FA scene used in Neighbours!!!!

Discuss Lukas Moodysson's first feature film Fucking Åmål (Show me Love).

Moderator: Ian

Postby styvisor » Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:22 pm

Having just watched Neighbours (a decent Australian soap) on tv, I could'nt believe that they had a similiar plot line as Fucking Amal!!!

Basically it was from the point where Elin drags Agnes into the the toilet at the end of the film they used, but instead of a toilet it was a shed and the roles are reversed. ;)

In the scene, Skye (Agnes) is an outcast is school as she doese'nt fit into any of the social groups, and really likes Boyd (Elin). Boyd likes her as well, but during school time, he ignores her in front of his clique, due to her being different. He's walking along with a football, when Skye drags him into the shed and accuses him of ignoring her and admits that she likes him more than a friend, when the popular kids walk pass and hear her talking to some guy. Banging and shouting ensures, and Boyd and Skye are wondering what to do, when Boyd says that they go out, so they do to jeers and derision from everyone, and then they kiss where everyone cheers (I think)....

Quite cool if I say so myself B)
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Postby absoluted » Sun Dec 28, 2003 1:54 am

The only scenes I've seen from "Neighbours" are some old Kylie Minogue bikini clips I that downloaded from the Internet. :D
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Postby *blond* » Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:27 am

ohh, aussie soap operas
i watch them :D
ohh and guess what? there's this new lesbian chick on the show, and she kissed skye! i was like looking out of the corner of my eye while my sister watched. (she thinks im gay but i wont tell her i am) so yes, that was interesting. very good episode i reckon!!
skye and lana will get together in the end.

if u wana see what skye looks like go to.. www.stephanie-macintosh.com
she's majorly hotttt
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