Too young for FÅ?

Discuss Lukas Moodysson's first feature film Fucking Åmål (Show me Love).

Moderator: Ian

Postby Sandy » Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:59 am

Anny wrote: did i say that it's one of my biggest dreams to move to finland? :wink:

Well, many people don't dream about moving to Finland.. :roll: But it would be nice if you really did move here some day. :)
Elämä on elämää varten annettu, ja se on ihanasti sanottu.
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Postby Anny » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:17 pm

yeah i'm something special! :P i think that began when my best friend and i were the biggest the rasmus fans son earth (and we were veeery crazy about finland too =) and finnish is such a nice language! i wish i could speak it better... plus we talked a lot about the finnish school system in school and i think it would be quite interesting to be a teacher there!

but to come back to the topic :wink:
i think generally the age-thing on films are very stupid! i saw matrix when i was 15 (one year too early!!) and it didn't demage me! and i saw a lot of so called "horrorfilms" that were not scary at all (maybe i'm too "hardened" or something but that's how i feel...) and some films are for 6-year-old childs only because there is no sex and crime in it but they don't understand the content at all... and i don't think that children would get a psychic demage because of films like that! honestly i think the oposite! it would be better to see such films earlier because when they are younger they don't know so much about the world and they think it's "normal" that two men or two women can be together too! anyway, in germany it's calles "fsk" which means "unsolicited self-control" !! ok, now i'm 18 and can see what ever i want but i would like to have a discussion about that with some people in the cinema who don't want to give me a ticket :P (yeah i'm strange i know...)
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Postby in_search_of_silence » Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:20 pm

If I remember correctly, FÅ is in Sweden allowed from seven years and up... which is kinda odd once thinking about it.
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Postby Poko Apoko » Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:52 pm

To be honest I don't think anyone who can use a computer is too young to watch this movie. I'd say even someone as young as Oscar (Agnes' brother) could watch it, though I'm sure at that age they'd get bored with it quick and go play or something.
Poko Apoko
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