Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Discuss Lukas Moodysson's first feature film Fucking Åmål (Show me Love).

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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby fish » Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:44 am

Buying drink and looking silly was always the easy bit. *:)*
I don't think I ever mastered "looking cool". 8) :lol:
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby kant1781 » Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:23 pm

fish wrote:Buying drink and looking silly was always the easy bit. *:)*

Yeah, same here! And not necessarily in that order. :lol:
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby DMt. » Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:41 pm

'A thing of beauty is a joy forever' - er, I forget. Keats? Shelley? One of those guys.
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby Cheevers4ever » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:09 pm

fish wrote:Buying drink and looking silly was always the easy bit. *:)*
I don't think I ever mastered "looking cool". 8) :lol:

Been drunk and cool at 16 was always easy :P
at 31 it slightly looks a little less cool :P
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby Cheevers4ever » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:10 pm

DMt. wrote:'A thing of beauty is a joy forever' - er, I forget. Keats? Shelley? One of those guys.

We're getting very high brow now :D
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby Dahls » Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:13 am

Cheevers4ever wrote:at 31 it slightly looks a little less cool :P

Depends on the company you're with :wink:

But thats mostly a time to fondly look back at, I prefer, except on a few occasions, to drink in moderation :P .
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby fish » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:20 am

15 år efter Fucking Åmål :shock:

Posted on the Sverigeradio site yesterday. (Translation anyone???????? Please???????)


And it's still pretty much the best film I've ever seen. *:)*
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby Ian » Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:10 am

Happy times. :D
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby Dahls » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:52 pm

Sounds like a "Magnus job" to me. :wink:

How 'bout that, 15 years on this day.
I'm having a glass of O'boy to celebrate. 8)
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby fish » Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:02 am

Dahls wrote:...I'm having a glass of O'boy to celebrate. 8)

Yeah, me too. Image

Lots of other interviews there now also. Erica, Lisa, Mathias and more.
Links on the page. *:)*
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby fish » Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:44 am

An interview (?) with Lukas by Alexander Dunerfors from, published 20th October 2013.

Translated by Gurgle into Swenglish.
Then I had a try. :T

"Lukas Moodysson shared 15 things you might not know about Sweden's best youth film.


On 23 October 1998 the premiere was held for a teen drama that was to shake up the rigid Film-Sweden. Never before had a lesbian story attracted so many to the theaters, and equally rare is it that one so honestly and accurately depicted youth in film - Moodysson and his Agnes and Elin paved the way for many exciting debutants since.

Guldbagge rained down on the film's young director / screenwriter and stars, Alexandra Dahlström and Rebecka Liljeberg. Ahead of this week's classic review I revisited "Fucking Åmål" and discovered that yes, it is just as good today.

But also the film's commentary is a little gold mine if you want to immerse yourselves in one of the biggest Swedish films ever. So on the occasion of the 15th anniversary, here are 15 things you might not know about "Fucking Åmål", from director Lukas Moodysson himself ...


1. Another opening scene
The film begins with Agnes' wish list on her computer, "3. That Elin will fall in love with me."

It was actually supposed to come much later in the film, says Moodysson. But when cutting, he came to the conclusion that it was still a good start. From the beginning, the following scene was supposed to start the film, Elin’s Oboy fight with her sister.

- It was fun to play in and we had to take our time. Erica (Carlson) constantly had to go and wash her hair because she had Oboy all over it.

2. Mathias Rust nervous scene
The scene where Johan (Mathias Rust) is waiting for Elin outside her home and pretends to fix the moped, was the actor's first scene ever. It made Lukas Moodysson a little nervous:

- I knew he was talented, but I think he was even more nervous. But I 'm so glad it worked for then I began to understand that it would work with all the inexperienced actors.

3. Recorded at retirement home
For the scene where Elin and her sister are styling in front of the elevator mirror we had to go to one of Trollhättan's retirement homes.

- There were not many elevators that shut themselves like that in Trollhättan. As it was recorded in a retirement home the scene was completely different to how it looked in the script, it was tricky to cut with the door closed all the time, so it's really cut up. Much of the film is of course, says Moodysson and pays tribute to "Fucking Åmål" editor Michal Leszczylowski.

4. It began with the sisters
One of the first scenes that was written for the movie is the one with Elin and Jessica, where Elin wants to do drugs and tries to swallow down assorted pills with Coke. Moodysson says that it started out as a completely different script for the sisters.

- It was about two sisters who lived next door to a serial killer who dismembered people. One night they locked themselves out and had to knock on his door. It came to a lot of gory stuff, knives and murder and stuff. Then there was just this scene, and it started my interest in this world. What they talked about what they wanted to do, about drugs and love and Italians.

5th surreptitious advertising
The ICA bags that Elin's mother carries into the elevator is no coincidence . Moodysson says that an ICA store in Trollhättan helped a lot during the filming: - It's the only stealth advertising we have in the movie .


6. In & out list is the real thing
The scene where Elin is browsing a VeckoRevyn and discovers that the rave is "out", was included in the script, but was deleted later. The director thought that he would never find one of those In & out - lists to use in the film.

But by accident.... Suddenly, when we were on set there was a VeckoRevyn, with an In & out list where the rave was "out" and included pasta and the Spice Girls. Then we just had to bring it back. There are quite a few things that were changed during the recording and were rewritten later.

7. "A mistake"
Many movie posters and pictures adorn a teenage girl's walls. But one poster was regretted afterwards:

- "Romeo & Juliet" – Agnes’ poster was a mistake. I got the feeling that it was a good movie, but then a lot of people said it was bad. Then maybe people would think that they (Agnes and Elin) are like Romeo and Juliet, but it was not at all intended.

8. They hated the Spice Girls
At Elin’s home she has instead several of young actors, Elin's friends in the film, got to go away and hang up posters about things they like .

- There is a Spice Girls poster but it's not because they like the Spice Girls, but because they hate them. So they wrote a lot of crap on it with lipstick.

9. The best bits came spontaneously
Some of Lukas Moodysson favorite moments in the film are the spontaneous things that the actors just do. The natural interaction that emerged such as between sisters Elin and Jessica or between friends Johan and Marcus .

- There are things that cannot be directed, he says.

10. Production designer tested the "suicide scene"
In one scene a sad Agnes tries to cut her wrists with a razor.

- One of the set designers tested this in real life, to cut her wrists with a razor blade like that. I thought it would have a tiny effect, but she said it was bleeding a lot. Not that she was dying, but it bled a lot more than she thought. Rebecka doesn’t do it for real, of course. It was trick filmed.


11. The music was too expensive
While both Moodysson and most of the audience is happy with the music selection in "Fucking Åmål", it was supposed to sound a little different. The director had hoped to have included Morrissey on the soundtrack. Also the kissing scene in the car where Foreigner’s "I wanna know what love is" comes in, was a successful stop gap.

- We had heard Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" on the car radio and thought it would fit perfectly. But they wanted around 400,000 for the rights, which was way too expensive, says the director.

12. "Åmål hated us"
The sign that says "Welcome to Åmål" was specially made for the film. Moodysson would have liked to borrow a real sign from Amal, but ...

- We got it absolutely that the community hated us. They don’t anymore, but then they didn’t know what it would be about. They only knew that the movie was called “Fucking Åmål". Of course it was foolish of us not to tell them what we were doing, because it's certainly not meant maliciously.

13. Bingolotto does not seem real abroad
- When the scene comes the audience abroad knows that it is an actor, and that it is a parody. They don’t believe that kind of show can be for real, that it is in any way what Loket does. Even in Denmark, someone commented that Loket was a good actor.

- “A” drains and “K” drains are another typical Swedish thing that is lost in translation when the film is shown abroad. And love does not even begin with K in English, notes Moodysson .

14. Johan and Jessica are together
When Elin and Agnes go home to fuck (or drink Oboy), the camera has just left Johan (Mathias Rust) and Jessica (Erica Carlson ) in the schoolyard. The director thinks that the two will also be a couple.

- There was a scripted version where they kissed at the end. You want it to work out that the two get together. Since I am a total romantic so I believe and hope that it will be so. They get together, he says.

15. Hard to see the movie
- I've only seen the movie 3-4 times. I think it's a little hard to see it and it always gets to me because I think it's super bad. That there is just some mass psychosis that makes people think that it is good, says the director."

Then comes a clip of a trailer, but I don't know how to embed it and I'm exhausted now anyway. :Z :-P :lol:
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby Ian » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:55 am

Well done fishy. Great read and very well translated. Bravo! *:)* *:)* *:)* :D
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby DMt. » Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:52 pm

Good heavens, Fishie! You've surpassed yourself!

You may have to wear a truss for a while...after this War & Peace of a post. *:)*
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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby snaps » Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:36 pm

Fuck yeh! In an article today about the ‘six best modern romance films’ in ‘The Times’ Richard Curtis nominated ‘Show Me Love’ in his choice (the oldest film in his nominations). Sadly the article is only available by subscription.

Mmmm, so who the fuck is Richard Curtis? you may well ask >.< Image
Richard Curtis was born on November 8, 1956 in Wellington, New Zealand. He is a writer and producer, known for Love Actually (2003), Bean (1997) and Notting Hill (1999). Also known for ‘Bridget Jones Diary’ and as the writer of ‘Blackadder’ and ‘The Vicar of Dibley’

As a child, he lived in the Philippines, and Sweden because his father was an executive of Unilever who was posted around the world.

Invented Comic Relief. Together with Ben Elton, was offered the chance to write "Police Academy The London Beat", but refused.

He was awarded the M.B.E. (Member of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1994 Queen's Honours List before receiving a C.B.E. (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the 2000 Queen's Millennium Honours List for his services to Television and Film Comedy and to Comic Relief.

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Re: Do you think Fucking Amal has aged well?

Postby fish » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:21 am

snaps wrote:...He is a writer and producer, known for Love Actually (2003), Bean (1997) and Notting Hill (1999). Also known for ‘Bridget Jones Diary’ and as the writer of ‘Blackadder’ and ‘The Vicar of Dibley’...

And, of course, the "Vincent and the Doctor" episode of Dr Who.
Obviously a man of good taste. *:)*
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