the 2000 season. It's a great episode, although the bizarre direction - which eschews the normal style in favour of a bizarre NYPD Blue emulation with the camera peering through blinds and bobbing around all over the place - gets real irritating real quick.
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:21 am

The Bill: Take It Or Leave It. DC Kerry Holmes is investigating a money laundering operation when she unknowingly stumbles onto a thread that is linked to one of DS Don Beech's corrupt activities. Don is sailing closer and closer to the wind in this gripping episode!
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:36 am

The Bill: Warm Bodies (Parts 1 & 2). Investigating seemingly separate incidents - an apparently deliberate hit and run and a brutal assault outside a nightclub - DS John Boulton and DS Claire Stanton soon begin to believe the crimes are connected, but their collaboration on the increasingly dangerous investigation has a somewhat unexpected side effect when their relationship begins to change from professional into something considerably more personal. But there's something about Claire Stanton that neither John nor anyone else at Sun Hill is aware of... This gripping 2 parter drops one hell of a dramatic bombshell on the audience, with the revelation that the quiet and unassuming Claire Stanton, who slipped unobtrusively into Sun Hill six months earlier, is actually an undercover CIB officer, planted at the station for the sole purpose of spying on, and gathering evidence of the corrupt activities of, one DS Don Beech. It's a fantastic, jaw-dropping twist, and one that serves notice that the long-simmering Beech corruption storyline is reaching boiling point...
Oh, and I love that the codename of Claire's (male) CIB contact/boss is "Mother", in a clear nod to 60s British cult spy series The Avengers! :lol:
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:53 am

I'm really enjoying Pretty Little Liars. I saw the first season back in 2011 when it was on Channel 9 but they never showed any of the others. I recall my main worry was that they'd resolve the murder/stalker plot and it would end up being some sort of generic soap, but that hasn't happened; the show is in its 7th and final season in the US and they've kept the mystery/thriller aspects all the way so I'm rather enjoying catching up with the seasons on DVD. :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby fish » Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:03 am

Ian wrote:...Pretty Little Liars...

I gave up on it when they became so much older than their school teachers. :T :P
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:08 am

They've jumped ahead 5 years as of the 6th season. :wink:
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:13 am

Pretty Little Liars. Dear me, less than halfway through season 2 and Emily's already collapsed with an ulcer (at 17! :shock: ) brought on by stress. I don't know how she's going to cope with 7 seasons of being stalked and terrorised. :shock: :lol:
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:10 am

Pretty Little Liars Season 4. As "A"'s terror campaign becomes more extreme and dangerous than ever, and the body count in this town keeps rising (now including two police officers) two "Special Investigators" have arrived, wanting to know "what it is about those four pretty girls that keeps attracting so many corpses"! :lol:
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:57 am

The Bill: Find the Lady. DS John Boulton and DS Claire Stanton are pursuing a terrified runaway witness who holds the key to bringing down a crime boss - though only Claire is aware that the case could also bring down one DS Don Beech. When Boulton gets the witness into a hidden location only he knows, said crime boss decides the answer is to torture and then kill him for that information, but that's a line even Beech isn't willing to cross. As the walls start closing in, Beech takes a desperate gamble to confess all to Boulton and try to get him to cross the line to help them both - with catastrophic consequences. This stunning and tragic episode sees the avalanche well and truly starting to fall, and the death of John Boulton is just laden with dramatic irony, from Claire being unable to quite trust her lover enough to tell him the truth about herself and Beech, that John is himself becoming suspicious of Claire for the wrong reasons and inadvertently tips Beech off that there's more to her than meets the eye, and finally that Don ends up killing the man he was willing to compromise his secrets to try to save. It's heartbreaking stuff.
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:07 am

The Bill: All Fall Down (Parts 1 & 2). CIB storm into Sun Hill, suspending the whole of CID as the truth about Don Beech and Claire Stanton is finally revealed to a stunned station - and more than one head is going to roll. Meanwhile the man himself, Don Beech, is on the run, desperate to get out of the country before Claire catches up with him.... This two parter is, as is with the rest of this epic arc, gripping and fantastic stuff. The only problem is what comes next. As a send-off for Beech and Boulton it's as epic and fabulous as it should be for two such iconic characters, the problem is the producers decide to throw the baby out with the bathwater and throw away Chief Superintendent Brownlow, DI Chris Deakin, DS Jeff Daly and DC Kerry Holmes into the bargain. While I can just about accept Brownlow as I thought his replacement, the deliciously reptilian Tom Chandler, was great, the sad fact is the CID replacements were almost universally disappointing and substandard, and while the 2001 season still has some good stuff before the show crashes and burns under the dreaded Marquess in 2002, it is never really the same again from this point.
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:09 am

The Bill: On the Hook (Parts 1 & 2). DCI Meadows struggles to save his career in the wake of the Don Beech corruption scandal, as a new broom arrives at Sun Hill led by the new Chief Super, Tom Chandler, a young high-flyer whose charm and easy smile are both about as fake as each other. This is a pretty good two parter. The new CID team make little to no impression (though Kate Spears is admittedly smokin' :)P :P), and pretty much never will unfortunately, but Chandler is terrific from the off and within just these two episodes immediately becomes one of the show's strongest assets. He's so slick, so charming, and so two-faced you're pretty much loving to hate the snake almost instantly.
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby snaps » Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:44 pm


Skam ("Shame") is a Norwegian young adult TV series about the daily life of teenagers at the Hartvig Nissen School, a fashionable high school at Frogner in West Endd Oslo. It is produced by NRK P3, which is part of the NRK. The first clip of the series was posted online on 22 September 2015, the first episode aired on TV on 25 September. The main characters differ from season to season (Eva in the first, Noora in the second and Isak in the third). Viewers can follow the characters of the show on Instagram or Facebook and stay in touch with them. Throughout the week different scenes of the following episode are posted on the Skam official website in real-time, as well as text messages between the characters. The full episode airs every Friday on NRK3 and is a compilation of the clips posted previously.

From 'The Guardian'

Hit Scandinavian multimedia online youth drama Skam (Shame), which has gripped teens across the world, is to be remade for English-speaking audiences. The Norwegian drama, which has loosely been likened to Channel 4’s popular teen-targeted series Skins, has become a global digital hit, whose teenage fans have petitioned the broadcaster to add English subtitles for international fans. Simon Fuller, the man behind the Spice Girls and the international Idol TV franchise, such as American Idol, has struck a global deal with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, the show’s broadcaster, to remake Shame for English-speaking audiences. Fuller’s XIX Entertainment will produce a version of the show for the US and Canada, which is expected to be sold to other English-speaking markets such as the UK. “Shame is an important show,” said Fuller. “There is precious little content created primarily for a teen audience and Shame provides this with great honesty and integrity. The show packs a punch and is leading the way in exploring multiplatform storytelling.” Shame, which launched in Norway in 2015 and is now on its third season, has been a massive hit. It focuses on a group of 16-year-olds and has had audiences in its home country as high as 1.3 million of a total population of 5 million.

More info: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/dec/09/norwegian-teen-tv-hit-shame-to-be-remade-for-us-viewers?CMP=twt_a-media_b-gdnmedia

I have seen many clips with English subtitles on YouTube. The USA remake is sure to censor the gay content, because as we all know it is the rule in USA that all gay relationships must end in disaster, and those characters must either get saved by Jesus or go on to live a life of 'Hell on Earth'
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