Interesting Dream

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Interesting Dream

Postby Rebecka Fan » Thu May 14, 2009 8:01 am

Had a dream that involved, Rebecka, Alex, Tove and Ellen. What a dream that was!! All the lovely ladies were dressed to the nines and looked quite beautiful! Not that they're not beautiful otherwise. Strange thing, it seemed that they were all flirting with me. They all had spoons with pudding on them and they licked their spoons, all slow and sexy like. Alexandra said, "Come here Tiger! I wanna make you an offer you can't refuse!" Then all of the girls ran over to me and ran their fingers through my hair and were kissing me. What do you make of this?
I'm a Guy Directioner.
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Postby fish » Thu May 14, 2009 9:21 am

My envy knows no bounds. :mrgreen:
If I was a psycologist perhaps I could analyse this dream but that would risk spoiling it for you. Just enjoy it is all I can say.
Anyone for pudding? :Y _O_
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Postby Ian » Thu May 14, 2009 10:56 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I want your dreams, mate, that's what I make of that!

:shock: :P :wink: :oops: _O_ :D _O^
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Postby snaps » Fri May 15, 2009 1:34 am

I had an absolutely vile nightmare last night. I'm only writing this to try and exorcise the ghost. Basically FA/SML was being made into a TV serial and along with Rebecka and Alex I was on set as something to do with the scenery. Three evil people who I used to work with turned up, two guys and a girl. I told them that they had to book an appointment to get a guided tour but bex and alex were so laidback they voted me down. I thought we could keep it together so long as I had all three in sight.

There had been some kind of murder and they wanted to lay it on bexand alex. They all started pleasant enough but then the one guy started to provoke alex, she was getting shithot angry like Elin, i kept telling her to cool it they probs had hidden cameras on them or something and were trying to show she was psycho capable of murder.

after this bex burst into tears like agnes and uncontrollable sobbing at the friction. Then the bitch gurl started on her with things like ''hah shows you have a gulity conscience then" I decided to override alex and bex and get security in. It was chaos.

THen I noticed the second guy had sloped off. I caught him in one part of the set taking up floorboards. When I challenged him he grinned at me and said ''if your friends have nothing to hide they wont mind me looking for evidence'' but what I had seen him do was planting evidence. I woke up. sheeit. :cry: :cry: :cry:

It all goes to show what watching FA/SML on bexs birthday can lead to.

wish me better dreams for tonight! :)
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Postby fish » Fri May 15, 2009 2:44 am

That is one hell of a wierd dream. :shock:

I think you should lay off the spicy food just before bed time and go with a pudding like Kyle. Seems to result in a much better quality of dream. :lol:
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Postby Ian » Fri May 15, 2009 3:02 am

I'm never going to be able to look at pudding in quite the same way ever again. :shock: :twisted: :P

I had a thoroughly disturbing dream last night, too. Nothing to do with FA, it involved old characters from the early years of Home and Away.

It was really very dark and greatly disturbed me! :shock: :cry: :lol:
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby snaps » Fri May 15, 2009 12:11 pm

Rebecka Fan wrote: Then all of the girls ran over to me and ran their fingers through my hair and were kissing me. What do you make of this?

The moral of the story is, DON'T wake up!! :lol:
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby fish » Fri May 15, 2009 12:34 pm

snaps wrote:The moral of the story is, DON'T wake up!! :lol:

Much wisdom in that comment. :lol:
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Postby snaps » Sun May 17, 2009 11:35 am

Bananas are bad enough (nom-nom-nom) :oops: but now I will never lick a spoon in public again! :lol:
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby snaps » Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:00 am

uh! 2.15 in the morning here. woke after an Elin dream, can't get back to sleep. it was very confusing :? but basiclly Elin was new at my school in my year and form group and I couldnt believe my luck that I had been appointed to show her around the classes and stuff. But I was making a real hash of it. It was lunchtime and We ran into an old flame of mine called Wendy. she was annoyed becasue I'd had a one-off with another girl Liz who was now been put into her form group. I was telling her to STFU bigtime :evil: , Elin didnt seem to mind and was smiling :) at me getting annoyed with wendy.

Anyway all this made us late for lunch. I went with Elin to the canteen but they were closing. :( all that was left was some mouldy bacon. The kitchen superviser said she could make some bacon butties. i said no thanks and Elin said she wasnt hungry either, and I was concerned that Elin should get something to eat. THe superviser poured us out some brown liquid in plastic beakers but it was cold. I couldnt tell if it was tea or coffee. She said it was choclate so I put it into a microwave. I was geting flustered and Elin told me to calm down. I said I needed a cigareete but I'd run out. Elin siad she had one left. I said I cant take that. she said its ok we'll share. So we found a staircase and passed the cig between us and drank the chcoclate. I rmemeber I was getting slaiva in my mouth and trying not to make the filter too damp. Elin was wearing lipstick and some of it passed onto me form the cig and I smoothed it in and we both laughed. :lol:

WE both took off cos I had to find the Head of Maths. He was with his own form group. He is normally strict but was being laidback with them and I didnt like the way the boys were looking and pointing and calling out to Elin :evil: . I said to Elin im so stupid Im in the bottom set for maths. The teacher will set you a written test to sort out whihc set you go in. Elin said she would fake the test really bad so she could stay in my set. I was worried for Elin but glad she would wnat to be in my crappy set for maths cos I dont like anyone there. Th teeacher was taking the piss out of me cos I couldnt remember the timetable and said ''I bet you dont even know what day of the week it is!" He was right my mind had gone blank. :shock: He said we should go to registration and get it sorted out later.

I was near to tears :cry: cos I was lettng Elin down badly and thought my form tutor would take her away from me and let someone intelligent show her round. I mad e my mind up to walk out as soon as I got Elin to the right room. I went past reception and siad Im going home cos I feel sick. The receptionist said why. I said it was becos Id eaten some crappy food in the canteen, thatll shut her up. THe recptionist siad to Elin who are you. she said I'm feeling sick too cos Ive been poisoned. I looked at Elin and couldnt believe it. :roll: I said elin can come home with me I live close and I'll take her home later. THe recptionist tried to stop us and I got mad and threatened to throw up all over her desk. :r elin was laughing.

Elin said what are we going to do. I said I'm going home and when I get to the off licence I'll buy some food some vodka and a packet of ciggies cos the guy there knows me. But I said I think you should stay in school. I'm taeching you bad ways and leading you astray. she smiled and looked at me and said ''maybe I want to be led astray'' 8) My spine went into meltdown as she put her arm round my waist *:)* :shock: i said we''l sneak round the back of my farm so as not to be seen, we'll go up to the hayloft and get drunk hahahah! WE walked off down the school drive hand in hand and kids were looking out of the window at us *:)* *:)* gobsmacked. :T

Then I woke up! Grrrrrr. It was a low flying plane or something. I was confused and looking for Elin. The deam was so vivid i wanted to go back to sleep and get back into the dream if I could but my heart was racing. I got up had a ciggy. tried again. no sleep. I got up and found some dregs of vodka, I thought maybe if I can create where we were at it'll help. But still couldnt sleep. So I got up and thought I'll make a hot choclate and write it down as much as I remember maybe that will help. So thtas what Ive donwe. and I still feel tired but not sleepy. :?

I know its a combination of things. I wasn't even watching FA but I did watch Girl Interrupted and drank too much so now I'm dehydrated. I wrote an Elin poem on here in fanfic cos I didnt feel sleepy. I ate cheese and cripsbread really late cos I was hungry. it's also still very warm here even though its late september. I alsways get wierd dreams if I overheat. so Ive thrown the window open to air the room. I'll go back to bed in a bit. I cant usually get back into a dream once ive woke up but I'll try :lol:
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby fish » Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:13 am

There are some places it's worth trying to get back to, when you wake up before it's over. I want to know what happened next so for fksake go back to sleep will you. :P

I love episode one and I want more. *:)* :)P :wink: :D :T :roll: :twisted:
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby Ian » Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:16 am

LOL Snaps! It must have been the night for odd dreams. I had one myself. I was in my house at night with the folks, and the lights kept going off and on, and there was something - or someone - lurking in the shadows. It was at this point I went "This isn't real, it's a dream". The scene then changed entirely, and I was in an open space somewhere in the middle of the day. There was a pretty girl sitting on a bench and I realised it was Amelia/Cody. I rushed over to give her a hug (no hanging about, me :lol: ) but when I got there it wasn't her at all, it was some girl with a slightly weird face.

Then I woke up.

There, that's my contribution to the night's peculiarities. Maybe it was something in the water!
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby fish » Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:09 pm

I wish I could remember mine. :(
And I wish mine were as good as Snapsie's. :)P
Ian's got to lay off the spicy food, that was just a little wierd. "...but when I got there it wasn't her at all..." :shock:
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby snaps » Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:53 pm

waaaah! No. Couldn't get back to it. Instead dreamt that someone gave me two dogs to look after for the day. They were both black Highland terriers. One was nice the other one nasty. The nasty one chased the nice one away and got to eat all the food by pretending to be the nice dog. As always, got into trouble for it next day. :roll:

Then had a dream about going to a concert in a big huge orb shaped hall. The bands music was something like Pink Floyd, they were centre stage and not moving as the whole Hall rotated on its axis. This set up an anti gravitational field and everyone just floated up out of their seats and was swimming around in zero gravity to the music. Nice dream but it didn't make up for not catching up with Elin :cry:

Tired today, and got a long journey tomorrow. Hope I have a peaceful night. :?

I realised when I read the stuff today I wrote about the dream that I don't go to school anymore, and yet when I wrote it it seemed like I still did do, like still half asleep. Wierd heh?

When I checked who's online here it sayas three registerd users. There's me plus googlebot and psbot. Does anyone know what this means? :? It feels strange being here with just two robots for company. :shock: Just so long as they behave and understand an anal probe is out of the question. :P That's tonights nitemare all sorted then :P

I'm rambling I know but I'm tired and this stuff doesn't fit anywhwere else but like its all related. Like tomorrow I'm calling in on the guy with the big video screen who said FA was like ''an episode of Holyoaks'' I want to make him sit through ''Water Lilies'' cos he talked through the first third last time I put it on at my place. i bet he won't let me show it cos his wife will be there, but I think she's more tolerant than he is. He likes horror movies and I said I could show him ''Ginger Snaps'' but he made a joke about it and said ''is that one of your lesbian movies?'' Sheeit! they're sisters and it's nOT even an incest movie.

Its just a general question for you guys cos I don't think my friend is homophobic, but he really does seem threatened by the whole bi question thing, and I don't get that at all. :? I don't understand why he feels so uncomfortable with it? We all know Bex and Alex are not ''fer real'' lesbians, theyre just doing an acting job, and doing it very well. Personally it dosnt matter to me if either of them is a bit bi or not as thats their personal lives and not relevant. Why do people get so edgy about these things? I mean Laurence Olivier did a great film job as ''Othello'' but everyone knows he OBVIOUSLY isnt/wasnt black and that the part has been done very well by black actors since. I'm confuseddotcom.

My laundry has just finished its run and I gotta go bed soon. I did a run cos my regular clothes smell of horses and I'm going to visit some stallions soon. Thats another thing. maybe its a city/country thang. I have to enforce it ALL the time. NO cosmetics NO perfumes if youre working around stallions. Thye are very sensitive to smell and easily turned on. Guys laugh about it. I'm sure they fantasize about it and stable girls. oh yeh! it's just the same with aftershave. :P Stallions are not too picky :lol: a butt-crack is a butt-crack. hahahah . wooohooo! Enjoy your nitemare as you are chased round the paddock and beg for mercy! we'll be watching :evil: g'nite :W
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Re: Interesting Dream

Postby fish » Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:01 am

I bet your shrink and his holiday home in Monaco just LOVE you. :T *:)* :lol: :P :roll: :twisted:

"...centre stage and not moving as the whole Hall rotated on its axis. This set up an anti gravitational field ..." You've been visiting Ian's "Doctor Who" forum again, haven't you?

"...There's me plus googlebot and psbot..." I'd feel a lot more comfortable not knowing what the search engines were up to too. I hate it when I'm doing a search, and I'm shown something that looks exectly like what I'm interested in, and I realise it's something I wrote myself. :x
I guess it really means lots of people are searching for the things we write about. :shock: :roll: :oops:

"...he really does seem threatened by the whole bi question thing..." Some people are just like that, can't explain why. Perhaps he's unsure of his own sexuality. I've always thought that who a person is inside is the only important thing. Their sexuality is irrelevant when it comes to deciding how nice they are.

"...I'm going to visit some stallions soon..." Moa's the same when the ram comes to "visit". Spends hours in the shower trying to get rid of the pheromones, I think she must prefer the ewes. :roll:

"waaaah! No. Couldn't get back to it..." :x Keep trying, otherwise you're just going to have to make it up. I really, really, want to know the rest. :P :)P :twisted: :wink:
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