What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:04 am

The Incredible Hulk: Death in the Family. Presumed dead, Dr David Banner is on the run, trying to find a way to control the monster within him. Encountering a young girl on the road, he steps in to help when she collapses and takes her home, only to become very concerned when witnessing some decidedly dodgy "medicine" being given to her by a decidedly dodgy nurse. His concerns only deepen when he realises she's a wealthy heiress whose father died in suspicious circumstances... The second episode of the series is another feature-length one, and again really entertaining. There's a Hulk vs Brown Bear moment that has to be seen to be believed! :shock: :lol:
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:08 am

The Saint: The Convenient Monster. Simon Templar is in Scotland when a dog is found crushed to death near some gigantic footprints on the shores of Loch Ness. The conclusion is obvious but as more evidence begins to be found, Simon begins to wonder if the "monster" isn't being used as a convenient cover for a planned upcoming murder... I've just started watching this 60s action-adventure show with the great Roger Moore as the title character (randomly jumping between the b&w and colour seasons) and am enjoying it enormously. Given how much I love Uncle Rog as James Bond, as well as other 60s shows like The Avengers, I don't know why it's taken me so long. This is a great episode too, lots of fun. *:)* :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:11 am

The Incredible Hulk: Guilt, Models & Murder. David awakes from a Hulk-out to find a trashed apartment and a dead woman. Horrified by the possibility that his fury-driven alter ego may have crossed the line and taken a life, David begins to investigate the dead woman, a fashion model, and soon gets into hot water... Another strong episode featuring a star guest appearance from none other than Jeremy Brett, Sherlock Holmes himself! :shock: :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:03 am

The Incredible Hulk: 747. What's the worst place you could possibly imagine for David to lose his rag and Hulk-out? Why, a 747 of course! Which is exactly what happens in this top episode, and it's not the food or the in-flight movie that ticks him off, either. David catches a flight from San Francisco to Chicago in hopes of meeting a Doctor that may have answers for his "condition" before he leaves the country, only to get caught up in an elaborate heist/hijack that leaves all the pilots drugged and the plane heading for a bumpy landing. This is a great episode, with a fantastically tense climax as David is left trying to pilot the plane and prevent it crashing (with help from Air Traffic Control) but it's been damaged and won't work properly, and David, needless to say, starts to get angry! :shock: :lol:
I'm sure the cute younger stewardess was in V too (also Kenneth Johnson of course). Loved this one! *:)*
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:53 am

I picked season 1 of The Mentalist up from the local library a week or so back, having never seen it before. It's a cop show where the central character is a former fake psychic who now uses the observational skills he previously used as a con artist to help catch criminals following the murder of his wife and child at the hands of an elusive serial killer who is still at large. I actually really enjoyed it, watched the whole season in less than a fortnight and am hooked enough to have ordered season 2 from ebay. And it ran for 7 seasons! A lot to catch up! :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:26 am

Have stormed through season 2 of The Mentalist and ordered 3 and 4. It's a good fun show. :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:10 am

Oh dear, The Mentalist ended up being a bit of a disappointment. It started going a bit downhill after a while but season 6 was an absolute cluster****. The climax to the main Red John storyline was such an anti-climactic letdown in every sense. Someone really didn't know how to pay off a story arc. Red John turns out to be... some random dude we met once early in season 1 (I couldn't even remember the character). All that stuff with the Scientology-like religious cult Visualise and the insinuations RJ might be connected to it or even its leader (the great Malcolm McDowell who excelled in a recurring role, only to be completely thrown away and wasted in the end) turned out to be much ado about nothing.
I liked Patrick and Lisbon getting together in the end (so obvious, and they had way more chemistry than Rigsby and Grace ever did) but it was so apparent they were making this whole thing up as they went, and then totally fumbled the ending, that I was just left going WTF. I can only imagine how peeved those who actually spent years watching it (instead of two months like me) must have felt. :roll: :T

Somebody really needed to watch Buffy or Person of Interest for instructions on how to close an epic story arc in a dramatically and emotionally satisfying manner.
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby fish » Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:59 am

Ian wrote:...It started going a bit downhill...

That usually happens at the same time I outlay a chunk of the Fish Fortune to buy the rest of the bloody series. :x
Disappointing. *:|*
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:59 am

Hot Metal. Brilliant 80s newspaper comedy with Robert Hardy and Geoffrey Palmer (and later Richard Wilson). Sort of a tabloid precursor to Drop the Dead Donkey, and still fricking hilarious. Fans of One Foot in the Grave should note this is where David Renwick began publically humiliating Wilson for laughs! :lol:
A typical scene:


I also nearly cracked a rib at the advert for the "RatWorld" theme park and some of its attractions - "The Magical World of the Loony Left, where lesbians frolic in the woods and money grows on trees."
Still fricking hilarious nearly 30 years on. :lol:
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby snaps » Thu Nov 09, 2017 9:00 pm



Which bitch you may ask? Well thankfully neither of the above but Happy Jankell (pictured left with The Lex) is currently reprising her role as Esmeralda in the Swedish saga Jordskott. The new series (called Jordskott 2) is currently screening on SVT and elsewhere and has been sold to networks in over 100 countries. So far the witch Esmeralda has only maintained telephone contact with soulmate Linus (played by YOHIO, seen here together with Happy as Esmeralda) but fans are hoping for a cameo reunion of them before the series ends.


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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby snaps » Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:51 pm


SAMI BLOOD is an award-winning Swedish film that chronicles the discrimination the Sami people face.

Vote for SAMI BLOOD in the Cinema Scandinavia Awards:

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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby fish » Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:12 pm

Heard HUGE things about "Sami Blood".

Everything about it seems very good.
Hope I get the chance to see it. *:)*
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Ian » Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:32 am

The Incredible Hulk - Mystery Man (Parts 1 & 2). David is involved in a car crash that causes him to Hulk-out, and then collapse and wakes up with both facial bandages and amnesia, not even remembering his own name. Brought to town by reports of another Hulk sighting, investigative reporter Jack McGee becomes convinced that this "mystery man" knows something about the creature, and arranges a private flight to get him to a specialist in recovering memories. But when the plane goes down in the wilderness, Jack and the amnesiac David find themselves fighting for survival... I haven't liked season 2 as much as season 1, but this cracking two-parter is definitely the highlight thus far. A great survival story as well as an almost unique opportunity for these two characters to actually get screen time together (is this show weird or what, it has just three regular characters, and none of them can ever really interact!:3_grin:). There's even a dramatically satisfying ending as, although Jack still doesn't get to find out David is alive, he does get to see the masked David transform into the Hulk, and realise at last that the Hulk is actually a person most of the time. It's a fine pay-off for a great story. :D
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby Santi » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:59 pm

snaps wrote:Image

SAMI BLOOD is an award-winning Swedish film that chronicles the discrimination the Sami people face.

Vote for SAMI BLOOD in the Cinema Scandinavia Awards:


I´ve vote.

Snaps, need your help, i saw this movie.
The movie made me impressed and liked a lot, but I did not understand it. Sometimes it costs me to analyze the movies.
What she wants? It seemed to me that she wants to get out of her world, but in the other world they do not accept her too. Is it?

(Movie has spanish subtitles, by "Nordiken.net", a spanish subtitles for nordik movies: Big discovery for me!!!)
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Re: What Are You Currently Watching (on tv/dvd)?

Postby snaps » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:58 am


I can't really answer questions directly about 'SAMI BLOOD' It raises a lot of issues that are also being explored in other films and TV serials like 'MIDNIGHT SUN' In short it explores the dark history of Sweden and its influence on eugenics. In brief, the Centre for Racial Biology was established at Uppsala in Sweden in 1922, and its pseudo-scientific propaganda was a major influence on Nazi ideology a full 10 years before Hitler came to power in Germany This dark legacy was long-lasting and indeed 'sterilisation programmes' against the Sami people were continued (covertly) up until the mid 1970s. Despite more recent efforts of Swedish governments to protect Sami rights, language and culture there are deep-seated prejudices against the Sami by some Swedish people. Some of the Sami have become more integrated into the Swedish mainstream economy and society. Inevitably though, they have faced the counter-reaction of some within the Sami community who feel that these people have betrayed their ethnic and tribal roots. :cry: :cry:
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