Alexandra on the time after Fucking Åmål

Discuss Lukas Moodysson's first feature film Fucking Åmål (Show me Love).

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Alexandra on the time after Fucking Åmål

Postby Agnes&Elin Forever! » Tue May 27, 2008 2:52 am

Another translation by me, from, enjoy :wink:

Now 700.000 Swedish people have seen Fucking Åmål. On monday it has the chance to win 5 Guldbagge-awards.

Alexandra Dahlström, the character of Elin in the film, tells us what happened. Furthermore Alexandra is about to have a small part in Kjell Sundvall's next film. (Note, this was "In Bed with Santa" 1999).

NOW IT'S SOON time for the Guldbagge-awards.
I hope we will win a few of them. On the other hand the Guldbagge itself is not so cool, but it doesn't matter. It's fun to dress up even though it's rather uncomfortable.
I think I will be so nervous that I throw up.
It's been 4 months since Fucking Åmål premiered.
The first time I got to see the film was on video together with some friends, so I was relaxed at that time. It's probably a very good film, too bad I'm in it because I mostly think about really trivial stuff while watching it, like "Oh, after shooting that scene we ate summer-pizza" or "How greasy my hair was at that moment" or "In that scene my hair is not greasy because I've had a fight with the make-up girl so we had to wash it in a sink at the Sylte-school".

I CAN'T watch it for real. But at the same time it's a good thing I'm in it, because if somebody else portrayed Elin I'd hate her for various reasons.
Some time after I'd seen it on video there was a showing of the film to the media. We didn't dare to attend that, so we went to a café instead.
Then we went back and we were curious so we watched the last scene together with the journalists. The reactions were really positive and everybody applauded a lot when the film was over. Lukas said to me this was a good thing because these people are journalists, and sometimes they act like cineast snobs leaving the theater before the film is over just to seem cool. And they usually never applaud. This time they did and it felt good to us.

AFTER THAT THERE WAS the premiere in Trollhättan. When we went by car trough the town I became really nostalgic and looked at every Barber-shop, Mechanic and Pizza signs, followed every time by a "Oooooooh". Trollhättan is so beautiful. I recognised the Hollywood Pizza, that's the place where they serve summer-pizza.
At the unofficial premiere in Trollhättan they also liked the film. Mats Bråsted from Expressen (Note, a daily newspaper) was there, Rebecka said that he was an evil man, so we didn't talk to him very much.

THE WEEK AFTER the premiere a girl came up to me on the bus and said I was good, we discussed Swedish teen-movies, they're usually not very good, she knew rather much about movies in general.
Then there was the big premiere in Stockholm. It was the biggest, most scary and coolest thing I've ever experienced. When the film was over everybody applauded so much that my ears hurt.
Then we had to step up to the stage in front of the screen. The PR-woman said Dregen (Note, a rock singer) was my idol and he should also step up on the stage. It was terribly embarrasing and he looked really uncomfortable.
Two months later Vecko Revyn reported the LATEST NEWS! that Dregen had hugged me and that nobody but ourselves knew what he had whispered in my ear.
I don't think he said anything at all, and if he did I still wouldn't remember what it was, because to me everything was so embarrasing but at the same time so big.
Outside my sister and my cousin came up to me and hugged me, and we all started crying.
That's what happened, everything was scary.

THE DAY AFTER I was even more scared. All the time I saw myself lying on the ground in a pool of blood with my teeth knocked out. A has-been when you're 15 years old, must not turn crazy now, must not turn crazy now, I must stay down to earth now.
I went to the world's nicest friend who has the world's nicest family. We watched a thousand movies on video, played board-games with her little brother and took the dog out for a walk.
When I got home a guy I don't even know had called and said we were gonna go out and have coffee together. To me this just felt unpleasant. For two weeks I didn't have to be in school because we had prao (Note, a couple of weeks where the students get to practice helping out for real at various work-places) this was a good thing because I was afraid people would act weirdly to me.
But it wasn't so bad, everybody in my school who live in Vasastan have been neighbours with some celebrity and they're all bloody discrete and sophisticated. So practically no one said "thanks you did a good job" even if they did think so, they were too proud for this.
The few times people my age have said "You did a good job" I can count on my two hands.

NO EX-BOYFRIEND from the past got in touch with me either, they probably realized this would be REALLY embarrasing to them.
A couple of boys in my class were probably the ones who reacted the most.
They shout at me "do you think this is Åmål?" everytime I say something funny or loud. But afterwards they say it's because they're proud of me.
Me and Rebecka went with a journalist to the town of Åmål and had a look. After that I had to be in a television talk-show that was broadcast from there. At first I was really afraid everybody were gonna throw rotten food at me since we shot the film in Trollhättan and not Åmål. But they were all nice to me.

THE MORNING AFTER a lot of teenagers died in a big fire in a discotheque in Gothenburg. It was strange and scary and hard to understand. The same day they told us Fucking Åmål was the Swedish nomination for the Academy Awards, but it wasn't so nice to hear this on such a sad day.
Many newspapers wrote nice things. And not so nice things. Like when one interview turned up in a magazine for kids that we hadn't even done.
Media is disgusting and should be nicer and cleaner.

BIG THINGS that happened this fall were two bad and one good.
I got a great male friend for the first time in ages, he wanted me to write on his plaster so I did. Then we e-mailed each other and I understood he was a really nice person.
The best part of it all (almost) was all the sweet letters I got from fans.
"You have genuine girl-power!" and "You mean more to me than the Spice Girls ever have" and then they wanted to be pen-pals with me. You really want to hug all the sweet 11 year olds and say kind things to them so they'll become happy.
I got necklaces, chocolate and many sweet words. I didn't answer many of them, I have bad conscience about this, but I didn't have the time. Also I couldn't afford answering all the letters, the postage would be too expensive.

I NEVER GET any fun invitations to premieres. But I think I know why. At one point a party-organizer had been really upset with the PR-woman because he couldn't get my address. She then explained to him Alexandra is FOURTEEN years old and is not gonna get drunk together with E-Type. He understood and nodded and said -Sure we must avoid this.
So now I get invitations to Sleepless in Seattle 2, and similar stuff.

IT IS BORING. But in a weeks time I will actually be able to go to 15-year rated movies.
I wanna watch Terminator movies!!!!
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Postby Ian » Tue May 27, 2008 3:56 am

LOL Aww, so cute. :D Thanks for that.
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Postby fraks » Tue May 27, 2008 5:55 am


There was well put URL on source text.
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Postby Agnes&Elin Forever! » Fri May 30, 2008 5:42 pm

Not quite sure what you mean fraks, but this is the article "Alexandra om tiden efter FÅ" on "".
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Postby fraks » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:02 am

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